This general is for discussing the less popular mobage (Mobile Games). Games whose Veeky Forums generals wouldn't last a day or two on their own and games that are not popular enough for their own general. Typically these are Japanese only games.
>Current English Games Potion Maker, Terra Battle, Panzer Waltz, Shadowverse, Valkyrie Connect
>Current Foreign games Battle Girl High School, Shironeko Project & Tennis, Warship girls, Shoumetsu Toshi, Girls Frontline, Alternative Girls, Destiny Child, #compass.
>For a complete list of games played in the thread and more information about them, please read this:
If looking for game recommendations or suggestions on what to play, please check the above docs. This docs is regularly updated with games and has all the games discussed on the thread.
>Help! The game I want to play is not available for download on the store: Read this for information on how to find APKs or getting around region locks.
How do you guys usually find games that you want in the app stores? 95% of the shits out there are complete garbage and searching through piles and piles of them to find just one or two gems doesn't feel like it's worth the effort.
Christopher Mitchell
I just listen to what mbgg tells me to play.
Levi Hughes
healer childs
Anthony Wright
>95% shit That's being very generous. There's an extensive amount of shit.
I usually just try out new stuff when it comes up here. That means it's at least caught some user's attention enough to post it here, so if it looks interesting to me too then it's worth a shot.
Occasionally I'll also flip through Yoyaku, and see if anything looks promising.
Jose Garcia
>Valkyrie Profile event planned on Anamnesis That was fast.
Eli Morgan
Does anyone have an Otogi account with New Year Game? I want to buy one.
Nicholas Gomez
GF bosses are cute
Adam Ross
Now that you mention it, is the VP mobage ded already?
Like your own girls, they have a nice death animation. Too bad it's usually covered by the you win banner.
Grayson Garcia
Not a fan of the series so at least it gives me a free pass not to roll.
Jonathan Stewart
Well, time to give a shit about the game.
Ayden Wilson
>That's being very generous After a little browsing through app store, it should have been 99.999% that's shit. There's not a lot of non-moonrune games out there that rarely catches my eye.
Hudson Parker
They're passives and special seem decent actually.
Thank god.
Justin Nelson
To play on PC, what is the best emulator?
I wanna try the Ragnarok Mobile game and maybe some others.
Is it as simple as running their software from an emulator or do you need to jump through other hoops?
Lucas Bennett
It seems it's still alive.
Easton Nguyen
Nox is the best I tried. It just werks and there's plenty of functions.
Gabriel Diaz
Do we have a /mbgg/ discord. Or like game-specific discords. I've just about had it with fucking leddit
Cooper Thomas
Lenneth's talents seem good, but we still don't know the damage multipliers of their rush combos. Given who they are, I should hope that they're in the top tier. I'm still not going to roll unless there's some sort of gurantee. I need to save my crystals for when Fate comes out. Having Fate and Maria are the only reasons I play, and I'm halfway there.
Nicholas Price
Why do you need a discord? Just ask questions here.
Bentley Cruz
There's this live pull thingie in this game so I thought I could get to watch or have some people pull.
Daniel Robinson
What happened there?
Josiah Brooks
These cunts are annoying af. There's this one faggot who keeps telling me not to play this or that because he doesn't like it.
However when you express your opinion you are instantly told that it's not true.
Jacob Sullivan
>Tfw they've shown characters in the SOA comic yet haven't released them This is even the first one
Jaxson Lewis
Ian Long
Miki and Fidel are siblings?
Mason Reed
I think it's funny that they're releasing collab characters before anyone from Star Ocean 2.
Nicholas Richardson
Claude is probably the next character to be released.
Benjamin Hill
Landon Jenkins
SO2's the most popular one I believe. Probably waiting it out. Gell they've already released a ton from 5.
I hope they when they release all the SO characters they start releasin random SEGA characters especially Segata Sanshiro
Carson Baker
Looks like is talent is atk+50%. That power creep is fast. Would his latent stack with Fidel's? Someone posted a chart of what stacks and what doesn't before, and I can't remember how it worked.
Isaiah Thompson
They better release him with Leon.
Christian Morales
Once they release all the characters once, they're probably start releasing them again with new classes and outfits like Nel.
