Okay... so... so

Okay... so... so...

What if the Nazis *did* win? What if they achieved their dream utopia? The society and world they so desired to build? What if they actually accomplished that and "forwarded" the Earth in whatever direction they wanted?

How long would it have take for that all to fall apart? For their proposed society to collapse and wither away to the history books? I imagine it would've just been a matter of time.

Other urls found in this thread:


They would still be in power today. The rest of the west would have been forced to eventually ally with them to defend the world from communism

Their society would never collapse and the world would be a better place, also we would colonize other planets right now

Would all depend on how and when they won and on Hitlers successor.

They eliminated all forms of degeneracy so society would simply be moving more and more forward, Germany's birthrate skyrocketed thanks to his programs, as odd as they were.

Bitch please, we'd be too inbred to this.

They weren't marrying family members retard, there are more Nordic people outside of your room then you may think.

Studies show that the healthiest genetic distance is about 3rd cousins.

>muh Nordic master race

Nazis were fucking delusional and relied on """""science""""" which was later debunked in later years.

We'd be used as forced slave labour and live under a totalitarian regime.

We wouldn't even be having this conversation had it not be for the allies.

Speak for yourself Freund. Hope you enjoyed Operation Paperclip, our science certainly was useless huh?

The Third Reich would have likely been destroyed by communism if anything. Considering it was the nemesis ideology to Nazism people would have eventually read Marx long after the USSR was dissolved and would have sought to create Marx's vision.

>They eliminated all forms of degeneracy

Drug addict, had sexual relations with his niece

Fat, faggot

Morbidly obese, owned a luxurious estate where he participated in obscene orgies

Pedophile, led a batallion of gypsies, POWs, mental patients and convicted rapists who participated in monumental savagery

Wewuzian pagan occultist, muslim lover

Absolute beta who was bullied in school, looked like a Jew to the point other kids called him a kike when he was a schoolboy

Physically deformed and sickly, also a manlet

Serial adulterer

Lived together with a literal brothel whore, was most likely her pimp

Creepy sociopathic fuck

And they would do that becuase reasons?

>which was later debunked in later years.
Actually the best thing is that they kept accidentally debunking it themselves. Read 'The Nazi Conscience" if you want sweet, unexpected salty nazi doctor tears that they can't find physical evidence of any of this shit.

You said literally this exact thing 1 year ago.

>'The Nazi Conscience"
>Claudia Koonz
>In my current research I ask similar questions about contemporary Europeans' reactions to Muslim women who wear the headscarf, or "hijab." I am less concerned with fanatics' hate speech than with the subtle prejudices common in generally liberal milieus. Identifying visual and textual representations of the "hijab" in mass-market media, I analyze the production of ethnic panic in countries where immigration is economically essential, but immigrants are culturally marginalized.

oh doge

>Hitler unites Europe
>degeneracy completely destroyed
>kicks the Turks out of Anatolia, allows our Aryan brothers the Kurds to reclaim the land on the condition that they convert to Christianity
>further unites our lost brothers from Central Asia who all either convert to christianity or revert to Zoroastrianism
>Allow Poo-in-Loos to become part of this Pan-Aryan movement so long as they all take part in the genetic skin whitening procedure developed by High-Tech Nazi Genetic Research
>kick muslims out of all Arabia
>allow Arab Christians and Yazidis to achieve second-class Aryan status
>ship the jews off to Antarctica

Fucking glorious m8


See Cry harder, naziboo

>Hitler's successor
This more than anything else. Germany shifted itself towards a central system based around one man during WWI and if you get the wrong man, everything falls apart.

Honestly, I could see Hitler himself getting even more unhinged as time went on and ruining things himself before the Thousand Year Reich even got a chance to get started.

>posts disgusting British inbred child

Idk i think he would retire pretty quickly after the war. But people cant just dispose of him if he would have won so he would still be influential.

>How long would it have take for that all to fall apart?

Define: "fall apart"

If Hitler had succeeded in killing all the jews, then nothing could have ever brought them back. So even if Hitler's government eventually went away, Hitler's core dream of getting rid of all jews would have still been intact.

