League of legends general /lolg/

Fertile lunar cowtits edition

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that's a nice armpit tbqh

>lane against Yasuo
>shit on him hard
>eventually he gets his meme dancer
>i can no longer trade and he simply outscales me
>he is also a exhaust cuck

I hate this powercreep excuse of a champion.

fluffy tails


>sona is a """"""""support"""""""

Yeah, and Brand, Vel and Zyra are too.

If its Shark Aatrox you owe me a skin

Sona is the biggest and breastest waifu!

Fuckin' sweet

cmon, if you think about it from a technical perspective, zyra's root and ultimate are pretty heavy cc, considering your root is an aoe and can cc multiple enemies at once. also her plants are able to block engage.

i hate that slut i only play thresh

I fucking love that splash man, its earned its place in my top list.

Speaking of which, post em.

That's besides the point. Aurelion is pissed and only the aspects of Targon can stop him supposedly.
Leona needs to find Diana because she's an emo bitch and is afraid of the consequences of her actions plus wants to kill more Solari.
Pantheon is insane and possessed now and has a bone to pick with Aurelion and we don't even know what's the point of Taric in this.

I think it's neat that Leona is not a zealous Solari anymore but I completely hate that Pantheon x Leona stopped being a thing and now Leona x Diana is the canon pairing.

>Sewn Chaos Blitz and Amumu removed from PBE
>Skin team rioter Carlos comments on them actually missing the bar on quality (i.e. suckin balls and unlikely to draw in profit).
>Skins removed from game

I mean those skins blew anyway, but has this happened before?

Lulu is my STAR!

/d2g/ here, our game is ruined

are you happy now?

has riot had any original skin idea in like the last 12 months? it's all fucking rehashed shit made into series of skins

Dark star skins?
Deep sea nami?
Chromas jk

>someone get's autofilled adc
>ask if i can have it
>he says "nah adc is easy i can do it"
>just feeds his ass off because he has no sense of playing the role
>rages at everyone else enve though we're all fine
>checks his profile after the game
>plays autistic split pushing top laners

if the game is as popular as ever then why the fuck are these threads so damn dead

I play autistic splitpush toplaners, and adc is the hardest role for me. The mindset is so completely different than what im used to

that's because splitting isn't about fighting unless you can dick your enemy laner and then next person who comes

it's all about proper wave shoving and taking what you can with map awareness

ADC is all about the fight and not running away but spacing properly in a fight and not just kiting but kiting effectively

what really annoys me is the "adc is the easiest role because right clicking" meme since it's...not

ironically he had no map awareness. maybe it's because he couldn't focus on csing and trading at the same time while making sure he has no open engages in lane

>tfw no qt ez bf to talk to about bl and animu and mango
How do I cope, /lolg/?

>Been a jungle main since season 1
>Used to be just as bad as support and no one wanted to play it
>Season 3 was pretty good with the addition of jungle items so I don't have to build cloth 5 anymore and aegis/bulwark
>After that it's been okay but they literally change the jungle every few months which gets rather annoying
>Now jungler is probably tied with ADC for second most played role
>Been probably the best year for junglers by far
>Now riot is going to nerf the jungle again and is nerfing the junglers themselves as well

I want to go back to where not every jungler was an AD assassin and I could play Malphite or Rammus and stay comfy in the jungle. Next year the jungle is gonna turn into an actual jungle where I die to mosquitos giving me malaria before I gank unless I buy insect repellent and have to buy a bowie knife before I can get to any of the camps.

I got Soulstealer Vlad from hextech bullshit and now im on a 7 game vlad winstreak

I havent seen vladfag in a while, im going to take up his mantle of shitposting

>7 game vlad winstreak
impressive if you're playing ranked

vlad is absolute garbage dick right now

that pic is just a short-haired girl

real boys don't look like that

shit, anime boys don't even look like that

>expecting riot to stop ruining the jungle every other week
not gonna happen

they'll never realize that they had it right at the end of season 4

Posting in thread to get something sweet out of this loot chest.


Her arms looks broken or nah?

>Jungle Warwick
>Every game in my match history for the past 2-3 months has been jungle Warwick
>Pretty much all victories
>Normal blind pick
>Oh god why am I doing this
>My team instantly start bitching at each other
>Support and adc are obviously premade and are on something like skype
>Top Quinn "Don't worry guys, she's a viable top, just wait and see"
>Mid Nidalee
>Bott Thresh and Tristana
>Quinn gives first blood at 3 mins
>Nidalee fails constantly
>Thresh can't land his grab for shit
>Tristana feeding
>All turrets pushed
>Inhibs down
>Everyone dies when they go to check Baron
>They didn't wait for me
>Only one alive
>Oh fuck this shit
>B and grab Warmogs
>Jump onto Ez with my ult and activate Hydra
>Rape his ass
>Kill Katarina
>Singed throws me away
>Flash towards him
>Kill him
>Lulu and GP start to run
>Hit Lulu a few times
>Passive activates
>kill GP
>Kill Lulu
>Destroy 2 mid turrets
>Head cos low health
>Finish build
>Team now think we can win
>All push mid
>Inhib down and in base
>Enemy team start to spawn
>Fucking killing time
>Kill Ez again
>Holy fuck what have I become
>Rape last 2 turrets and Nexus
>Holy fuck WW GG
>GG wp WW
>5 honourable opponent
>4 teamwork
>6 friends requests
>2 game invites
Regularly get pentas now, silver 1 and about to head into gold league.

