League of Legends General - /lolg/

Undead Rappers edition

What streamer has the best music?

>You have arisen as an Demon, becoming invisible until you next do damage. If you break this on a champion, you'll deal an additional 20% of their maximum health in true damage.

Oh god, this is going to be the stupidest game mode possible

I called it.

dead stuff being alive and stuff

this is too good

>no blood moon edition
shit thread already. fuck you OP.

-If you click the triangles you can see your stats for other champs and game modes.
-You can press escape to cancel an ability

>Camilles second hit bonus damage nerfed from 100% to 70%

Why the absolute fuck was it 100 in the first place?
>Tactical sweep nerf



>No one has tried DoT comp

Singed top
Jungle Darius
Cassiopia mid
Twitch adc
Brand support

Everyone picks DFT and all AP champs build Liandries. Everyone non-jungler starts corrupting potion

I want to have homosexual sex with Ziggs!

Shut up Ahri, you just want easy wins, and Darius's dick.

Nice try Ahri I won't believe your lies.

Because she is made to make you feel like a "badass who is in control".


The earliest dot was in September 2015. Not sure why it hasn't updated, but I'm currently Silver 2 and struggling.

Wake me up. Went from Plat 4 in series to Plat 3 all the way down to Silver 2 and losing series to Silver 1.

>ingame model has the mask

How to fuck up a slut skin.

Can someone explain to me why almost every single top laner in the game has a heal of some kind? I thought Riot didn't like sustain?

>Getting one shot from full health from a stealthed Veigar

Can't wait

No I want his

Fine then mortal. Believe I'm a fox with a dumb looking vagina instead of...well...me.

>disengage from fight while both teams are at half health

>an enemy has been slain
>double kill
>triple kill
>quadra kill

No Kitsune

She shouldn't have the skin. Now She'll be seen a lot like Elementalist Lux.

top has always been where sustain lives

and no, riot just doesn't like noskill sustain
(see: warwick, vladimir, aatrox)

Is Azir really good or You just want to meme me hard

>I thought Riot didn't like sustain
what riot likes or doesn't like changes depending on whatever reddit posts get upvoted the most

Morello did and he's gone

he tried to warn us from the goat

Tf skin suck in game but atleast have a nice splash

Then why was Vladimir reworked to be even more annoying to play against after the mage update?

>No news on VGU updates


c a w k


>riot trying to get the players back that left for overwatch

they put a bunch of shields and shit in the game so now top lane is a tankfest again

redemption is like aegis on junglers all over again

I want to eat out Aurelion's slit!

>People still playing Overwatch

Ahri that sounds stupid

I think it's dumb to have numbers that high on a champion from the get go. Especially when the kit has True damage, % health damage, a way to traverse terrain to catch someone and an animation dodge.

>kat is losing mid hard
>"i'm coming to dive bot"
>say no
>she comes anyway
>she gets a kill and then the enemy jungler gets even more fed
>"I'm worth no money anyway xd"
you'd think she could rush abyssal (or hexdrinker xd) or something vs corki, but i don't play kat so i'm probably an idiot

i posted in wrong thread with the wrong picture so even my blogposting is idiotic

>STILL no qt spider waifu champion

No, you're going too far young mortal.

>free loot email
>start up game
>get sprays and maybe a voice line if i'm lucky
>close game

how about, shoving apples up his slit? :3

>first game back in over a year
>get jungle, with a zed mid and vayne top
>enemy jungler is a lee smurf who rapes literally everything and goes 14/1 and invades me and rapes my anus

ah welcome back

The Jayce nerfs are literally nothing.

They gutted Camille though holy shit. And rightfully so


>Actual Camille and Jayce nerfs
ty riot

hi :3

Do you main him?
Yes: Then you know how to maximize his strengths and get him past 20 minutes and win
No: Don't pick him because you probably are bad at him and will not know how to get him to late-game

What's the matter?

after successfully mating, the female spider will in fact eat the male one should it not escape in time. unless youre into dying via vore then you are best not to mate with the spider and instead stay as friends

elise on the other hand is safe on the assumption she does not eat you or her children after mating in human form as such you should proceed with extreme caution and perhaps have a friend present should things take a turn

yes i am in fact saying have a friend that is accepting of getting cucked as a safety precaution

So say I love Ahri but I like dick girl Leona and let's say I like the idea of dg Leona fucking Ahri in front of me and having me eat the cum out of Ahri's pussy. There's nothing wrong with being a cuck for this kind of stuff right? It is another woman fucking another woman at my expense

How the FUCK is this not an S?!

>still no zyra/malz nerf
>redemption nerfed
oh boy another patch of supporting actually being fun

>there are people who play supports that aren't zyra/malz/brand/vel'koz
lmao'ing @ u

what are the lengths of her nerfs?

You do you, mang.

nice farm loser

>"dick girl"
hello faggot

Shes weaker but far from gutted. Her Es cool down is still the same and she still is invulnerable during her ult activation. Shes still gonna be absolute aids to deal with.

Literally one of the best splash arts in the game now. Probably the best one of 2017 so far.

>Precision Protocol (Q) bonus damage on second hit lowered to 70% from 100%
>Tactical Sweep (W)
Mana cost increased to 60/65/70/75/80 from 50/55/60/65/70
Slow lowered to 60/65/70/75/80% from 90%
>Hookshot (E) !
Mana cost increased to 70 from 50
Stun duration lowered to 0.5 from 1 second.

i haven't got time to farm I was teamfighting

i was a zyra main even when she was a memepick in s5 before mage update, but i find that if everyone else wants to CARRY HARDER, i'd rather play something with more hard cc.

