/wfg/ - Warframe General

Butt Prime edition
previous thread: >READ the pastebins BEFORE asking stupid questions
GENERAL FAQ: pastebin.com/wyz3Ye1g
Additional FAQ, SERIOUSLY, READ THIS ONE: pastebin.com/GHStmm22

>How to join Warbros No Fun Allowed, if it wasn't full: i.imgur.com/RMS2guW.png
>Avoid the line, join the /wfg/ alliance today! PM killsaw of Warbros NFA for inquiries

>Notable links
Essentials: deathsnacks.com/wf/index.html
Focus System: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Focus
Buying and Selling items: warframe.market
News: forums.warframe.com/forum/170-news-events/
Raid Setups and individual Builds:
Warframe Raid Schoolbus: Hide your power lvl and follow the rules: discord.gg/aUTTyWH
Damage 2.n: i.imgur.com/AFVavTs.jpg
Droptables and Data: github.com/VoiDGlitch/WarframeData
DPS calculator and weapon build planner: github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/tag/0.8.2 (not maintained)
Top guns, read note at the bottom: i.imgur.com/wGxxMVo.jpg
Tierqueer Filters: [Gist] Tierqueer Filters.md
CURRENT UPDATE: The Glast Gambit
> forums.warframe.com/topic/738152-the-glast-gambit-update-195/
> forums.warframe.com/topic/723544-the-war-within-1907-valkyr-prime/
Older stream footage: pastebin.com/LkZRPteU
liestream highlights: warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Livestreams
For specific liestream highlights, use warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Devstream_## (replace ##)

/wfg/ OP pastebin, if it's not like this one report it and make a proper one: pastebin.com/iAgtMahh

Other urls found in this thread:


You fucked up the OP
Tierqueer Filters: gist.github.com/JustEndMyLife/8d7d68d5ebdffe5995a53c42edf43663

Girls do not have nice butts. discuss this opinion.

Your opinion is shit.

counter-statement,you're wrong and I'm right.

it's okay because these are robot butts not girl butts


The crack show more.

>People are ACTUALLY defending Oberon for the sake of arguing against TQ
Stop giving him (You)votes

Homosexuals are a minority.


>thread starts incredibly nsfw
Guess I'll check out the other one and/or hope this one dies quickly.

threadly reminder to ignore this shitty attempt to create drama

Do butts frighten you?

>His dog isn't worth thousands of plat

Hows this one looking?

>instead of stalker it's that dog

-HHH died for this...

So whichever one was linked first takes priority?
Shouldn't it be the other way?

Friendly reminder Hydroid statistically speaking has the biggest ass in warframe

>crash course
yeah not good
>mods not at least r9

>0 elemental damage
See me after class

How's my Prism Mirage build for raids? I'm confident it's good, I have 2.4k hours in this game

Can peeps post their Mesa builds? I'm trying to decide between Staggering Shield or Muzzle Flash.

Also Mesa is fun as fuck and is my new frame-fu. I'm sorry Ember


he was modeled after fatfuck
what did you expect?

Should I base my prices off of the sellers or buyers part of warframe market when I search for something

Never can have enough Ivara. Patiently awaiting more content for her

Everyone knows he's the thiccest frame.

>im confident its good
>i have 2.4k hours in game, as if that matters
>asks "is this good"

fuck off nigger faggot
all because the thread doesnt exist in the archives doesn't mean people forgot.

Augments are meh imo, you're not CC dispencer.

Muzzle flash doesn't have enough range to be useful.
I believe enemies have to be within the range of SS for staggering shield to do anything, and usually you'd dump range anyway.
Just put as much range as you can get while still keeping drain low. Prefer duration over efficiency for capping drain, since that means less recasting of SS/SG.

>biting his hook
He got roasted and is now trying to start another dumb argument. Just ignore it.

Fuck off TQ
If you were to swap Vita for Stretch there would be
nothing wrong with that build.
One mod off being acceptable is probably better than most of your shitstain builds.


>not nekros

>TQ still spamming this shit
>original build wasn't even meant for lor
>original builder suggested anything could go into the last slot and offered te as an offhand suggestion for if the user was happy with the build without ant other power-changing mod there

Get bent.

it warms the heart

don't ever mention that name to me.

>not 40% chroma

>have to wait for enemies to be ensnared by tentacles
>wanting to kill slower

Name my AIDS dog.

please to be of helpings, I want to be fair with my prices.


