Ye boi wazup
Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward General /xivg/
Kevin Gray
Brayden Gutierrez
Alexander Hill
Brayden Parker
They get mad when I suggest upgrading their 250 alex gear to shire because "Shire has trash secondaries and isn't BiS like 270 alex" eventhough he's in 250 alex. I'm mainly harsh on people like the i260 bard doing less DPS than my i200 bard.
Oliver Rivera
WAR, sure.
AST, fuck no.
Brandon Watson
do you expect much out of a game that has bare minimum character creation?
Ryder Hernandez
same except irl
Ethan Evans
my eb plays overwatch with me sometimes but then gets really mad at pugs and doesn't have fun
Nathan Myers
No love for Au Ra?
Jaxon Phillips