new horde guild on elysium was made tonight, unsure if it will last but it exists for people who want to try organized raiding.
salty dogs are salty over it.
Adrian Cox
Yeah i cant get back on.
but it says server is up
Isaiah Thompson
>another doa splinter horde guild
can you fucks give it a rest
Ayden Jenkins
>oh look a horde gui- >ends it off with drama posting
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand dropped
Daniel Hill
same I hate it. Im usually ok with a DC but i was just getting into playing
Owen Davis
>unsure if it will last It won't. >it exists for people who want to try organized raiding You can't raid with 6 people. >salty dogs are salty over it Don't have to be in salty cucks to tell you your guild is shit, kid.
Brayden Thompson
>yfw you just miss the boat
Asher Williams
>goes straight for guild drama
Just for a little bit I had a tiny bit of hope that there would soon be a growing guild with normal players in it. Well, ya blew it
Hunter Garcia
Are there any other Aussies playing? I'm getting 500-900 ms down in Melbourne. Its unplayable.
Nathaniel Ross
spotted the salty cucks. stay mad that will be raiding when you fags disband for hg in a week.
Josiah Collins
>2017 >choosing to live on literal hell island its time to stop.
David Davis
>I started a bunch of hate and I'm not even in the guild
I said you were salty because the same 3 people kept replying to the announcement with "youre gonna failll"
Juan Ramirez
I'm alliance, not even horde, just tired of seeing splinter horde guilds shit up the thread every week because those 5 or 6 special snowflakes are too cool to join the main guild
Hunter Evans
I was unironically excited for a horde guild that had organized leaders and raids. You ruined it with your drama autism. I'm not even in salty dogs.
>I said you were salty
Tyler Butler
if people keep leaving salty dogs, maybe it's a problem with the guild and not the people.
Robert Thomas
we're actually a serious guild, unlike salty cucks, that's the difference
Easton Rogers
>5-6 people out of a guild that regularly peaks over 60
irrelevant shitters, we had the same problem on zeth but even those clowns realized it wasnt worth it
Juan Morris
#1 tip in Veeky Forums guild not failing: NEVER talk about or even hint at mentioning ANY kind of drama. It will always lead to the inevitable shutdown once it starts rolling
Blake Mitchell
never go full retard
Adam Sullivan
There you go again.
Logan Taylor
Not in salty dogs. Just know that no one sane will join a guild thats main drag is "hahaha xd cuckcuccucuccuckcucuk we aren't those guys haha fuc those guys Veeky Forums lol!!!"
The reason I left salty dogs is because the guild chat was full of this retardation. Now I won't be joining your guild either because you proved that you are no different.
Aiden Clark
The placeholder/comfy mentality.
Nicholas Brown
jesus christ
Levi Carter
I should have rolled alliance so the only thing I had to put up with was trannyorbiters
Nathaniel Clark
Brandon Roberts
Benjamin Thompson
I actually don't see anything wrong with this considering its a discord screen cap.
the guy wants to brand his guild, so what?
Jonathan Taylor
hello stapler
Ryan Martinez
>tfw guild mates think I'm a weird faggot because I refuse to speak on mic >in reality I just don't want to ruin the fun vibe once they realise I'm a girl
tough times
Justin Clark
joining a Veeky Forums clique guild is stupid enough But joining one that uses LOOT COUNCIL on top of that? You must be clinically retarded.
Oliver Robinson
should be working now senpai
Grayson James
>Save some troll hunter pleb after his pet died >everything is fine for ages we're both just questing doing our own thing >about 30 mins later he attacks me for no reason while fighting a mob >intercept charge crit with a MS and swap back to OP him >kill him >kill the elemental >but die to the spider he aggro'd >see him while questing later on >kill him >as he dies about 15 horde rock up on their way to UBRS >kill me >hes now camping me Why are horde such shitters
Noah Thomas
>he fell for the Veeky Forums guild meme
It must suck being autistic
Connor Sullivan
madti on top me on the bottom
Lucas Turner
you should see the Mandate of Heaven guild chat
Carson Rivera
What's melee like in PvP in NA?
Oliver Turner
I thought they died or something, is it still up?
Joseph Gomez
shit, they need to do that leeway fix on the server
Alexander Harris
>posts chinese cartoons
Jaxon Peterson
I don't know, I haven't played in 2 weeks
Jaxon Brooks
I can see trade chat in every zone but I cannot talk on it. I can't seem to /leave it to rejoin it and relogging did not fix it either.
John Morris
is it worth getting imp corruption past 3/5 or 2/5 an instant cast doesn't really seem worth it with the gcd being 1 second anyway.
Samuel Richardson
Benjamin Wood
is it worth it to grab a slavering worg from sfk, or should i just stick with a mountain lion?
Austin Ramirez
stop posting Miuna
Alexander Morgan
>hand over the lotus
Tyler Rivera
cats till 60 mon
Brayden Brooks
Jaxson Richardson
thanks my man
Jackson Walker
>level 37 >32g
Connor Smith
>LFM x instance, y item is reserved
How many of you faggots do this?
