/dbdg/ - Dead by Daylight General

dbd never dies edition

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical Online multiplayer. 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators, while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them

>What is Friday the 13th?
a upcoming slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats and abilities try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one

>Official Wikis and sites

>Discord Chat

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (v1.3.1f)

Other urls found in this thread:



now that's a look game changer

does this mean we support the chinese in dbd?

bow down to your chinese bing bong overlord

cock joke

Reminder always bet on Ace baby

You seemed more salty than them to be honest. I doubt they went through the trouble of blogging about that game afterwards on a Taiwanese board game forum, and you actually bothered to report them despite it doing absolutely nothing. It has even been confirmed by the devs.

What does this even mean? Let you go because you had good RNG? What's even the logic there?

Absolutely beautiful.

If you want better replies, you gotta try harder.

Wow it's fucking nothing

I'd like to see you make something better.

it has hidden stats enchancing M1 jukes though

It's finally done, I hope everyone likes it.

I hope you'll like it.

Tombstone is literally useless after nerf.

>we're doing something special for the lunar new year, you guys will really like it!
>its this terrible shirts
Frogs, not even once

It really is however myers is pretty much the same speed as he is after tombstone nerf so its perfect

>myers is pretty much the same speed as he is after tombstone nerf so its perfect

Check the video, hes slow as fuck.

Oh, you were talking about film Myers. Yeah, he was slow as heck in that scene.

>window vault noise as Laurie falls through

10/10 good shit user.

when will they address the fact that trimmed jake is like 6 shades darker than normal jake and the rest of his body
it looks like he's wearing a nega-MM mask

The perk icons were a very nice touch.

no blog posting below this line


When are we getting our hook aura back?


Man what

They got rid of it?

its to discourage camping.
you might forget where the hook is exactly

When are they going to discourage swarming

Also survivors always go for rescues nowadays so I don't even have time to leave most of the time before an unhook

They said it was a bug.

bugs get fixed. its been nearly 2 months.

They did actually say it was a bug in the latest stream.

Also it took them the better part of a month to fix perk swapping, what else do you expect?

If you ever find yourself on an infinite loop, try this one simple trick. Survivors will hate you for it.

>bugs get fixed

I've seen hacked cosmetics literally everywhere and all the devs can manage is a shitty shirt?

I want more cosmetics damnit.

I just hopped on after 3 months of not playing, why do i have to equip an add-on for billy to go to his old speed. That is the most retarded idea I have ever seen implemented into this game.

top kek

someone should send this to devs


Halloween>Halloween 4>Halloween 2>Halloween 3>>POWERGAP>>Halloween 5>Halloween 2 (remake)>Halloween H20>>>Halloween (remake)>shit>Halloween Resurrection>my mum's corpse> sabo claudettes>Halloween 6

I love it, you made my day its seriously amazing

Since the patch I only get EAC errors saying
"Authentication timed out (1/2)" wat do?

Aside from the obvious doing something else
with my free time.

Yes I already reinstalled the game, verified
game files and deleted and reinstalled EAC.

Keep deleting EAC in your DbD folder and reinstalling it.

Also, try disabling your anti-virus. Apparently there are reports of people's anti-virus stopping DbD's EasyAntiCheat from opening since they added the shirts.

7 reinstalls and a turned off firewalls later
I think this isn't gonna work.

Well, I had the witcher 3 on my backlog for a while now.
Time to give it a try. Thanks anyway, have some
well designed gameplay as compensation for your time.

Hey that's my screenshot.

Glad someone saved it

>already almost 6 pages of Steam profile comment butthurts
>invited to about 5 different rage groups
>takes me over 2 minutes at least because of all the survivorbads queue dodging
>all under 100 hours

If they mocapped animations, why doesn't meg and her big ass walk like this?

I didn't play the f13 beta, are the walk animations hot?

yes. best hip sway that i can think of

>waiting for victims

ded gme

What the fuck happened in that game?

