League of Legends General - /lolg/

Madness in the jungle edition


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When will we get good casters in LoL?

post some of your favourite shitter memories
>get challenged to a 1v1 by fizz
>accept it
>he picks ahri
>I pick zed
>go vamp sceptre and 5 bots
>farm it out until lv 17
>kill him despite him using 3 ults and flash to escape
>he throws a bitchfit
>wants a rematch
>he picks fizz
>I go malz
>start catalyst + 5 pots
>farm it out until 25 mins
>kill him under turret when he get's impatient
best fucking feelings

What's wrong with the current casters?

buffs are live!!!

>new ww ult is a skillshot
>when malz is a point and click

wait why

is there a lewder splash art?

Low elos, man.

>complaining even though it wont make a difference
wait why

how to be happy lolg?

it's really strange

ryze got to keep his point and click root through the rework but not ww

Kill any Ahri mains in matches.

Why is a champion with these numbers allowed to fucking exist? How the fuck is this balanced?

>level 17
you are the shitter if you couldnt kill him in the first 8 minutes

Try to be content or satisfied with where you stand before you work on being happy.
Listen to this.
He has a godtier mobility and as steroid thats "global".

Ww didn't have a point and click root.

YO LE GUYS ITS LE US LE ReddITO games here
XDDD we thought about supporting in general and decided that they need more power because the fantasy just wasn't there. ;))
So we added dis new item called Redemption that buffs shields and heals XDDD but we also made it stack with Locket.
We suggest you use it on braindead champiosn like Janna and then feel good about your skills in the game.

Are you merely pretending to be retarded?

I want to Breed this thing

Getting this mad that the shittiest role in the game cucked you out of a kill.

Pretending any champion in this game isn't braindead when you are microing one unit that has four commands.

Get shit on, faggot. This little braindead waifu of yours cockblocked my win with her retarded heals and shields.

Fuck ReddITO games and their gay policies.

>Play Janna
>Shield+Redemption low hp allies


it wasn't about killing him it was wasting his time farming and freezing.

I think for new ww you either go
razor>titty hydra>cdr tank
or like hecarim cinderhulk>tf>cdr tank

Is feral warwick worth a buy?

nocturne is really squishy.

>warwicks is that way because hes melee so even if you miss it works as a gapcloser
>malz is targeted because his 3/4ths of his kit falls apart without it

I might play her again.

>WW actually gets tremendous buffs but his ult damage is more frontloaded and is now a skillshot
>malz gets a retarded passive but gets his damage completely gutted, ult stays the same

Humbled? Who cares, they are below you on the food chain. Tigers dont eat moles, adults dont go all out when fighting children.

Im about to 1v1 you for the bastardizing of the sacred rules bitch fuck you

I miss old simpsons

but yeah thanks, I think that helped
is drastic change good? what if I rush into it?

>build tanky
>still one-shot the adc and midlaner in a single rotation.
>GA takes up one item slot and costs less than 2500

Yea, you're retarded.

lastest season of simpsons were really good

Reminder shyvana is the most fertile champ in the game

i bet she could even breed taric

>is drastic change good? what if I rush into it?
If that's what you think it'll take. I don't know your situation or what you could be going through, but change is usually a good thing. If you do rush into it keep your head held high and don't regret your decision. Best of luck in your endeavor.

mornin lelfriends

how's new doge?

It's bestiality.
>Dungeon and Dragons
Oh come on, Riot!

>I was already doing really well with lulu before

whats wrong with D&D?

yes that's good :3!

this splash is garbage compared to maid though.

Do they need to use a lore of another game to help make a case about their characters?

Any of the warwick skins must buy? Of course, excluding urf and gray warwick.

Damn I really wish we could have bought those 2.


Hyena because of revving when you press W
Feral and Firefang might be worth buying.

why are there two threads running -_-

>tfw you're a braindamaged support main and it'll take weeks until you change your build order

why did they have to make redemption so bad at early levels


There aren't. That diana one was made well after the orianna one and the guy started crying because no one chose his thread even though it was well after the new one was just made. Ignore him.

I'm glad, I never got the hang of building it in the first place

>I just have marauder WW


because someone made a thread after the fiasco that happened yesterday, and it's still running

>on win streak
>can't get my final S- for M6

Boy I wish the S- I got when I reached M5 counted or even the S- ranks I got during M4 and M3.

it's the standard fantasy template along with Tolkien
or do you want hem make lore about every single detail of Runeterra?

being stuck on M6 is the worst feel

>Too shit to get M7
>cant fake that you are a shitter anymore unlike M5

>do you want hem make lore about every single detail of Runeterra?
yes please.

barring that i'd settle for them to balance the game well.

unfortunately riot doesn't seem to be prioritizing either of those.