I don't understand. What do I need to improve it?

Hol up you fuck you forgot to specify a number



Fuck you.

always base on the sellers, if not a bit higher. but then haggle for 30 sec and if the price is at the lowest sellers point or above the highest buyer, accept.

all of Mesa's augments are shit. Check the frame guide, there's a list of good augments in there

pic related is my build, you can replace TF/ with a survivability mod

sold riven a few days ago, but this

>find ayatan treasure parkour room in regular mission
>at the end was a cephalon fragment

I swear to fuck if you don't admit Hydroid is the best farmboy in warframe I'm gonna pop you one right on the lips

>No meme Spy or Rescue in Sorties today at all

im sorry, i assumed you wanted to sell. for buying choose a price between buyers or at the sellers point and deduct a percentage. in some cases the trade chat has gone mad, in those cases choose the lowest sellers point.

dont be afraid to tell them to fuck off.

The cat is out of the ba- hat.

Speaking of dogs I think there is something wrong with mine.
Should I be worried?

>find ayatan treasure parkour room in regular mission
>at the end was a cephalon fragment
aww, tons o' loot though


I did mean selling, but buying will be helpful too as I do want something I don't have the relics for.
Thank you for this.

Do not in fact check the frame guide.



why dont you pop me on the lips with yours, fag boy

Gorgon stats pls?

That reminds me, I need to delete my Daikyu.


>Check the frame guide, there's a list of good augments in there

Literally never do this.

He isn't.
-some faggot with Hydroid as his most used


>keeping someone away from the best resource for his questions

Daikyu rivens actually make it useful, so its better than nothing

prepare yourself.

But its an incredibly unfun weapon, much akin to all bows.

im still waiting for a - firerate daikyu.
my -100% weapon recoil daikyu riven just wont reroll to - firerate.

i like hydroid better than nekros for farming too. he is just more work.

Forgot to add that i'm talking about the other one


any way to set a chrome shortcut that automatically searches catalog for wfg?

Negative Multishot, need I say more?

are we showing off?

Elemental damage will always be the main source of a weapons damage because of how resistances and bonus dmg vs certain armor types/hp works
You should NEVER use any kind of physical damage mod on any weapon.
No idea what the riven mod is but considering its unranked and your general knowledge of how to build a weapon I'd say its stats are garbage
Go viral on fucking everything, heat is a luxury element and you use shred instead if you can't go 3 element (aka crit weapons)

Your pastebin is full of cookie cutter build you're cargo-culting in the hopes the thread will praise you. The advice you give, and the guide you've written, is based on your extremely limited, heavily flawed understanding of the game and even when people explain in excruciating detail why you are wrong in every possible way all you do is reply with image macros and demands for screencaps.

The comparison of calling posters here regular citizens who "don't know chemistry" is pretty shit too, above and beyond he's basically saying he's the only person around who knows how to play the game.

Reroll it with fire
Muh tests show that viral sux in some cases, so i go full retard and put corrosive on everything and my carrier aswell.

>it's a "people take TQ's bait again" thread

yes. just the link
Veeky Forums org/vg/warframe
searches the catalog for warframe and shows results. works on any board.

>nooo stop using what's popular, use MY special snowflake builds!

i dunno, are we?

was trying vg/catalog/wfg and wasnt working

the actual fuck is that image user haha

jokes on you, i have this bad boy.

>your builds

>You should NEVER use any kind of physical damage mod on any weapon.
What should I replace the impact mods with then?

>bring some shitty weapons to sortie exterminate to level
>a juggernaut comes out and wrecks us

Why do these things always happen when I decide to be a lazy piece of shit.

blood rush and body count/drifting contact, crit mods instead of primed reach and spoiled strike and berserking instead of fury

>man I'm so cool for using special snowflake builds, they're good I swear, I get top damage on Mercury all the time, damn I'm cool does anyone else notice how cool I am?

There are actually times that using physical damage mods is fine, like Primed Heavy Trauma and/or Collision Force on War or Fanged Fusillade on Dread.

Generally speaking though it's better to use 90% elementals to get the better combo elements like Viral or Corrosive going instead though.

Anyone else excited for Melee Rivens? I can't wait for Ripkas to be relevant for once in their miserable life.

>TQ trying this hard to shill is builds

>it's a TQ finally, accidentally posts his stream of consciousness episode