Hunter Bailey
>level 40 >152g >warlock
Joseph Cook
>join instance >roll on item anyway >they can't kick me because i'm the tank feels good
Caleb Cruz
so in reality, comparing you to other 40s you only have 62g
top kek we got ourselves a poorfag over here
Benjamin Myers
>TFW Warlock
William Jackson
I asked for a healer... and they send me you??
Tyler Jones
They're Wrathbabbies, no one ever did this back in vanilla/bc
Colton Powell
>Leveling shaman >Level 35 >Mowing down mobs >2-3 shot things my level >Every group wants me >Insane buffs >Wipe prevention >Great DPS >Great healing >ABLE TO TANK SHIT >UNSTOPPABLE MACHINE THAT CARRIES GROUPS
Nolan Powell
Halfway through 39, 27G here. Zero fucks given.
Jaxon Perez
>tfw no Night Elf tank to bully me
guess its time to reroll to zeth
Juan Powell
So did the Zethk'kur Salty Dogs just disband too or what?
Luis Ortiz
I got my warrior's mount in late 43..
Bentley Williams
Hudson Myers
They never had over 10 pop, but yeah, they disbanded last night.
What will I do now, I don't want a normie guild where you can't do edgy banter ._.
David Collins
reroll ally and join the puppers
Oliver Garcia
pupper pals are autistic as fuck wtf
Dylan Long
there are like 20 horde guilds that are trump themed
Gavin Johnson
>Leveling all the way again
Kevin Rivera
Was able to get mine at 34 as a warrior, but at least you aren't as shit as a mage i had in my Mara group before. >49 gnome mage >no mount >not all of his skills >level 49 >22g
Lincoln Murphy
>he joined fake salty dogs on the dead server I'm laughing at you. Hard.
Ryan Torres
Was blind drunk and it was 3 in the morning. It's fair to say I wasn't thinking at all. Oh well, the damage is done now.
Landon Richardson
>Implying I want a b-tier meme guild that can only spout "cuck" every other second >inb4 thats what Veeky Forums guilds are No, at least you can actually talk about other subjects without people getting butthurt, and if they do, too bad
>He didn't join FRESH, but would rather play Waiting List Simulator
Brody Young
Yeah it's pretty fucking awesome, few problems, though
>Everyone expects you to heal >DPS is extremely RNG based >Auto attack/shocks until 40 >Mana problems due to totem spam
Besides that, it's pretty awesome.
Parker Parker
Just got my mount at lvl 45, you are not alone
Leo Rodriguez
Having a 11k server is so anti-comfy Where's the tight knit community where everyone knows everyone? 30 people fighting for a mob instead of the normal 5-10 >cant get a monopoly on AH stuff
Ethan Long
get those hammers from mara
Christian Gonzalez
34 huh?
Confirmed retail babby.
Isaiah White
Is there any way to fix the stutter when it loads more parts of a zone? My pc is hundreds of times better than the ones people had in 2003 why the fuck does this happen.
William Walker
>get to level 37 >all of a sudden hate the class you're playing and wish you picked almost any other class
god damnit
Nathaniel Richardson
>Where's the tight knit community where everyone knows everyone? Why?
Brayden Howard
>killing mobs on the beach >swim out to a mob underwater >not one second after shooting it i get jumped by an alliance rogue 5 levels above me alliance cucks are so bad they can't win a fight on the beach LOL
Jason Jones
>tfw Paladin Already over lvl 45 though, and gonna switch to the Reckoning build so i can farm multiple mobs better. On the plus side, i can at least dress up in a Scarlet Tabard and pretend to be a High lvl Scarlet NPC......
Elijah Hill
That was like half of vanilla experience. And making connections and having good rep so you'd find groups? Oh, you'd rather take a big server so you always find a group? Why not just go retail and LFD then
Elijah Brown
Anyone got a decent frost talent tree for leveling? Should I go with improved blizzard?
Angel Edwards
>lvl38 >60g >Madtii offers to invest it for me so I'd have 80g at 40 >lvl48 now >no mount >10g >never got my gold back ("sorry I lost it lol")
Brayden Jenkins
Well, yeah, vanilla is about finding people so why would you roll on a dead "muh tight-knit" server?
Logan Cooper
Says the shitter who got his at 43, i had enough gold to buy at 34, Maybe one day you might learn to manage your gold and what to farm in vanilla.
Cameron Brown
Would rather play paladin desu. They shouldn't make a class designed around RNG.
Aaron Wright
But it's not dead, it's just not huge. When it's "merely 2.5-6k" you actually get to know people and keep those connections so you'll find groups later on. Do you just want 40 groups at the same time looking for dungeon pals in trade chat? Then why not just play retail with LFD
Ryder Sullivan
>rerolled from priest to mage >i can kill things in less than 3 casts >people die when they try to kill me now >no longer a walking honorable kill >don't have to respec everytime i want to do something alone in the open world really fires the neurons as to why priests are so fucking helpless in vanilla compared to mages
Ryder Reyes
>actually needing to farm gold before 60 lmao what a shitter dude