Chase Allen
I imagine if they run into any problems with that, they'll just release alternate costume versions of the characters already out instead.
Gabriel Green
Reddit being shit isn't just some meme, user. We tried to warn you.
Elijah Perez
>Not Rena Heresy
Noah Flores
Is Tennis kill here?
Jace Gonzalez
I'm sorry senpai, now I know.
Cameron Peterson
Tennis is kill, then revived for a second match, then kill again.
Jordan Kelly
1. Talent ATK Up (Self) 2. Talent ATK Up (All) 3. Weapon ATK Up 4. Talent Damage Up (Self) 5. Talent Damage Up (All) 6. Weapon Damage Up 7. Weapon Damage Up (Conditional) 123(stacks) +56(highest) +47 Only the highest multiplier applies for (All)
Angel Garcia
Camden Sanders
healer ketchup man
Hunter Thomas
Should I expect that attacker pick-up gacha in #compass to come back? Don't want to waste my ticket on such a huge pool of heroes, since the chances of getting what I want are already pretty small.
Benjamin Jones
It might return in the future but probably not for some time. Gunner and sprinter gacha is tomorrow I believe, if you're interested.
Thomas Cox
What's today?
Charles Stewart
Today is just the standard all-heroes gacha
Luke Peterson
SO2 is insanely popular in Japan. In the west, however, SO3 reigns supreme because it's babbys first, also the amount of rule34 associated with it. I think what makes SO2 so great compared to the other ones, and why it deserves so, is because of the amount of effort put into the little things, like the insane amount of character endings. It also melds sci-fi and fantasy pretty well, being more about fantasy and less about sci-fi. Everything feels grounded in reality whilst the other SO games after 2 feels like some some teen anime. SO4 feels something like the PS2 era Square would make.
Claude Kenni: Pretty much your hotheaded and rebellious westerner with a lot of responsibility riding on his shoulders. Ashton Anchors: Two dragons, two swords. Also potential bl material. Looks like a gay priest. Bowman Jean: He's your modern day doctor that can punch things. He's also your dad. Noel Chandler: Natureboy. A fighter healer hybrid. Might be a furry too. Ernest Raviede: He's got a whip? That's all I got on him really... Leon Geeste: Shota mage. Dias Flac: He's TFG. Classic bishounen for the ladies. He's actually not that strong, but he's so cool, who cares about strong?
Rena Lanford: Your basic innocent healer girl on a mission. Looks like a loli, if you're playing the remake, but isn't. Precis Neumann: Your nerdy tech otaku. This one is actually a loli, but she'll fist you with her backpack into a bloody mess. Opera Vectra: She's stacked, but she already has someone. In the game, she can pretty much be NTRed. Chisato Madison: Reporter kung-fu milf. Slutty Magician: Slutty Magician.
Jordan Bailey
>Leon Geeste: Shota mage.
Cat Shota mage.
Camden Morris
Why does it skip like that. It made me think it appeared earlier and I missed out
Cooper Ramirez
So I got RO mobile to run for awhile on Nox, but now it's just locking up on launch
I can't read fuckinganything because it's all in chinese, but I was able to figure out the basic gameplay. Some quests were impossible//confusing without being able to read the text.
I don't know if trying to break the language and tech barriers is going to be worth it.
I have absolutely no idea on how to beat the lockup situation.
Blake Ramirez
This kind of wants to make me play Star Ocean. Can I go with the remakes?
Colton Miller
increase Nox's RAM allocation? set to 2GB or something. helps when I have trouble with other games.
Josiah Rodriguez
Bumped it to 4gb and it's still hanging on load.
Only managed to get the game to launch once, but it locked up when I entered town.
I've never really used mobile, didn't expect it to be such a hassle.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
It's time to kiss the Geek gacha goodbye.
I really want to sell this dupe, but unfortunately, he's my best water nuke. I would use Luna, but Souma does not work well with her.
Matthew Bennett
>Bowman Jean: He's your modern day doctor that can punch things. He's also your dad. More like Broman. He looked like the most plain dude ever in a game and party featuring mostly aliens and freaks, but the concept of a chill pharmacist punching things and utilizing various pills for combat was pretty novel back then and he ended up having pretty brutal DPS. Just a shame he didn't fight in his labcoat. I also remember liking Opera and Chisato, both SO1&2 were pretty good when it came to mature/adult characters actually behaving like adults.
