Remember to buy the best warwick skin for tomorow
Remember to buy the best warwick skin for tomorow
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it's on sale friday
xth for breast metal waifu
Post em nerds
I'm looking for a big guy to main in top lane, been thinking about Mundo or Maokai, any suggestions?
>you have to actually ASK your support to build a sight stone
>"This is the first time that i've build sight stone since season 4."
Everyone in blind pick tomorrow
You and I aren't so different. I like you.
Best gnar skin? Gentleman or Snowday?
Fuck it, I'll play sion
Any builds?
Thunderlords or coc?
>She feels sorta useless against long range mages
How many long range mages go top though?
Legitimately how do I play against a Riven who isn't a colossal retard?
>Net Neutrality is dead
Great, now I get to play $500 to have my team feed for half an hour and lose LP. Nice.
Depends on what you play my man.
I can list some matchups but it would be easier if you told me.
5/5 pretty based, although I vastly prefer pre-rework shen. Fuck that stupid ghost sword.
guys I wanna play vlad top
CoC for tank build. Can't really go wrong here, build literally anything.
Stormraiders for AD build. Once again can't go wrong here ether, but rushing Ghostblade is my favorite since you can pop it while dead. GB Into stormraiders is cream. You could go TLD if you don't want funmode zombies tho
Reminder to always bully the scuttle crab!
Thanks bandlebro
>AD sion in a world where armor pen is shit, youmuus doesnt give attack speed and duskblade is garbage
Thresh and Lucian are gay!
It took me a while to get used to new shen but I think prefer him now, his ghost sword is strong as fuck if you use it right
If my team needs a tank, I probably pick Sion or Naut.
If my team needs damage, probably Wukong or Jayce.
>Tfw the champions you like the most are way too unpopular to become the part of a gay fan pairing
>Metaslave babies
pls go
What did riot do with quickcast?
Last week i could hold Q and see the range indicator and with releasing it i would have used that skill.
Now if i hold Q it triggers it like million times while holding it. I can hear that sound of "skill not ready" nonstop if i hold Q.
How do i fix that?
>asked for Arcade Corki as a joke in last night's /v/ vs /v/
>shit post right now
>switch back to client tab to see this
Xonian is a REAL NIGGA.
bronze player here, how do i go against an aggresive early game lux as kassadin? she keeps procing thunders on me.
Pick Kayle and hope you dont get camped
Pick Pantheon and hope you can end before 20.
I will miss old weedwick but new weedwick is same shit new tricks desu
you dont play kassadin
wew that was hard
Why don't more people play Nasus?
Its not like AD sion was good when those werent true. How do you play AD sion now if you played AD sion back then its so much worse
Play normals where you can play AP pantheon and win because nothing matters.
Easily kited and very easy to shut down early if your jungler knows how to gank.
A level 2 gank can get him to blow his flash/ghost, which makes him easy to target for the next five minutes.
Kinda depends on the champ
yeah what he said
In general most champs that can't outright beat her in lane will go even with her later
So staying alive and keeping your farm even is your best bet
Rivens have to play aggressive to keep up this pressure though
so learning to control your wave and mannerisms to set up good ganks for your jungler is key
Tanks like Maokai, Poppy, Sion won't beat her in a 1v1 until they have their items, so use their ranged stuff to cs
just let the wave come to you and clear it with your AOE
Fiora, Irelia, Wukong, Jayce, Jax and other duelisty snowbally champs have their powerspikes
you will basically just need to outplay and fight when you have your item/level spikes
Renekton, Garen, Darius and other bullies should be able to smack her around plenty
Nautilus is a rough one, but he's good at just surviving.
Riven can't really dive a Nautilus that isnt already feeding, so she'll be forced to roam for kills or she falls off
If your team backs off when you ping and/or you TP to help them after shoving you'll eventually catch up
Lock her down in teamfights and if she can't get past you to delete your carries you've done your job
I like tough stuff
>no indication of what is based or not
going 2/5 don't meanshit, pull your head in or hand over your judging license
That artist is getting really good now. No longer draws people like solid pieces of wood. Got some motion in them now.
I keep hearing this one. I like Renekton but I'm not familiar enough with him to know how to beat Riven with him. Any tips?
>Garen and Darius
I was under the impression that any Riven with half a brain should be able to handle Garen and Darius. Last time I picked Darius into her, she was able to dodge my Q with ease,
nice i like the udyr mid vi adc and diana support
E max Zz'rot portal Nasus is super fucking annoying to deal with but scales like complete ass, and traditional Nasus does nothing for the team and gets kited to hell once he can actually do damage
Tristana/Braum and Garen/Warwick are what's based.