Watch the movie "Conspiracy." In this movie, General Heydrich (commander of the SS) explains the logic behind Operation Reinhard (better known as the Holocaust). "We want to make sure that, no matter who wins the war, the Jews are erased from history forever. So that 1000 years from now, no matter who is in power, they are gone and nothing can ever bring them back. So that even if we lose the war, we have already won."

>No anime. (which for you autists is a dead sentence)
>No vidya. (see above)
>Constant invigilation.
>No chilled atmosphere, everyone tense.
>Everyone speaks kraut.
>Race mixing(because they would need their people to be obedient and without culture of their own, just the reich).
>Atheism, Shinto and Islam left. Rest of religions banned.
>People are born to work for the reich and fuhrer.
>No individualism.
>Central planned economy.
>A lot of jackdaw logos.
>Ruling nazi party elite has it all, others are divided to workers and mid class and cannot go higher than that.

>defend the world from communism

Nazism was dedicated to destroying the USSR, if they succeeded as per the OP then "communism" ceases to be a pressing problem. If anything the Nazis would take the place of the USSR in the cold war, but ultimately they would collapse as all despotic regimes do, and Europe would be 20 years behind where it is today, much as eastern Europe is thanks to the Gommies.

>Race mixing(because they would need their people to be obedient and without culture of their own, just the reich).
>Atheism, Shinto and Islam left. Rest of religions banned.

There is literally no way the Nazis would invent an internet. I mean seriously, use your brain.

Hitler was an Islamaboo though

Are you denying the obvious facts?
Germans are Islam enablers from nature.

>being a judge of degeneracy

I literally never watched a single anime in my life, not even fucking Pokemon.

Daily reminder that these threads are shit and devolve into unrealistic arguments and made up fantasies

Eventually Germany's economy would grow and the large middle class would push for political liberalization. It wouldn't make much different in the greater scheme of things.

The atrocities the nazis committed would be viewed the same way we view colonialism, the Armenian genocide or Stalin's gulags. It would generally not be considered a positive thing, but it wouldn't be such a hot button issue.

Seriously you fucktards. They did win, follow the money and their "failed sciences" IBM, Planned parenthood, the center for infectious disease control, Food and drug administration, for fuck sake look at homeland security and tell me we won world war ii. Open your fuckin eyes, we are on the verge of some dark shit that will make the haulacaust look like Summer at the Brady house.

>What if the Nazis *did* win?
You mean a United Europe with Germany as its economic center. (Hmm)
>How long would it have take for that all to fall apart?
Well. We'll see what happens after Brexit.

They spend decades and almost all of their money trying to scrub radiation from the baked cinder that is central Europe.

>How long would it have take for that all to fall apart?

5 years, tops.

>Germany's birthrate skyrocketed thanks to his programs, as odd as they were.

Which ones?

The mandatory anal sex programs.

>wake up sheeple

You have to be over 18 to post here, lad

The Berlin birth program of 1945

On the plus side, Russia would probably be broken up into smaller countries, then just "Russia".
>No country should be that big
>flares my autism

That literally never happened though. There was never a "Holocaust order" or even any physical evidence that it even happened

>Holocaust never happened

How is being a creepy sociopathic fuck degeneracy?

Presuming a Nazi war victory, it would depend largely on the peace terms for which external factor would cause their disintegration first.

That said, internally, the Fascist theory depends on the understanding that the natural state of humanity is war until the "final victory" of one race/group over all the others. Any peace is merely a resting period between struggles. Presuming a rigid adherence to this morality, war would resume within the generation and the world would fall apart through nuclear suicide within a generation.

That said such sentimentality about moral purity, once known as 'The French School' is historically atypical.

A 'German School' or 'Realpolitik' analysis would presume a healthy dose of moral rot in the successful Fascist state. Such degeneracy would set in almost immediately to meet the real needs of the moment rather than any preconceptions of purity. This is IMHO the more likely outcome in view of the Molotov Ribbentrop pact and others throughout the period.

