/gbfg/ Granblue Fantasy General #1038

>Schedule for January:
12/31 - 1/8 - Platinum Sky
1/8 - 1/13 - Footprints on Sacred Ground (Rerun)
1/13 - 1/23 - Granblue Shodown
1/23 - 1/30 - Guild Wars (Earth)
1/31 - 2/8 - New Event

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome. Set language to English.

>Please, READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild pastebin

Previous thread

Other urls found in this thread:


>a bow in his hair
how is Meteon not a fucking slut ?


I see you are unfamiliar with RoB

I love Jeanne!

Tell me about Lyria, why does she wear the hood?

GW is pointless unless you superseed




Reminder that esports are reddit and /gbfg/ is a casual community, so no esports discussion is allowed here.

Why is she so serious in this picture?

Don't post this whore in these threads.

>build attack-up filled grid as per the standard advice
>die horribly when I try to fight magnas, MVPing is completely out of the question
such advice. very effective. wow.

Reddit is the homo community. /gbfg/ is the waifu community.

Git gud faggot.


I like googling granblue fantasy info then getting that weird bot site that takes steals Veeky Forums posts.

Are any of the extra classes actually good?
Outside of their mastery bonuses.

Thanks for the room user.


Gunslinger for memeing.

Is it time?

いくぞ、ブルーオービット! メテオライト・ソニック!

How does GBF's artist work so quickly to churn out new characters while FGO can't do nearly as much with more artists?

>no Sen
>no Cuc
>no Teena
>no Mary SR
>no summer Kumuyu
>no Sig
>no Herja SR
>no Helnar
>no Tanya SR

Collecting SR characters is the true hell

>even shotos rape Beatrix
this meme is too powerful

may she know peace in death

Welp killed by time, i gotta go but thanks for carry. I guess ill let some nips do the last 3

Guild ranking.
No player ranking yet

>tfw no Laguna


Could a 5* even make this moveset core?

She's a big girl

Now that I'm looking into this soon to be dead game, how come KoG got quite a bit of Granblue stuff but we got nothing from them? Their dragon designs weren't actually bad.

>tfw got laguna in a shitty account with no ssr charas

Yuisis is my cute and chivalrous waifu. I main fire but she really got me with her ideals.

>tfw no ejaeli
It hurts to live

I'll do my best every day so that one day I can be as strong and cute as my wife Forte!

>wanting SR characters


Your wife loves dragon dick

Your wife was very cute last night.

>breastplate again
why can't these artist at least try to correct her

how is this slow cow supposed to work on a dead element that ougis every 2 turns?

Loli Macula Marius playable when?

Is it weird I haven't gotten a single SSR weapon yet or is this just business as usual?

forte's design is shit, why even try.

Please don't respond to my posts ever again!

She doesn't. I can't believe some people got meme'd into ticketing her.

How didn't a Facebook guild like oppaisuki qualify but Haruna did not?

>those tits

>muh esports
if you don't like the design of the character what is the point.


My brother. You still suffer? One day we shall be free.

>likes birds and Juliet

>likes tea


they should make her ice swords stack at max 3 (with the same effect like with 5 stacks) and it would be actually good. Or make her first skill have 1 turn cooldown instead of 2

to be honest both Izmir and s. Naru needs some small tweaks or buffs to make them good viable water characters. With Fenrir bow nerfed they don't need anymore their gimmicks that make them squishy as fuck: Izmir and her low def (stupid passive is stupid) and Naru having low hp pool, drastically lowering her def with 1st skill and paying 15% of max hp to use 2nd skill and that hidden aggro up passive that makes enemies always focus her all the time...

Because Forte deserves better

I don't get what you're saying.

Weird. My rate has been one gun/chev so far.

Can Japan please stop making pornographhy of my wife?

fucking cygames

It doesn't matter. Her stacks scale linearly, you don't lose out on damage long term if you ougi at, say, 2 stacks compared to 4 stacks.


Got the 4th dagger (actually 5th since I alredy had one from a previous GW) right after the prelims ended with the final push tokens. I still have 656 items on the box and my crew didn't qualify for the next round. Should I try to empty the box and get one more dagger or just go back to try to build my dirt and water grids and forget about GW until next time? I kinda want another dagger for my water team.

You can build your pool any day

C-cute. I'd jump over to water is she were playable

Since I know we have a few people here brand new to this game completely unfamiliar with all the characters, you might find this interesting.



>missed the first hour of AT today
>still on 2nd box

>ougis that are just a bunch of small attacks
God bless those

>buy star gacha
>get a shitty earth character

*scam gacha

so I have 0* Anubis and 2x 0* dark buncles... what's better? 0* Anubis or 3* dark buncle?

>36:20 onwards
>there are people ITT that don't have all of these characters and will never see these ougis first hand

I have only gotten two chev in 6 guns, two harps, one axe and one sword. It's a pain.


Rerun when?

You can get SSR weapons from leeching raids right? I'm sub 50 and don't even have half a set of any element.


Yep, that's the core of getting weapons for pretty much every grid. Just gotta hope for that RNG, especially if you're playing light or dark.

Also, if you're not, you should be sure to shoot for as much renown as possible every week, especially the renown for bringing Rs and SRs to raids, you can trade for SSRs using those points.

Why was Ryu wind when he does a mettsu hadouken

I know you're just a sad autist trying to force a meme, but its true.

Prior to the plebbit invasion, no one gave a fuck about guild war esports maymays aside from 2 turboautist guilds constantly namedropping themselves

If Albert is the next event character, will the enemies be dark and we'll have a new dark unknown? I was hoping for a new not shitty light unknown but this is also fine I guess

wuv wuv

>bringing Rs and SRs to raids

I can just have one of each in the back right?

Who was the last female story SR?

>Prior to the plebbit invasion, no one gave a fuck about guild war esports maymays aside from 2 turboautist guilds constantly namedropping themselves
I like this meme

Nope, it cares about who's alive in the frontrow at the end of the raid.


Oh, and as an addition, hosting Hard and Normals of all the magnas is also a good way to take care of that and get SR weapons to fodder off/use in your pools, so that's a good time to bring Rs and SRs to raids.

If you wanted a "not shitty" light unknown, you should have just played earlier.

That being said, the Katana is really good if you don't already have an unknown. Stop buying into the "medium atk lul" idiocy.

>Prior to the plebbit invasion, no one gave a fuck about guild war esports maymays aside from 2 turboautist guilds constantly namedropping themselves
>trying this hard to fit in


Guild shitposting drama was always a thing

best setup is to get a team of R's and SR's that all apply debuffs for leeching,

Rosetta and Walder are free from stories, so use those 2. Then pick any random SR who can debuff and you're golden.

>t;butthurt ateliercuck

On twitter, enjoy those 闇鍋

nobody here does baha hls, that's for tryhard

ribbit esportsfags like (You)

Did Atelier make it? Marie carried them to the top right?

What about the lastest, original female event sr that wasnt from a collab, event rerun or from an existing character?

No it hasn't, you lebbit newfag. Nobody cared about GWs or even qualified until S.Zoi became a thing and gave guilds easy qualification.