>tanks like poppy wont beat her in a 1v1
>every single time i've picked poppy i've 1v1'd a riven
>even the "rank 7 animation cancelling god" riven
my normal mmr is higher than my ranked mmr
>I keep hearing this one. I like Renekton but I'm not familiar enough with him to know how to beat Riven with him. Any tips?
get six and do this
So i cant do shitty meme builds and win my dude. I gotta try harder in normals than i do in ranked
Please help me out, i cant play this shit game like this.
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Zaun (2x4) lore when!
With Renekton, you should try to poke her with q, make sure to do this in the enemy minion wave because sustain is your big advantage against riven. Save w for when she tries to all in. With Darius, don't q until she uses her dash. You can win trades with just auto attacks alone
Renekton vs riven is just trading cooldowns, when she casts her spells dash in and cast your spells. You should win the trade every time.
Also take ignite, dont be a bitch.
maybe check the range indicator box in the options you dummy
thanks for the help, anons.
>Also take ignite, dont be a bitch
I heard that ignite is kinda shitty right now. Would Exhaust or Ghost work as a substitute?
then just le start meme building till you fall into games where meme builds work. It's not like it's ranked
I'm lazy and I have my 3 on hand
I did but it changes nothing. I tried every possibility in the options.
NEW ITEM for fighter mages.
45 armor
250 Mana
Passive:gain 2.5% of max HP as Ability Power
>Moonflair Spellblade added to SR
+50 magic resistance
+50 armor
+50 ability power
>Banshees veil
70 Magic resist ->35 magic resist
Armor 0 -> 35 Armor
400hp-> 300
15 armor
15 MR
How do you cuddle with Jinx?
You're very welcome, my friend! Skarner's always tricky for me, but I'm happy you like it.
I suggest watching solorenektononly
He will teach you a lot about renekton and hes not a literal autist so hes not painful to listen too.
>even more hp and armour everywhere
I lay down with the 2x4, I hug her. By the way I said Jinx not Illaoi.
>Darius unbanned
>They pick it
>Yasuo unbanned
>They pick it
Color me surprised.
Just bring back fon and change the health regen to some kind of on hit proc like in the utility mastery tree. % ms is more important than ever and has synergy with dmp.
Magic damage is broken
that's not Grey or Feral Warwick.
>Moonflair Spellblade
>tfw you don't jungle but Vi is your best in that role
this has to be one of the silliest change to banshees
what the fuck are we supposed to build if we want to get mres? We already have champions building SV even if they have 0 self heals, just because we have no fucking options
>haven't played Mundo in months, maybe even over a year
>pick him on a whim
>go 9/0 against a Poppy and Xin
in case it's a fanfic, it's a bad fanfic
so this is your end game?
Would you agree with the statement that elo and skill has shifted over the years to the point where, for example, a high gold in season seven could effortlessly carry games in the high platinum of season four?
when the fuck is the patch going to drop
i wanna play best wolf
>implying this is a bad thing
So what're your trying to say is the longer a game lives the better it's players get? What no way.
I don't know where you heard that
If ignite gets you snowballing you take it over TP
Then you kill other lanes and snowball the game from there
while forcing your opponent to TP back to lane
Exhaust is if you're squishy and afraid of getting killed
Ghost is if you're afraid of being ganked and want to save flash for that
But taking ignite getting huge and 2v1'ing the jungler is probably the best way to solo carry atm
On a metaphorical level, yes.
Filename minds as well be called JinxPoster.png
the sentiment is correct but those tiers and 'effortlessly' are exaggerations on your part
In kr yes in na no. Good na players mpstly quit in s5+ because game sucks. Kr has always shown growth i think so its logical to assume the average skill level would go up over time
holy shit i didn't know support mains actually existed
server? OCE in 3 hours.
They exist in higher elo but in lower elo everyone want's to be the carry.
>Not maining the most impactful role of the game
Well it's gonna end soon since redemption gets nerfed
I have a boyfriend
I can only play all in/ tank support. I suck balls with casters. I've recently become an alistar one trick and it's impossible to carry retards in silver. I just want to get back to gold ;~;
Lmk when you want a husband tho ;)
So who's the guy in Warwicks Tundra splash?
watching that episode made me feel bad because he looks like my dad and I can't imagine him going through something like that,
I'd argue that there should be another measuring stick with elo and skill because the game itself has shifted into "who deals the most damage consistently, hitting buttons the fastest". It's hard to tell right now anyway since Gold and Plat have varying levels of shit.
>Most impactful
>What is the role who can literally impact every lane at any point in the game