Killer and survivors shared the same spawn.

Bugged the fuck out

you're the victim in this case

>No life'd nurse to get stridor teachable
>its on the shrine this week
Fuck me...

Anyway, new shrine

Finally some killer shit. I just grabbed Stridor

oh my fucking garbage

>play with your food 2nd time
>STBFL not even once

why do they have to screw people over in every aspect of their game?


>Face camp a twitchbabby running metabuild
>Waits all game to go "YOU MAD?! YOU MAD?!?!?!?!?! KILLER IS AIDS!"
This is what I live for.


>some "person" on the steam forum suggests a five nights at freddy's crossover

>Play trapper
>Everyone frees themselves instantly
>Playing survivor pic related
Hate it

My experience is usually like this

When trapped

If terror radius is not present, there's a 0% chance to struggle free.

If Terror radius present, 50% chance to struggle free.

So basically it's useless.

We farmed basically, I needed points to level up hag so I didnt mind.



I keep getting this stupid glitch where I play Nurse and someone DS's me and they get stuck on the ground.

As much as how I hate DS as a killer, I actually just grab them up and let them go because I don't feel like hooking them after picking them up from that glitch.

Does this happens only with Nurse?


Im gonna miss it boys.

Now I don't have to play Tryhard the Killer!

>tfw have all of them


reminder you are obligated to pick people up.

How are we going to stop swarmers without machine gun

You're not. Other than bodyblocking, you won't be able to

As much as the devs will keep saying "camping is a legit tactic" they will do everything in their power to stop you or punish you for it.


they're not working on gens, you just wait attempting to chainsaw is a bad idea as one miss and they're out due to high cooldown

Gotta love downing a person next to someone already hooked and then just waiting for the rescue party to roll in and get fucked.

Best part is the door was already open.

They turned one sac into three because they decided to fuck about instead of just leaving.

It's like watching a bunch of headless chickens run around.

>3 of you could have escaped
>"Yes, because you camped like an asshole"

>no prem or spine chill
you gotta respect the ballsy move, keeping the original meme trinity but replacing the detection perk for ds instead of sabo

How come DS does not force the killer to do a skill check instead?

Why does DS effect the Trapper at all? Dude stabs himself with meat hooks all the time.

t. dozen pallet per game user

He's jizzing dude. Can't help it.


>they will do everything in their power to stop you or punish you for it.
You keep tellin yourself that, Champ! Whatever keeps you from slippin that noose around your neck each morning^^

>yfw they add a skill check to escape moris.

Quite a bit of anger for the mere stating that the devs might pander to one side more than the other.

>Y-you mad?
Got me?

Sure did pallet babby. Enjoy this last (you)

So as a killer how DO you deal with pallet loopers? Just keep running them around and breaking pallets until they fuck up or burn through the entire map? Honestly I sometimes just fuck right off and hop on someone else who thinks I'm still on the chase.


keep on tunneling till they fuck up



Nurse them up good~

you cant hide your sting from the truth with your ironic shitpost.

it is impossible to be a "good" killer

I'm starting to think that might be the only way to deal with them, she's the only one who can completely bypass that little dance.

>start to charge
>slide to the otherside of the pallet.
you can still pallet juke nurses

>They teleport right back to the other side and slap you anyway
The usual scenario against the Nurses I play against anyway

I just bait survivors with a quick charge and watch them slide over to me.

>Hag and Ace doesn't have any brown perks
What gives with that shit?

Nurse, trapper, or wait for fuck up/ out of pallets.

MM is so fucking unfun to play once you hit rank 10. Holy fuck do I love getting infinited and pallet looped endlessly. When are they gonna add a better way for surviors to escape that's actually fun for the killer to deal with?

It's not even fun to do with a survivor.

Are (You) this desperate for (You)s tonight?

>rank 10
the game stops being fun for killer at rank 16.