/csgog/ - Counter-Strike: Global Offensive General

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Always inspect in game, always assume the worst. Bet what you can afford to lose and most importantly always do the opposite of what /csgog/ says.

>Game Mechanic Info
Damage Chart: schuzak.jp/cs-go/dmgchart.html
Recoil Mechanics: twowordbird.com/articles/csgo-recoil-mechanics

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>Old Thread

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nth for NBK

first for ourguys kennyass

kennyS is a handsome motherfucker

4nd for hobbit

godsent is shit

Schneider has never been good. Most overrated Swedish player.

Reminder to flush(a) yourself

Pronax > Znajder
Happy hax

>there are people in this very thread that are dumb enough to open cases

when they called it the french shuffle, did they just mean envyus would start blatantly cheating with no remorse?

first is automatically claimed for anime you dumbo

You told me KennyS was washed up.

wtf GOtards?


new thread new picture

>there are people in this very thread that are dumb enough to not open souvenir cases

>so shit they have to make up rules to not get enternally BTFO
lmaoing at your life

I've only opened two cases, one was a MW hyperbeast awp and the other was a MW neon revolution.

I don't have a problem with opening cases. Somebody has to do that shit or else pros wouldn't have any fancy marble fade skins to buy for extra skills.


qt. If he lost some weight and did hormones for a bit he'd make a cute trap.


Do you play with a sens of 5000?

congrats, you're rich

>tfw have one 144hz and one 60hz monitor
>can't watch videos on my 60hz one because it locks the framerate of my other monitor

No, I have a mousemat that I am waiting for it to dry today.

It's much larger.

damn that's sexy

What is happening to this guy?

What are those stuff they're squeezing during pauses?

Some form of stress relief?


that pistol round was so blatant


hot bags to keep hands warm

sweat-away magic pads

Muscle cramps likely from dehydration.

dehydration iirc

Gambit vs. Virtus
Who do I bet on? Thinking Gambit.

flusha and jw just want to go to fnatic.

virtus pro

uhh /magog/
pige was supposed to save my skines

Lekro is good but zjad needs to fuck off
God pyth?

not as good

>16 - 4 (four)

i will never trust jw again

Kenny cheating like a motherfucker

who's the fatass behind godsent

and what's up with all these coaches being fat as fvck seriously

>not going all in on our guys

16-3(three) mate



lmao fuck off jw scrubby shit.




srsly tho, that guy from the previous thread wanted us to buy stardew valley and rocket league DLC

wherever you are sir, please get a clue.

Sorry, typo

Coaches = players who became too fat to sit in a chair anymore

Oh sorry, I forgot everyone here only plays CS every single day of their lives.

Stupid question.
>CSGO coaches
>don't participate in sports
>CSGO players
>participate in sports

envyus was pretty blatant that game.

I guess they thought yesterday was too close for their comfort.

>All CSGO players have these cringey sleeve tats.

When you coach you no longer need to be in peek physical form

snajder seriously needs to go and maybe they can salvage this but not sure if flusha can buy them enough time

>he doesn't like stardew valley because it's popular

How's highschool?

Who is this? I want to sex her.

If Godsent are knocked out I'll kys myself.

He's still in there, being a faggot.

there isnt bigger cancer than 3rd worlders who only play csgo

Ehhhh, my gut is telling me virtus buy the stats are telling me gambit. And stats don't lie. Convince me anons, please.

nah, gimme autoshotty fallout warning

>implying i'm not in both

are you that new?


Pige is broken.

>jw crying


>fake tears before crawling back to olof
lmao fuck off.

ourpige crying

please make webm of crying piggy

gambit won against godsent and north which are shit teams as you can see

go with the plow and send me 5% of your winnings


this triggers me

jw just kys

>run out of arguments
>your a highschool kid
>you're a newfag

go back to your home

>godsent lose
>sk will suddenly start playing way better somehow and beat navi
>meme muscle man's teammates will cheat and carry him over gambit

what does ADR mean?

tears of joy because finally he is free of these fucking scrubs

pige boy pls you still have a game to play

>north vs Hellraisers

when is s1mple god playing FFS

seeing this fat fuck crying made my day already


Sorry to interrupt, but I have about 25$ left over from selling my dota 2 skins (didn't even know I had any worth anything) and want to buy some stuff. I used to buy stuff I liked, even if it was skins of 0.03$ but now I want to get one or two worth something. What are some general tips on what to buy?

I want to avoid buying stuff that will rapidly drop in price. Should I avoid stuff from new cases? From cases from 2016?

when you nut

Train collection best collection

average dude rekage

I only want to see favelas tears.

Average damage per round

Kek, you know it's true you little faggot. Who the fuck actually thinks stardew valley is a shit game? You might not like the type of game it is, you might not enjoy the genre at all, but the game itself is technically impressive and is obviously well liked going by sales and reviews.

It single handedly revived the harvest moon genre of games, and it was written by a SINGLE guy over 5+ years.

average dick requests



Automatic Dialogue Replacement

Awesome dick rider

>not recognizing rocket league is a superior competitive game to CSGO

no need to buy dlc for it tho

>The plow
I guess that means virtus, ok user.