Can someone pelase explain to me why bard attracts so much autism to it. Why is half the thread, every thread about abe and flat. No other class does this
Christopher Hughes
first time Baelsar's Wall, I'm healer, pst...
5 mins..
Jack Wilson
Should I level up crafting classes just to make glamour prisms, or should I just buy them?
Julian Brooks
Julian Garcia
Enjoy the boredom and autoscroll making it take longer than it actually should
Jordan Bailey
For research sake, post server name, race, &/or job
Jeremiah Harris
I haven't played this game since like 3.1 or something. I was always most interested in the crafting end game, and I liked what was in at the start, but it felt a little bit incomplete. Has it been expanded/made less horrendously grindy since then? I kinda want to come back before Stormblood.
Thomas Mitchell
Elijah Stewart
Convince me to resub
My highest level Job is War 35
Anthony Morgan
[Server] Black Mage [Server] White Mage/Scholar/Monk [Server] Dragoon
Carson Butler
Odin/Cat/WHM What are you researching?
Oliver Powell
Juan Hernandez
Which server is the most comfy and why is it Coeurl
Julian Scott
gilgamesh, keeper, brd
Carter Clark
>tfw no Guildwork still
Daniel Phillips
Balmung, Lalafell WHM
not that I play anymore
Nathaniel Rogers
What's the general price for levekits on Balmung
Jacob Morgan
What gloves/boots look most like stockings? Need to be wearable by the same class.
No orison, I have a white mage glamour already.
I find it convenient to be able to craft them myself so I'd say do it.
Angel Butler
>dead server >comfy
Connor Morgan
God dammit Felix
Zalera, cat, WAR
Alexander Foster
balmung, suncat, whm
Anthony Torres
Owen Reed
Excalibur, Hyur, MNK.
Juan Cook
Dylan Bell
Which one you need? One EB.
Nolan Perez
Because shirtless dudes
Charles Nguyen
balmung hyur drk
Jonathan Rodriguez
I want to be Flat Chest's Boyfriend!
Carson Nguyen
>dead server >don't have to trip over faggots erping in every single back alley like the degenerates they are. C o m f y a s f u c k .
Tyler Richardson
Balmung, usually elezen, WHM
Justin Brooks
Aiden Bell
>why is balmung, a server entirely full of lonely autists, sperging out all over the thread
i have literally no idea who anyone the thread talks about is. like i've seen maybe two avatarfags in df in three years
it's a chat room for the worst people online and if people didn't occasionally pop in to ask questions i would leave without any regrets
Lincoln Torres
Faerie, big gurl, MNK/whatever I randomly decide to alt for a week or two.
Mason Smith
I haven't played since patch 2.6, what have I missed?
Brody Brooks
Exodus, sun cat, bard and eventual machinist.
Angel Sanchez
What server should I start out on?
Adam Miller
Kill me
Caleb Harris
My highest crafter is 30 and all the other ones are like 0 lmao. I haven't crafted at all.
Alexander Kelly
love drumpfs hate
say it with me /xivg/
Jeremiah Lewis
please reply to me, i want to be an omnicrafter for my future husband
Why would human be the most popular race? its basic as fuck
David Stewart
Owen Thompson
odin/elezen/bard or whatever people need
Connor Rodriguez
Austin Ortiz
Balmung, Hyur, SMN. Probably change to DRG or whatever. They added the Moogle beast tribe quest which help you level up crafting classes so they're significantly easier to level up now. For end game gear there's Ironworks stuff that's universal unlike the AFs.
Jaxson Morgan
Look, I mean, I know that nobody here actually plays this game, but can someone take a second to just give me a yes or no?
Cooper Robinson
he will not divide us
fuck trump and fuck white people they are everything thats wrong with this world
Charles Martinez
Faerie (hate it here) Male Cat Thingy Monk
Kayden Allen
Is ZR still a thing on Ultros? In general what fc should i join on Ultros?
Bentley Russell
Leviathan, Excalibur, Behemoth are your best options for getting into a populated server. The majority of posters here play on Balmung, which you will most likely have to pay for a transfer to get on. Gilgamesh is the next largest server, but you'll have a hard time getting in there too. Due to the stupid as fuck character creation system in this game if you want to get into a populated server you need to wait for off-hours, like late as fuck at night or early-ish in the morning, to make a character.
Hunter Myers
Balmung, Roegadyn, Warrior.
I'm mostly just there for the c@s. I've stopped all leveling at this point.
Connor Howard
Oh, cool. More beast tribe stuff for crafting is nice. Having universal gear is also a huge plus, although I'm guessing it's a pain in the ass to craft. Thanks.
Mason King
>i've never played an mmo before
Blake Sanchez
Luis Anderson
Join SORA and make metty angry
Thomas Bailey
Because bots and people prefer their faces/aesthetic? >Being a subhuman
Even if you remove the bots, they're still one of the most popular race. 1st for males and 3rd for females (with cats and lizards being 2nd and 3rd)
Matthew Murphy
what does this have to do with Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward™ it's not even tangentially related like ebin drama
Ethan Phillips
Hey you! Go make some PROGRESS on what you are working on! You can do it!
Cameron Rivera
Balmung Midlander Black Mage
Landon Diaz
yah boy, thighs everywhere
Austin Nguyen
with cats and lizards being 1st and 2nd*
Oliver Jones
Kevin Turner
Could someone please post that one Dark Knight comic?
Mason Edwards
I'm waiting for raid to start though user, and be disappointed the axe will never drop.
Gabriel Evans
sarg, roe, nin
the largest part of the active playerbase is cats/lizards
Blake Scott
I've literally been doing it all day. Jeez.
Julian Sanders
kys drumpf voter
Jaxson Mitchell
The prime directive is complete and my vengeance is sated, I need nothing else
Carson Martin
You can just buy it. I assume it's pretty cheap nowadays.
James Morris
Gilgamesh, Hyur, BRD/NIN/WAR
John Edwards
Yep that be me as Midlander last year
Easton Howard
So A3S has like a 30+ minute wait on it Guessing this is were I'm going to need an actual group?
Tyler Morales
siren au ra paladine
Aiden Green
>when u giv up ur aether but the primal still drainin
Justin Gomez
im watching
Jacob Morales
>tfw slowly drifting apart but try to keep smiling
Dominic Cook
Ethan Anderson
Holy shit, that's brilliant.
Hunter Hall
Alexander Lewis
>Faerie (hate it here) But it's the gay server. You'd fit in.