Where is this stuff he's putting in here going? Realistically...

Where is this stuff he's putting in here going? Realistically, what are the consequences of stuffing coins and wrappers into the gear shift?

It fall into the hollow area under the center console user. There are no consequences besides ants roaches and rats. It's basically like throwing food wrappers all around your house.

So I was driving home from getting a huge fountain soda at the store and spilled 64 ounces of coke down my shifter. It quit working a month or two later, took it to ford under warranty. They fixed it. I'd imagine wrappers and coins would fuck it up way worse.

Wrappers aren't a liquid. Coke is.

i feel bad for the guys who had to work on this fat fucks car

kek, I was actually fit at the time, working on becoming the fat fuck I am now.

>64 ounces of coke
what the fuck

I take it you don't live in America
they sell drinks that size at many fast food places as well as convenience stores and gas stations

>64 ounces
god damn

>64 ounces of coke


This is my car. It works A okay

jesus fucking christ better watch out Cleetus McBeetus

Anyone want me to do a few items in the shifter right now? Any suggestions?

64 ounces of coke

coca cola, 64 ounces of it.


Fuck that, it's bullshit that car manufacturers don't make realistically sized cup holders for us Americans. A 64 ounce soda should be the minimum size cup holder.


Recommeded Intake per day for a man: 37g

760% of your daily sugar!


what cars do fat people drive?

Around 1/2 of the 64 oz is ice though.

Minivans, mid to full size SUV's, sometimes you'll see a fat fuck rolling around in a full size sedan.

Oh well, fuck it then. That makes everything ok.

Just because they sell the 64 oz does not mean you must buy the 64 ounce. Water or unsweetened tea are also really viable options.

Minivans seem to be preferred.

There's not really any consequences besides animal intrusion unless the sticky crap gets into the selector contacts etc. Some cars are more sensitive than others. Being a junkyard connoisseur, I see the results of gluttony and sloth in cars all the time. Disgusting trash ends up in the shifter and the ebrake area especially.

If your bitch ass doesn't request no ice.


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For what purpose?

It's a good way to tips your mechanic.

its fucking hilarious at the least,

fucking autists!

scion xB, Honda Element

Take a look at the cupholder inside a 2002 Dodge RAM

>scion xB, Honda Element
That's so true. I always see sassy fat mexicans and half breads in these. It's like you have to weigh 300-lbs to own one.

>cleaning laptops keyboard from semen
could be worse