How significant are these master yi buffs?

as significant as ur life

.2 ad ratio for yasuo e , thoughts on this cancer?

Actually had his base dmg nefed, and only evens out at like 200 ad so I'd say its a nice nerf

>on a winning streak
>doing really good today
>ranked goes down

pretty ded rn

Anybody knows a cheap boosting service?

Yeah, its called gitfuckinggud.com

Wait what.
Those skins were cool.
There are far worse skins they have released ie the heartseeker quinn.

should i be concerned?

Deep sea thresh was his release skin. Are you even trying user. Dark star is Aurelio but skins

>league of legends still doesn't have a debuff focused rat sorcerer
>you will never play a rat made
>you will never impregnate vayne while dressed as the man who killed her parents

yi mains from bronze to diamond will blow their fucking loads, everyone else won't understand them.

> got put in bronze 5

I cant say i dont deserve it for being bad, but it was kind of sobering to see it lit up on mu screen all the same.

Somebody hold me close so i can cry into your shirt

>still in bronze

How the fuck are you still in bronze 5 with so many freelo champions atm?

>you will never impregnate vayne while dressed as the man who killed her parents
I now have a fetish, thanks

You're welcome user.

I have others for you.
>You will never coerce kayle to reluctantly make out with her sister (morgana) while the later is incredibly drunk
>You will never slather sonas breasts in a mana potion then unload your ult onto her face
>you will never render soraka immobile while warwick has his way with her goat pussy, despite her repeated requests to stop then at the very least not to come inside.

so basically
>adc is for edgy duchebags who feel way more important than they actually are
>supp is for subs or motherly types, basically dumb cows who cannot 1+1
>jungle is for either for these playmaker tryhards who wanna be in every replay ever or socially awkward people
>top is for chill guys who always come to the party late but always make it better
>mid is the most important position so usually the most emotionally strong leader type personalities (except for Yasuo/Zed losers)

>t. Mid main
You got adc and top right, the rest is bullshit

Can confirm as a top main. I only play top so I can put off joining my team till later.

true for adc, chat restriction really made me think

No frankly.

I liked both games.

Why is d2 shit?


would diana MATE PRESS all the league boys?

No, she's an exclusive but slut for me

How do i know when to gank and when to farm the jungle?

xth for best otp :3

Is feral warwick worth a buy?

>Will your gank win the lane?
>Will it shut down the enemy laner, guaranteeing your lanes snowball?
>has the enemy laner/ jungler fucked around and left his shit unwarded, leading to easy kills or a potential immediate dragon/ rift herald?

You must ask yourself these questions until you can tell instinctively.

Is your jungle clear?

go gank

go farm

Do I fuck your mom every night?

i am cancer i know

Is ww must ban now in gold 5?

>wake up
>autofill still active
i hope people have fun when i pick yasuo/tryndamere support

Is league dying? This thread is moving slow af my dudes.

>troll picks
genocide you are self

the real trollpick is forcing me to play to suicide inducing role

do you at least buy sightstone and try to do stuff or steal farm and troll all game?

it's time

>everyone just bans him

Hi friends. What's the best way to build WW top? I was thinking of Trinity+Gunblade then full tank, Warwick has high AP and Gunblade's passive is really good but not sure if it's better than bork for hm since WW scales so well with attack speed

>Blood Moon TF

Why this over something like Blood Moon Bard?

>people ban ww
>they let Hecarim through
Shhh... it'll all be over soon.

>tfw I'm on the phone and can't post that one Kindred gif while debating whether she's the furry goddess or the butt goddess.
Can't wait to get home desu desu

I love Lissandra!

>they fucking ban him
>locking Heca
'bout to rape those flaming faggots senpai

>queue as jungle primary to try warwick
>puts me as secondary role every fucking time
>put jungle as secondary
>get primary role

*buys one million quicksilver sashes*
pssh.. nothing per..
*dies when irelia with 3 infernals + elder dashes at him*

looks like this game is dying before dota lads
pack up

i-i lost
"you should have let me jungle jajaja noob" - autofilled thresh
"fuck yuo thresh stop roaming my bro work at rito he will ban u" - Trist
"a ally has been slain - a summoner has disconnected"x3 -TF mid

this fucking game

>LoL 126000+ viewers
>Dota 70000+ viewers



Playing the game instead of shitposting
>Dead board
Fuck off

>play 2 games
>come back
>1 post

Thats pretty slow tonight to be honest family

Is there a point in banning junglers?

I mean you basically have to bann rengar, kha and lee since they're super overpowered. But then you also have vi zac and hecarim who are also similarly strong (just not extremely busted like the above 3).

It's also a ton of fun that Riot recently buffed the 3 most overpowered junglers their items by buffing lethality. As if assassins aren't already super OP in season 7.

>Kha rengo salt

I want to protect his smile.

>People would rather ban WW over fucking Rengar/Khazix/Jayce

McFucking kill yourselves

How well does kayle work in the jungle?

>I get free elo
>But only when I play Sona
What do?