SO2 Second Evolution looks quite a bit more anime than the original, but it's so much more polished in every aspect that I wouldn't look back. It's a shame the games never released on PSN, I would've definitely grabbed SO2 at least. To be honest I'm pretty sure the gameplay will feel dated as fuck for large parts and I don't think I was much of a fan of the main story either, but I'm with that the cast and the world-building felt pretty awesome and should still hold up.
Luke Carter
I guess I'll try with the bluestacks emulator, and if that doesn't work we're SOL.
What would you guys say the highlight of mobile games is? Why would you play these over console/pc options?
Ryder Young
is this where everyone who play RO Mobile posts or is there another thread. just installed it too and a bit clueless. works flawlessly on my phone though.
Bentley Hall
>kill a guy two times >still can't cap a portal key because respawn is so fucking short and the distance between the base and key is tiny This game is stupid
Dominic Cruz
Those for 4 debuff totems in genpei wars 2 normal map with the ice samurai guy is annoying as fuck. I can't clear them all without somehow getting caught by a freeze, why does the debuff remove summons, they shouldn't be considered buffs
Kevin Mitchell
Isn't that game in chinese?
Isaiah Wilson
It is but basic intuition is enough to play for the most part. Every quest seems to have auto-map tracking.
Alexander Reyes
>Why would you play these over console/pc options? I like both, but they each have their own strengths.
Console/PC stuff (ideally) gives a more complete experience, with a set start and end.
Mobage give an ongoing, open-ended experience; with frequent events and updates to keep things new.
Also, gambling and collecting is addictive.
Austin Foster
There's this game called twintail made by 6waves. Supposedly got #1 pre-register in Japan recently and just released a few days ago. Anyone tried it yet?
Isaiah Bailey
I was able to get past that room a few times. But the boss room is worse, so I still haven't cleared it. Not sure if I'm gonna bother trying more.
>getting caught by a freeze If you were around for the Christmas even and picked it up, try equipping this accessory for freeze resist.
Jonathan Green
>Also, gambling and collecting is addictive. Well done gacha games can actually be somewhat neat, since you end up having to make the best out of whatever the game gives you, and you end up making parties that you never would have tried out if you were allowed to just pick anyone.
Of course, this requires the game to be balanced well enough that lower rarities aren't just trash.
Kevin Rogers
Use a cross saber's assault. Play someone that doesn't rely on defensive buffs as hard as the two Miko, neither shit out lightning damage anyway. Equip a freeze cancelling accessory, pretty sure an event in the past few months gave one. Or bring a mage that clears status ailments.
Also, the map runs a lot nicer with co-op.
Boss room is almost easier than the room before it, since it's at least large enough to run away and take a break. Just have to watch out for the dual-wield demon boss that pops up.
Connor Ross
>why I don't know, I came in her to talk about some shitty card game and just never left.
Liam Jones
You're here forever user. You can never leave.
William Roberts
Was having a lot of trouble with Nox latest version. Crashes and games just not working, closing immediately after opening. Is it better to use older ones?
Brayden Butler
I know, user. I play so many now.
Brayden Lee
Are any of the DMM hentai mobages good? I like a little gameplay with my porn.
David Jenkins
Aigis maybe. Or muv luv
Jacob Adams
I never asked for this, the only one I really want is Hestia!
Leo Bennett
FKG is quite good for a while. There's a gbf clone titled kamihime project.
Robert Hughes
I didn't even get much chance to try to run away, and demon's sword throw range is pretty big.
But now that I read more about it, I guess I didn't bring anyone useful for fighting the demon anyway.
And didn't know I could take out all the pots before letting him spawn, that probably would have made it easier.
Wyatt James
My Detective Nemo shits all over the dual-wield demon, so it wasn't an issue for me. Well, it would usually mow down my main before I realized it was out, but not an issue once I finally got the no deaths clear.
