>Americans single-handedly won World War II
when will this meme die
Britain could have won WWII without the yankees joining.
>Americans single-handedly won World War II
when will this meme die
Britain could have won WWII without the yankees joining.
>b8 thread
why are all Brits so butthurt, is it because they used to own the world, and now they only have one shitty island?
Yeah I remember reading about that incredible British victory at Dunkirk.
Dunkirk was a successful evacuation.
>i ran away
>therefore i won
Sure thing club m8. If you call a 50/50% of either nazi or soviet europe winning. For real the b8 is only getting worse. There weren´t able to win in WW1 on their own and they were considerably stronger then.
come on you cheeky brits, you couldn't have won without us.
neither of you could've won the 2nd WW without the support of the Russian zerg rush
we fuck the japs in burma and the germs in africa
and we destroyed the french fleet for old times sake
>i must always attack the enemy even when the odds are against me
Britain was reliant on the American lend-lease supplies even more than the USSR, they would quite literally stop existing if we didn't bail their shit out.
When will the meme that Britain was relevant in WW2 and the Napoleonic Wars die?
I agree that they were the second most important allied power after France in WW1, but in WW2 they were a fucking joke
>i let the enemy get the upper hand
>therefore i won
Truly Canada's daddy
>if your enemies run away from you, they win
>they used to own the world
More like they owned the third world
They couldnt do shit in the relevant part of the world (Europe)
Easy to LARP as a superpower when opposed to niggers with spears, but when Imperial Germany gets angry, better call France, Russia and America for help
>If you run away from your enemy, you win
>we fuck the japs in burma
>the Japanese invasion which led to the expulsion of British, Indian and Chinese forces in 1942; failed attempts by the Allies to mount offensives into Burma, from late 1942 to early 1944
Sure thing m8. Doesn´t sound like a bloody and prolonged campaign too me. During which you received massive american help.
And gee the RN would have protected the assets of the empire in Asia just fine...
>the germs in africa
You won (after massive landings of US troops that opened a second front btw) with higher casualties on a secondary front that wasn´t properly supplied or reinforced.
I bet in a situation where the germans are properly supplied and reinforced the outcome would just be the same without american help...
>we destroyed the french fleet for old times sake
Something not to be proud off.
>we fuck the japs in burma
Irrelevant, especially when compared to Singapore
>the germs in africa
You opened an irrelevant front in the desert where you fought 80% of incompetent Italians and sometimes a few Germans
>and we destroyed the french fleet for old times sake
You attacked a flottilla of 9 ships and destroyed 3 of them
The real French fleet of 75 ships in Toulon had to be destroyed by fucking Vichy French (German puppets) to save your sorry ass from invasion
not being proud of blasting frogs
it is the main part of the anglo charter
You mean you got your ass kicked to the curb in Singapore and other Asian colonies.
>we fuck the japs in Burma
British outnumber japs 85,000 to 36,000 and FAILED to DEFEND Singapore lmao
and america didnt?
It's not the fact you blasted frog but how you did it
See When you take in account the number of ships present at Mers-El-Kebir, how many of them you actually managed to destroy and what happened in Toulon afterward, it really puts things in perspective
America pretty much single handedly won the Pacific theater while the Brits had the second most embarrassing performance in Asia after the Netherlands.
Or their amazing triumph at Singapore against all odds
We did get blitzed in the Phillipines at first though.
Not Brits, Englishmen.
Scots are just as sick of this shit as you are. More so, actually.
>They couldnt do shit in the relevant part of the world (Europe)
Sure we did, but overall we absolutely buttfucked the Japs.
Now tell me what did Britain actually do in WW2?
>pussied out during the Sudetenland crisis and tried pussying out when Poland got attacked too
>got kicked the fuck out of Scandinavia
>ran away with tail between their legs at Dunkirk, somehow spinned that into a success
>got absolutely murdered by Japan in the Asian theater
>holed up in their shithole island and would probably be beaten or starved to death if not for American lend-lease program
>piggybacked American troops and airforce during the invasion into Europe
That's not saying much. Everyone was getting blitzed until mid-1942. The U.S. had the first victory toward pushing back the Japs (and simultaneously ensured that Australia could be resupplied) at Guadalcanal.
>posting shit from the napoleonic wars where britain was the most pathetic country
It's like you bongs want to get btfo
I thought China also had somewhat of a handle in it, distracting and detracting Japanese supplies that could've been used to reinforce their lines against the yanks.
China distracting them didn't even matter. Even if they had those resources available, they would have to somehow get all of those troops and supplies across the ocean towards the lines where they're fighting the Americans.
