League of legends general /lolg/

TFW no Diana GF to torture me, taunt me, then kill me

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this game is gay

>enemy team picks Shaco

xth for Talon x Malzahar

Gurofag, why?

Ill fight you

This blades my favorite, and this blondes Talons favorite!

so is it just me or am i the only one seeing this

All he needs is a pair of shotguns and Riot is trying to get the Overwatch fans.

Tried to quit this game and focus on studies only. Lasted a week before I decided to drop my clubs and just have League and school. I've spent too much time and money on this game to just stop.

Fuck Riot for making a replayable game.

xth for breast metal waifu

Goddamn it

His gay lover has the shotgun though

Do you think when Irelia gets her eventual VGU (probably either this year or next year) and they rework all of her splash arts, they'll include a nod to Frostbutt's frostbutt? Kinda like new Lolipoppy and 5th Age Taric?

Are we getting patch notes tonight or what?

how does it feel shipping an inferior pairing

Will he ever get it back?

If Riot ever comes out and declares one of their characters gay just to appeal SJWs, I'm dropping this game. There was literary no point in Blizzard declaring Tracer gay and didn't add to her character.

Malzahar is a super model

Not for gays

I wanna cuddle Jinx
as flattering as it is my bp isn't for hire...yet...

As a Reaper main this makes me like the skin even more, even though I don't play TF and my past experiences of doing so have ended abhorrently awfully. I'm not an edgefag I swear I just like sneaking around and nuking people

stop this

Talon is for Ezreal!

youre just doing this to bug me

>he even teleports in a shitty telegraphed way that Reaper does

Im sorry user, he's just my favorite behind Fiddlesticks to play as.

So far the only characters they ever really told us sexualities over:

Taric - Pansexual
Jhin - Gunsexual? No one can tell.
Azir - Straight

Nope. Because unlike Taric's and Poppy's skins, hers isn't memorable or carried as a meme in the community. So once they change the splash arts, her Frostblade skin will show no butts.

Don't forget hecarim he's apachesexual

Is Frostbutt only a meme on Veeky Forums?

Is it a big deal with a character is gay or not? People just want to play the game.

Talon would beg to differ.

Hardly. It's just been mating press with her.

It makes no difference to me. I play champions based on if their kits are enjoyable to me

TF x Graves is just one of those ex-rivalrous bromantic relationships worth cracking a joke at, user, don't take it too seriously

Also I'm pretty sure they're gonna "confirm" vi or cait are gay (but not for each other) pretty soonish

it didn't detract from her character either

pointing out that Tracer is gay was no different from Riot declaring that cupcakes are Lulu's favorite food

Just tidbits of character information that some people might find relatable or endearing

i have never felt so gay within the first 50 posts than now
im cringing at lightspeed
can you gays please make a discord and shitpost there
hell do it in the offical lolg discord they have a channel for fags like you

im sorry for whatever I did to make you not like me

plz stop

Bet some people got upset because of the porns they created of her.

>14 day suspension for calling people kikes
never been suspended before, way to show your hand Riot. we'll see what you have to say when God Emperor Trump's fury rains down on you.

Never trust Kitsunes and Kumiho.

I don't dislike you

it's just that malz and talon belong together

>bans draven

>Malz and Talon belong together

Ahri please stop these lies

Jhin is asexual. He is too much of a psychopath to have a real relationship with anyone, confirmed by riot.

videogame designers are cliche-inundated mouthbreathers who rip off each other in the name of "homage" to compensate for not having even a single creative bone in their body.

They probably weren't even consciously trying to embody Reaper. They were probably both ripping off the same boring "edgy masked man in cloak" archetype that has existed in manchildren fiction for forever.

yes in spite of how I feel about that I do enjoy league of legends

Anyone else rage deep down inside whenever you get a retarded teammate?

I don't mean regular tilt, I mean a legitimate anger...

I'm pretty sure I have anger issues. I don't break anything but this game gets me way more mad than it should.

Lulu is my STAR!

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

>Diana Thread

I like it

At least you're not me who got top ACT and SAT marks, went to an okay decent college, and lost his scholarships and got put on academic probation for playing too much lego legends

no matter how bad you have it someone has it worse


Place bets
whats in it


Nasus champion shard

Time Machine Zilean


a legendary or better

what did she meant by this?

Caskbreaker Gragas was in that box

now to earn 3 more fucking keys

>humble bragging

>Caskbreaker Gragas
That's alright, could be worse, could be better.

yeah lots of people do, and they make this game miserable for the rest of us that don't give a shit and have to deal with your tilting ass flaming the rest of the team

still, neither of us can be expected to change, it's in our nature

Its a shit skin i got from crate too


TF was one of the worst choices they could have I swear.

Hell it doesn't even look very eastern-inspired.

>mf: LOL I got autofilled to adc
>me: trade with me
>nah I can adc
>support: also autofilled
>jg: I can trade
>10 min in
>vayne is 7-0

I wish I could play comfy birb, but between getting camped and then having do deal with fed vaynes he just feels so weak

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

i dont play grag, so in the end it's getting rerolled

>bragging about being a lazy faggot


heyo, that sounds like me except I never got my shit together and was suspended from school for a year!

next term I'm back at it again even though I've done nothing to change my lifestyle except order $100 of modafinil through a sketchy website in India

mean to post

Don't you mean money?

>when you dont want to invade with ur team so u afk 1 min on purpose



I feel like I'm never going to get better because of this raging

Any tips? or am I doomed?

no they dont

Talon likes blondes, Malz is also a dom

they dont fit well at all


"You're in the deep end now!"


Alright, who wants a skin?



The guy below me really wants one

no i dont

No gurosmut


i just redownloaded league
quit when braum came out, barely got to 30

how the game doing, is it dying


Well I think you know what you have to do for it :^)

Well, I've never had your problem, I'm a supremely laidback sort of guy. Even I can get pissed off though when my game is ruined by a feeding teammate. The trick is to play entirely in the moment. If the enemy is fed, don't get hung up on how he got there or who fed him, just play around it as best you can. If your teammate does something retarded, just let it go and focus on the state of the game right now. Also, listen to the Smooth Jazz station on Pandora.

No faggot.

>tfw old Yorick main
>slam kids top all day cause they dont know what Yoricks moves are
>delet him from game
>pick up Magewick and slam once again
>delet him from game


Balance is an utter fucking mess right now now but the game is far form dying; if anything it's slowly growing.

Yorick, perhaps?

I feel like old yorick would have been the perfect counter to camille.
>legacy server when?

>miss old yorick too
>miss getting that sick lvl 3 all in potiential
>miss making top a 1v2 or a 2v2
>miss your infinite sustain with tear.

I already have it done tho :(

dont listen to the game is on it's last legs, you would be better off picking up dota 2
that game is gonna be the new hotness very fucking soon

You can try Morde or Galio.
Kled is also surprisingly good once you get the hang of him.

Or maybe just the new Yorick since he isn't played that much anyway.

>Reciving a free skin from anyone but "Mystery Intention Man"


I am literally tilting so hard destroyed my MMR I take a break come back a few days later get on a tilt I don't know what to do. I just want to play and have fun.

Any tips for jungling Kha'zix? It pretty much all I enjoy about league now.

In case you forgot who the best guy is. It's pic related.