Zachary Gonzalez
Leo Sanchez
No Nemos here, but I've got enough characters that should be able to handle him fine. I was just too focused on "lightning/high atkspeed" and went in with Ruka/Detective Tsukimi.
Not that I was living long enough for the resistances to be an issue, but hopefully the pots thing will help with that.
Brody Turner
>Someone posted a 60 second time for 400 difficulty senbatsu stage >There's a 44 second time too I have equivalent stuff for what they use but I won't be able to get timing down that tight. Especially now that 1st year loli HP girl link is gone, I don't think I have complete -1 combo friendship for other school years.
Joseph Sullivan
Sol is cute and annoying as fuck.
Robert Green
Well, this wasn't fun at all.
Lincoln Rivera
This is a time for the Hell 400 stage I got earlier when there was an HP girl's link for the 1st year middle schoolers. I had some good cards for them, so I had to take advantage. The only thing I like about Senbatsu is the challenge of coming up with a plan using what cards and weapons you have. What I don't like is needing to retry and retry to actually execute the plan well.
I'm going to need to keep my eyes peeled for videos of people doing it faster.
Christian Garcia
I have Christmas Shiho and Valentine's Sakura so I initially attempted HP nuking.
However, I gave up after an hour and swapped to a much easier Christmas Sadone strategy which took like 5 tries to actually complete the stage comparatively.
Seriously, 4 fucking waterspouts then 4 fucking thundercunts is stupid. Literally impossible to stand still or even attempt attacking.
Hell AI always makes Senbatsus the dumbest bullshit where you're reliant on perfect enemy RNG to not get destroyed while trying to execute your fastest kill strategy.
Nolan Long
There's one for Facebook tier stupid if you want to get on their level instead.
Kevin Jackson
Benjamin Stewart
I took another user's advice and tried to take them on one by one with stun subs. Until I messed up and killed an extra gold slime, so I had to go into full dodgespam mode.
Ended up with only 146 points, but a clear is a clear.
Also tried to Christmas Sadone it, but hard to keep up enough SP for that.
Colton Flores
Am I missing the Phantom of the Kill thread because I'm blind, or is there just no thread out there for it?
Apparently I rolled really good and I don't want to mess this up so I have quiet a few questions.
Elijah Torres
most of us dropped potk years ago
Jordan Rogers
Theres still a few of us, I don't know how many converted to global though
Michael Watson
Are there any good wikis out there? The one I found is pretty shit and doesn't delve too much on the details of all my questions.
I roll two of the top five best characters on a whim of picking up this game, and it's a dead game. Just my fucking luck
Levi Martin
The game itself is far from dead, theres events almost every two weeks / monthly Just there's really not much to talk about
Andrew Rodriguez
>I'm going to need to keep my eyes peeled for videos of people doing it faster. And as expected, there's a video of someone doing it in about 50 seconds, and someone doing it in about 30 seconds up on Youtube. Christmas Shiho and Nurse Kaede are the key along with Skill Burst subs.
I don't have either of those cards, and if getting S-rank is solely reliant on them, that's going to be disappointing.
Caleb Clark
Maybe you could help me out then. I'm saving up all my Lazuli gems for discount pulls, do you know on a regular when these may occur or if the beginner's pull are worth the gems? And the mana coins, are they purely for the meant to be used on pulls and that's it or is there any other use to them?
Juan Edwards
Always pull 10x for 30 lazuli, that happens like once a month usually and save them for units you want to max limit break for mana coins just pull them whenever you feel like it, it's mostly for fusion fodder and gear fusing early on. Only good unit from them is tyrfin
Jeremiah Diaz
They have a special shop going right now. 1 offer is 15 lazuli is 1 4-5* ticket, 2 standard tickets, 10 gold bundles and 6 metal keys. The other is 20 lazuli is 2 4-5*, 1 standard ticket and 8 metal keys.
Another offer for the first week after the tutorial is "10 x recruit" first time 10 lazuli, second 30 lazuli, third 50 lazuli. It states after each pull is a higher chance of a 5* dropping and the last pull has at least one guaranteed 5*.
Which ones would you invest into? The first two offers have only 2 days left and the third has 6 days left. I'm considering the 20 lazuli offer, then trying my best for the third offer completion.