And the problem with that is that they wouldn't be able to do that because the USN had already established naval parity/superiority in 1942 and were already sinking troop transports that got anywhere near towards the fighting like at Guadalcanal. IJN supply lines were already thin and any merchant vessels or troop transports would just get eaten up by submarines or aircraft.
This shit's gotten so bad ever since Brexit. Calm down m8. You seperated fromthe EU, good for you. Don't go acting like retards now.
And before that, the Soviets were begging the Allies to open up a second front in Italy or France to help relieve pressure of the eastern front.
It won't die until you stop making threads about it
The war effort relied on
>american industrial power
>russian army and manpower
>british naval superiority
If one of these three things had been taken away, it is unlikely that the war would have ended as quickly as it did - or maybe not at all in the allies favour.
The Brits would have lost their colonies, had not the US been there.
The US and British would have had to step up and send a lot, a looooot more troops if the russians had not been there - most likely they would not have been able to focus on two theaters at once with any great success.
The Mediteranean and North Africa would have fallen to the Axis had it not been for the British
>Britain was the most pathetic country during the 1800s
Ok dear.
>the british isles could have won without help from the rest of the empire
Russians couldn't have supplied their zerg rush without the food, raw materials, and transport vehicles provided by America.
>US wins the war for the allies
>70 years later
>inb4 some commie fuck tries to tell me the USSR was truly part of the allies
>>british naval superiority
American naval surperiority. The Royal Navy became an auxiliary to the US Navy.
You're thinking British intelligence capabilities.
in what regiment did you serve m8?
Once we had an empire, now we've got a slum~
>OP pic
>the only pre '44 land theater Brits weren't humiliated in
pick both, britain was a jobber for 90% of WW2
why did that faggot keep getting promotions and assignments, he was a fucking retard, who let him in the building when Korea started
>American naval surperiority. The Royal Navy became an auxiliary to the US Navy.
Only in the pacific. In the indian ocean, the mediteranean and the atlatic it was still the Royal Navy who was top dog
>Britain could have won WWII without the yankees joining.
I accept the "Russians could've won" but really? The brits?
>he wasn't at Tarawa or the 'Canal
are you not even a veteran? everyone else in this thread hit to beaches at Iwo son
>Britain could have won WWII without the yankees joining.
Well that's a new one! Never heard that one before!
desu the biggest threat to Germany in WW2 was Hilter himself..... so we should be thanking the Austrians for birthing such an autistic cunt
Until the US Navy got involved. Indian Ocean was pretty irrelevant anyway. Royal Navy was so cucked they had to rely on getting 50 WWI-era US destroyers or collapse. Logistically the RN was utterly dependent on the US merchant marine. Pretty sad desu
>"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
You act like some WWI-era general; strategy does not boil down to offensives. A well executed tactical retreat becomes a strategical victory.
Britain is a fucking joke
Heh... It's sad really, to see what used to be my bitch (I identify as France) become the world's bitch.
You Anglos are pathetic, I'm actually laughing at you.
Why are Americans so much better than bongs?
The same reason anglos are better than burgers
>(I identify as France)
You identify yourself as France?
they're not America is the greatest superpower tjat has ever existed. Scientifcally, technologically, economically, and culturally there is no comparison. It's not even remotely close. Britain is a cesspool full of chavs and the ugliest people in europe.
>I accept the "Russians could've won"
oh WOW
>"top dog" against the reichs navy
>grasping at straws this hard
What's wrong with that? I identify as a nuclear submarine.
who sank the Bismark and tirpitz and who beat the Italian navy
like those were a serious fighting force.
the italian navy was good
t. Butthurt brit
>spent 4 out of 6 years of the war out of fuel in port
Raffing arr the way
they will ignore this
>indian ocean
>Royal Navy who was top dog
Actually it was never the case of the allies winning, but one of the Axis losing. Hitler invading Russia was the stupidest thing ever and they carried it out like a bunch of idiots to the letter.
Had Hitler authorised winter equipment no later than September and called his armies to dig in, he'd have had a great stalemate for years and if the yellow monkeys joined in to fight USSR instead of the U.S. they even had slim chances of breaking the ruskies.
Even if that would've failed you could just dig in, leave some troops, move back, dig in, repeat until you've created a frontline of trenches 50kms wide and Ivans would need those 20 millions to just break through, bleeding all the time.
When are they actually going to do that for real BTW?
Saying isnt the same as doing
>I accept the "Russians could've won"
Soviets. There was no Russia at the time. Russia had as much say in the Soviet Union as any other republic