Is it just me, or are people who queue together in normals way more toxic than people who play them solo?

>There's nothing wrong with being a cuck for this kind of stuff right?

I don't much care if you're a cuck, but loving the rapist and the tranny is down right wrong.

>thinking plat 4 is better than silver


rip leglady

>under 200 cs at 22 minutes AND a victory

Holy shit mang last game my ryze was taking barons at that minute with a fucking 250 cs fuck you nigger you barely deserve an A. Randomly last hitting champinos is not skill.
Shitters WILL deny this

Would be best if the bonus damage is 50% on her Q.

Does anyone else fucking hate cinderhulk?

It feels so bad buying a tank item with no resistances

low farm and your team also did really really well

She's actually gonna have legitimate mana issues and her abilities are across the board significantly weaker. She'll be strong but definitely is going to be significantly weaker

hard cc won't 100/0 the enemy adc user
if you take something with cc you need your team to follow up
with zyra etc you can just burst the enemies and take the kills for yourself
i play her since season 4 i kinda miss the post death passive sometimes

is there a way to show a replay of a game with the chat? i've seen it quite a few times, just had a very fun game and i want to keep a record of it. any tips?=

Xth for Katarina
best girl

they're decent and wholly deserved nerfs

I like this

Dear Junglers,

Please pick a tank and not an assassin so you can actually be useful.


I hate her death animation so much because it reminds me of her old passive qq

Would you like us to go back to season 5 sejuani/maokai/hecarim cinderhulk meta?

Cause that was SOOOO much fun xD

Duuuude i hit every minion in the lane and than we pushed so hard it was basically a huge teamfight in the base and then i got back with 3k in the bank and they surrendered
If they didn't I'd had it I think

What if I just picked both?

I'll consider your request if you tell me what role you're playing

she's just too perfect :3!


dear shitter

NOTHING matters below fucking LCS levels

fuck you

Good. I don't want Camille to be dead, I like her, just her numbers are too high and she doesn't have real mana costs at the moment. These nerfs are appropriate although I do think the E stun nerf should be reverted back to 1 second.

lol last game I played against Malph jg and he was utterly useless kek

>offers 4K as an option
>has no scaling so all the text, health bars, map icons are fucking tiny

nice meme riot

just reminded me I never played Zyra and I play since season 3. Wasn't her passive the true damage arrow? I still run in circles trying to dodge every time I see a zyra dying.

the pleasure of cumming inside another man

I just picked yorick mid

i plan to build crit, rushing phantom dancer or ER first

I'll be laning against tf

ask me anything

No futas!
>don't want Camille to be dead
You've been using her a lot?

I wanna cuddle Jinx
Also that Diana splash is some high quality, I wouldn't mind future splashes being this high tier. I'm indifferent over Jhin but I feel like he'll have to grow on me but it's Jhin so I'm gonna love him regardless. Blood Moon is some nice shit.

Isn't there a an option in the game to adjust the size of HUD?

I don't think it was true damage but yeah it was the arrow after she died

nice blogpost faggot

the bottom things change like ability icons

but healthbars, names, text, icons etc stay the same size. the jungle camps are literally a single pixel on my 32" 4k

It was. I hoped they'd keep it and put the seed randomly spawning passive on her W but that would've been too much stuff on her kit I guess.

tfw getting a triple kill using passive

Not him but I would actually. I wouldn't even play cinderhulk based champions, I'd have fun knowing that I don't have to make an impact on the game in the first 12 minutes.

LeBlanc Rework

Passive: Mirror Image (90s)
LeBlanc creates a clone of herself when she reaches 50% of her HP. This clone does 1/3 of the damage LeBlanc does, and when both are below 1/3 of their HP, the clone has its damage increased by 50%, for a total of 50% of damage dealt per spell cast by the mirror image. Furthermore, when Mirror Image is active, the version of LeBlanc that dies becomes the fake.

Q: Sigil of Silence (6s - 40 mana)
LeBlanc marks an enemy with a sigil that deals 10/50/90/130/170 + 40% AP magic damage, and the same amount of damage upon detonation for a total of 20/100/180/260/340 + 80% AP magic damage. Furthermore, upon detonation, the target is silenced for 1/1.5/2/2.5/3 seconds.

W: Distortion (18/16/14/12/10s - 80/90/100/110/120 mana)
LeBlanc dashes to the target location and marks them, dealing 80/130/180/230/280 + 75% AP magic damage. Should the mark be detonated by her other spells, the mark deals half of the initial damage of the spell used to activate the mark.

E: Ethereal Chains (14/13/12/11/10s - 20 mana)
LeBlanc flings a chain in a line, dealing 20/60/100/140/180 + 50% AP magic damage to the first enemy hit and slowing them for 1.5 seconds. If the enemy is slowed for the entire duration, they are snared for 3 seconds and dealt the same amount of damage again, for a total of 40/120/200/280/360 + 100% AP magic damage.

R: Mimic (40/28/16s - 100/50/0 mana)
LeBlanc mimics the ability last cast for the original damage plus an addition 0/50/100% of the original spell's damage.

heimer went mid
he has no items

looks like im fucked