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Winter Wonder Orianna 2.0 Edition

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>Winter Wonder Orianna 2.0 Edition
Completely fine with this.

Please let's forget last thread

I didnt make the thread cause I was hoping for a blood moon TF thread

oh well

comfy bfs~

stop calling them that tho plz

just a request

>Orianna Thread

God bless

I forgot to backlink.

I hate life.

Why do you main who you main

Wonder what happen to her after she left her home.

because yasuo is broken and azir sounds epic.

Whoa! She is really cute!

What's her name again?

Finally, a new thread.
Last thread was such a nightmare, just when the threads were starting to see some quality again, too.

I thought they were connected with page of the lunar reveal telling they're fighting demos

Reminder to always bully the scuttle crab!

Looks like eve to me

Orianna is fun because controlling the ball is fun. I like how I can zone and harass my enemy with my ball. Also she's cute.


well, it happens

i just joined this one, what went down last thread?
did someone get is on the subject of trannies again?

Only penis worth thinking about

I mean how often do you see a handsome hung European albino

I think we already did that in the morning user

Just bogstandrd faggotry, but a higher amount than usual


>Changing Cho'gath

God fucking dammit

Never fertile.

because I like taking care of people and love being able 360noscope people with long distance abilities. Giving shields + a stun/root is all I need on a champion.


>hung European albino
I work at a cafe in Italy, so a lot

According to who? she is probably extra fertile because "chosen of the moon" and all that

Holy shit was that a close one. I looked him up on a whim during champ select.

How's karthus?

im thinking of getting him, its either karthus or tubsy wubsy (garagas)

She probably unable to reproduce since she has to represent her people. Besides, Leona wants to kill her.


Of course.

gragas is literal garbage right now
karthus is still the king of outplays but he gets shit on by most of the common midlaners. I saw someone take him botlane the other day and make out like a bandit.

But she's the last one of her people it would be a shame if she really is the last one

This game is real boring and I only play when my friends invite me so I just main ivern because he's as braindead as Janna but I don't have to be paired other an ADC retard.

>in a lousy household with tons of racket
>friends are all gone playing single player games
>nothing to do but play league of legends

fuck everything

Here's a little present for our very own lovable homo rager, Mangina Buucockgay. You're welcome, whore. Enjoy.

Because I like playing champs that aren't even slightly viable at any level of play

>buy lunar goddess diana last sale
>suddenly come out with out with blood moon diana
Every single time....
that splash is so good too

Real new thread:

I am sure she can fix the "being last of her kind" issue really easily

My friend, since i met him, was all like
"Xonian, you nees to play Urgot. He's mad good." Back then, i didnt want to play him because everyone said that he sucked, and looking at his 2013 numbers, he kinda did.

But after Riot started to slowly gut my freelo Soraka, i was fetting bored. So, i tried Urgot. Even though he is not the best pick, i have never had so much fun
playing this game because of him.

>if she really is the last one
That will be good. No more war. No more Diana. No more Leona and her vengeance. Everyone wins.

not according to timestamps. ori > diana get shit on my man.


wow you made my day >_< thx user now give me some alone time

>new thread wars

Is this fucking /asp/?

These are my first two games on xin ever

Plat 5

Why is he so good and why does nobody play him?

>not majin and welding

I ship them

Should I buy Caitlyn, Yorick or Orianna? I intend to buy all 3 at some point but I only have the IP for one of them.

I venture top or mid sometimes but I'm an ADC main. I know, just please help me decide.

So we have to kill all the Targon tribes and exorcise Pantheon

>playing anything other than lee sin in the jungle

Stop. If Riot sees his playrate go up they'll nerf him again.


Uhh, nothing? It's what your gayboi craves.


I don't trust my adc.

>mains ADC
Why the fuck don't you already own Cait? She's literally the only viable adc in the game now.

why is this spoiler image different

Not true

She'll protect your smile user.


>Why is he so good and why does nobody play him?
Xin Zhao is okay, he is just terrible if he falls behind and people don't really play him well especially at low elo. If you know what you're doing he's fine. Kind of like a slightly shittier Irelia with jg capability (fuck you Irelia can't jungle).

Anyone got more like this? It's fucking hilarious.

What the fuck I didn't spoiler it.

Because I like playing eve
Also for maximum suffering

lot of different viable adcs user

tfw no Kayle gf

>i know exactly whats on the board
jesus christ


Darius or mundo? i already got Irelia and trundle, need to decide my third top laner

Alright I asked this before but only got two answers. I'm a mid main Orianna fag but I want a new champ. Do I get Ekko, Azir, Dragon Guy, or Jinx for when I adc?

Yeah there's definitely some sexual tension between Buucockgay and Weldong, but it's like that between Manjizz Bukkake and almost every male regular (such as ImThem, Euler etc). At least he blatantly admits to wanting MJF's dick. I don't blame him, it has built in vibration.

>tfw no 1.0 AP ratio on Q

honestly if my adc doesn't at least hover cait or jhin I go in to full KS mode and they become the support. Fucking tired of these lucians and vayne mains.

Because I was too busy playing a lot of Jinx and having fun and not being a slave to the meta but I want to bring my game to the next level and get good at a champ who actually kind of matters.

I have more if you want me to dump, friend

>be mid main
>can play something mindless and has waveclear and win
>or play something fun and lose

darius fills what you're missing. Mundo and trundle have a bit too much overlap for me.

Please dump. I enjoy these.

sounds like you're just too competitive

or you can play swain/ahri and win while having fun.

Pretty much every mid has wave-clear now. Zed and Kat are almost as good at it as Viktor despite being manaless and barely having cooldowns.

tfw no diana gf


I don't even really know, never thought about it too hard. One day I just started playing a lot of Jax and never stopped. I think the thing I like the most is how versatile he is. You can do everything from Triforce into full tank or half-damage/half-tank or full AP one shot.

I have a few more but I'm loading into a game


This is most

She's cute, has a reliable, constant kit, fun, and I wanna cuddle her. also she's underrated so I have her all to myself!

they better not hurt my dino

Alrighty friendos
who wants a skin

>no old thread
thread is already ruined


trust me
you don't want to go back

The old thread was so fucking awful that nobody wants to re-link it.


There's a reason for that


Xth for Katarina
best girl

Hopefully they give him some kind of mobility boost into his kit, or just lower down the insane mana costs in general.

He desperately needs it.

I feel your pain user

>insane mana costs

do I get mine yet?~

Because of ebin HUE HUE memes.