>Boy I wish the S- I got when I reached M5 counted or even the S- ranks I got during M4 and M3

this a trillion times
once you git gud the competition also gets gud
not fair

The grading system is absolutely ass. It seems random as fuck sometimes. But I have noticed supports get higher grades way easier.

Warwick is a killing machine.

>get an s as sona 3rd time playing her without even trying
>struggle to get an s on my main because i died one too many times or neglected cs to actually win and help my team
it's painful.

Janna was the HARDEST one to get M7 with out of all my roster

learn to cs, faggot.

>not cheesing referrals for it and Medieval Twitch along with the free 7K ip or whatever it was

I can understand if it's a long running trope in lore about a species or race.
But I think they could have take risk of trying to have it be a bit different.

Alright who are the absolute most busted junglers at the minute? From what I've tried Vi, Hecarim, Zac and Jarvan seem pretty fucking top tier.

csing isn't everything you tard. It's a part of it but even if you get a good game going and get good cs and the enemy surrenders @20 you're fucked out of an S rank.

You know I wanted to do that. I just never felt like bothering. What was it? 100 accounts to lvl 10?

And besides, didnt they like punish those that cheated on it a while back?

yeah they gotta make skins and reworks
I think they are running out of ideas
supports have shitload of assists maybe that's why
I fucking called it right when I saw his kit
My diamond friend didn't believe

also why does it feel that the grading system is completely shite? Instead of helping your team it focuses on selfish things like not dying and csing which sometimes you cannot do cause you have to babysit 3 people
It doesn't mean anything ultimately

Only 10 for both free skins, it was like 50-100 or so for RP from each one after that though

Lulu is my STAR!

Huh. I always knew that it was a lot more for the skins. I thought you'd get 975 rp at 10 referrals.

>people first timing a champ
>every ranked game


Lulufag no offense but why do you have to broadcast your feeling towards her in every thread?
We already know you're in love with
Atleast you could do something creative with it cmon

>8 game winning streak with me getting more than 10 kills every time
>sudden slew of games filled with retards such as junglers who forget smite
>I can't control my rage and get suspended
Literally the 3rd time this exact scenario has happened and it's always in low gold. Disgusting elo

>All these WW first timers in ranked


do you really think you can communicate with someone who has no soul?

Him and Jinxfag are terrible. They say the same exact shit every thread but at least, as far as I know, Jinxfag doesn't pretend he doesn't want attention. Lulufag is wanting attention and you're giving it to him. Also his waifu's "star" belongs to everyone at /lolg/ he just likes sloppy seconds.


I knew this would happen so I'm take a break from rank. But I still want to try out WW so I'm try normals.

zac is broken in soloq

All of those champs stomp low elo, but with the lethality changes khazix and rengar will be a nightmare

the 50 someodd was for additional RP after that 975, where you'd get like 500 for each account

Obviously meant for streamers, but both of the skins were obtainable with less than 20 shitty smurfs

>Rito changes the jungle to encourage less farming and more ganking
>turns out getting ganked 5 times in 5 minutes is super unfun
Riot make up your goddamn mind

>tfw when youre top Garen and enemy is going for blue but you steal it and win the game because of getting it and get 7/0/5 and they surr by 25

His complicated kit definitely needs 500 games practice in normals.

>yfw they don't surrender by 25 and you're useless against their botlane and mid CC while the enemy top finally gets farmed and kills your shitter adc

You still need to try a few games. Don't just buy the fucker and think you will do good.

Well i try to be creative about it every now and then. Sorry if i'm too assburger and can't contain the pure joy i feel when i see her face and hear her laugh

buff diana
make her more of an assassin
not a fighter
buff her damage
she needs it

never happened to me

More like make her more of a fighter and not just good/bad Akali.

>xth for always being restless.

Why are people so obsessed buffing Garen?

>Give him ms speed!
>His silence should last more seconds!
>More damage!

He is so cancer to play against if ure melee and not darius. He is very hard to kill in late. His true damage is retarded high and he can easily oneshot a squishy with only 1 dmg item.

I dont say he is broken or smth, just very annoying. But i guess people dont remember the juggernaut update anymore.

>Teammate whines about another being unskilled, or being "low diamond" "diamond with X games lol" "diamond last season"
>He's the one that's performing the worst aside from the guy he's complaining about

really makes you think

But the point is you can't see her face, you see, she's not real, it's just a drawing. Stop your faggotry

>tfw you're way better than everyone at your rank but you have no motivation to play

Who here /diamond last season but now gold for some reason/

git gud

>that feel when to smart too be good at the game

>/diamond last season but now gold for some reason/
Here here. But I purposely threw some of my placements so I could stomp my way back up. It pretty fun when you can abuse master yi