Faction within the Fascist government during the peace would probably result in civil disobedience prompted by dissatisfied 2nd bananas in what Hitler called the "suspect mass" of the party. After that it depends on whether you believe Himmler would use the appearance of disunity to perform a Stalinist style purge of officers not loyal to him by way of the SS, or whether Hitler's whimsy would result in Himmler's removal or reshuffle before he can consolidate enough power to challenge him.

Should Hitler die by assassination, a baroque display of official grief would precede a power struggle as vicious, though perhaps more clandestine, as any in a royal government during succession. Nations built on cults of personality rarely survive their founder's death regardless of how they are constituted.

>Nations built on cults of personality rarely survive their founder's death regardless of how they are constituted.
Depends on the work of outside forces scheming against the nation. Not a single nation like that ever fell apart by itself.

Hopefully a world without Niggers.

I doubt if Adolph would tolerate current day Muslims and Isis. Sure as fuck wouldn't allow their mass migration into Germany.

My beef with Nazis winning is that Hitler would have gone full autistic after the war.

He would have most likely let Goering outlaw meat for animal rights issue, outlaw smoking, and Hitler would have banned alcohol as well since he always hated drunks because of his father.

So it would be like living in a Muslim nation except you couldn't eat meat because they liked animals better than people.

>le hypothetical history thread made by a teenager

the mistake you're making is assuming there was such a thing as a nazi "dream utopia" that they "desired to build". no such coherent vision existed beyond "rebuild army, reverse versailles" and "grab land to the east, treat it like a colony". other than that there is no grand vision of a "nazi world" and plans for the future vary greatly depending on which nazi is expressing them, and to whom.

wasn't there some goofy tv show recently about a nazi-conquered america? and it was just regular america except there were swastikas everywhere. that's no accident: people find the imagery exciting and transgressive but there's no coherent idea of "nazi america" to give the fantasy substance. in order to even imagine this fantastical "nazi world" you first need to buy into nazi propaganda that nazism was coherent, sustainable and extensible, and it wasn't any of those things. you just bought into the "thousand year reich" meme.

>and it was just regular america except there were swastikas everywhere. that's no accident: people find the imagery exciting and transgressive but there's no coherent idea of "nazi america" to give the fantasy substance.
How about this for a post-war Nazi America:

- no racial segregation
- no capitalist exploitation (they would follow the Ford model where factory workers can raise a family etc. on a regular salary)
- no communist degeneration in art, culture, etc.
- economy not based on a Ponzi scheme but on actual production and reserves

Hitler liked muslims in so far as they are just as anti-Semitic as he was. They helped him come up with idea of the holocaust even.

Not true. Only a retard.

True. Kinda the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Maybe he even would see jews today as how he viewed Islam because muslims wreck shit in Europe.

Goring was also a drug addict, he suffered from some really serious opium withdrawal symptoms when he was in prison after the war.

Sounds like paradise

Collapses into civil war when Hitler dies.

Like Merkel

The world would undoubtedly a better place

>How about this for a post-war Nazi America:

that's just an arbitrary list of pipe dreams user. none of this has any basis in the reality of the third reich. with minor changes you could present your points as "post war soviet america" or whatever. it's all a fantasy.

but as long as we're fantasizing about a random european state magically conquering earth here's planet poland:

- liberty for all under the benign dictatorship of mecha-pilsudski
- bolshevism eradicated, russia forcibly broken down into smaller states
- fascism eradicated
- all christian schisms reunited
- free vodka

>the benign dictatorship of mecha-pilsudski
will never happen, I agree

Why the fuck do I see you in every thread along these lines? Why do you always fuck with the premise? Does it make your dick feel bigger?

What's a hulacaust?



provoking russia into gangraping all german women

i know you made this joke first but your version is too subtle for this place

>too subtle
It's not, it's just distasteful and not worth commenting on. You're not a special snowflake for getting it.

I respect the plight of the mighty Hulans RIP watch Joe vs The Volcano for more information Google it.