What did the Indo-Europeans actually look like? How did light features manage to almost completely (over 99%) dissapear from India where Indo-European languages are still spoken by hundreds of millions meanwhile Arabs, Anatolians, and other non-chink Turkics possess these traits in higher numbers?
What did the Indo-Europeans actually look like...
The PIE had dark hair, dark eyes, and pale to olive skin wherever they got pale anatolian farmer DNA
Later on light hair and eye DNA came south from somewhere in northeast europe/scandinavia
Then how were these light features able to spread without the spread of Indo-European languages and vice-versa? Even Genghis Khan was known to have had red hair and green/hazel eyes
Like a Circassians.
Genghis Khan wasn't Indo-European, for one.
I Indo-European tribe once lived in Central Asia in what I believe is modern day Kazakhstan. I forget their name but they built mounds for their dead and archeological evidence shows they had traits like red hair. I think they eventually got overwhelmed by nomadic tribes from Mongolia in the early medieval ages.
The Rig Veda describes one of their number as being tall, blonde haired and blue eyed.
I just remembered. They were called the Tocharians.
After a few thousand years light eyes and hair found their way south through sexual selection. PIE speaking populations absorbed it and some of it made it east.
Indo-Aryans were not the same thing as PIE
They were a daughter culture
>red haired asians with indo-euro features
possibly origin of the white species
>exiled turkoid albinos
Yup. Still don't know what it has to do with Genghis Khan. Indo-Euros aren't the only people in the world with fair features.
>How did light features manage to almost completely (over 99%) dissapear from India
Race mixing is a hell of a drug.
Maybe Genghis' grandfather took a purebread Tocharian qt as a concubine? Stuff like red hair and different eye colored is a pretty Indo-European thing.
Like Celts, Iberians, and Slavs.
That link is to a WE WUZ website.
anatolians have lighter features, persians lighter etc..
>Anonymous 09/08/16(Thu)13:21:32 No.1665927▶
>That link is to a WE WUZ website.
/boards.Veeky Forums.org/his/
boards.Veeky Forums.org/his/
Veeky Forums.org/his/
Veeky Forums.org
Veeky Forums Veeky Forums
Tocharians come from Afanasievo (Yamnas of the East). Afanasievo/Tocharians (eastern Yamna) were light haired/eyes
scholars have linked the Tocharians with the Afanasevo culture of eastern Siberia (c. 3500 – 2500 BC)
They found that the Yamnaya of the Samara Valley in the northern steppe of Russia were genetically indistinguishable from the Afanasievo of the Altai in the Yenesey region of southern Siberia, which confirms archaeologists’ suggestions that there was a vast migration of steppe pastoralists to the east
Afanasievo was the eastern branch of Yamna, the Tocharians are the descendants of eastern Yamna (Afanasievo)
Afanasevo culture (c. 3300–2500 BCE), located north of the Tarim, in Siberia/Mongolia, directly connected (genetically, culturally, linguistically) with Yamna of Europe (Black Sea)
they mixed in with local turkics according to chinese records
they were raped during the turkic invasions (gokturks etc..)
This thread again
>Even Genghis Khan was known to have had red hair and green/hazel eyes
Yes but the original Yamna were darker than any modern European including Andalusians, Sardinians and Sicilians
>Proto-Indo-Europeans are dark
>Proto-Indo-Iranians are Scandinavia tier
Because language =/= genetics. And Indo-Europeans lived in Central Asia for quite a long time, so they obviously bred with other populations (or exchanged their culture for a non-Indo-European one).
This might come as a surprise to you but red hair or light eyes aren't exclusively PIE trait
PIE people have been said to be light-skinned but with dark hair and eyes. They mixed with people who had light hair and eyes in Europe, likely Proto-Europeans that weren't PIE.
>>location russia
>What does a STRICTLY LINGUISTIC GROUP look like.
I think y-haplo group I had blue eyed and group R had red haired. But I think red hair has a few independent evolutions.
There were other nomadic Indo-European peoples in Central Asia with similar appearances, called Scythians, Massagetae, Sarmatians, Alans, etc.
Then why are light hair and eyes found in Central Asia, where Paleo European Hunter-gatherers never set foot? They were even more common in ancient times.
>Strictly linguistic
Then explain indo-european proto myth
So most everyone from Iceland to India is the same race? What other divisions are there then?
>So most everyone from Iceland to India is the same race?
And Basques don't belong to it?
Of course they do. Basques are almost completely R1b, which is Indo-European.
What about people speaking IE languages, who aren't R1b? Are they Indo-European?
It depends on which ones. Slavs are R1a and definitely IE too. Negroids who happen to speak a IE language definitely aren't part of the race.
So if Indo-European languages aren't the defining features of Indo-Europeans, how do you defone the group?
I just define it by recent genetic ancestry. People who descend from the original IE in Asia/Eastern Europe are part of the group, which in itself is a sub-group of the greater Caucasian race. The big majority of people between Iceland and India are part of it, though it gets REALLY muddy starting from the middle-east due to later Arabian and Asian (mongol and turkic) migrations. Arabs are Caucasian, but they aren't IE, however there are also plenty of people who live in the Middle-East (and even Arabia itself) who also happen to be IE.
I see where they are going with this map, but some of those borders are weird. Somalia is not white people. Dravidians are a circle in northern India? I don't really know Africa, but the Bantu and Khoisan seem funny too.
The first proto indo europeans were pale-skinned but dark haired and dark eyed.
These early PIEs arrived in Europe/Central Asia, and then acquired the traits for light feature. These "lighter" PIEs were the ones associated with the traditional expansions into Asia and Europe.
I'm assuming the features are not as common in Asia because these areas were already populated, however, it's odd considering PIE haplogroups are still quite common in India.
Where are you getting this? Blonde hair and blue eyes have been around for 10000 years. It's argued blue eyes even originated in central asia.
>they were genetically tall (phenotypic height is determined by both genetics and environmental factors), overwhelmingly dark-eyed (brown), dark-haired and had a skin colour that was moderately light, though somewhat darker than that of the average modern European
Amerindians are not Mongolic
>pale skinned
No, they were darker than Sicilians
they are turkic
>they are turkic
Yes they are you fucking cuck
I imagine something like this.
>Egyptians were black
No they aren't you uneducated retard
>Anatolian hypothesis
the idea of an archeologist trying to find an urheimat for a hypothetical people only known from a scant reconstructed lexicon has always been hilarious to me
>IE genetic dominance
corpses found at archaeological cultures that predate the arrival of IE speakers in Europe do not exhibit physiognomically unusual features
nobody could tell apart an Etruscan from a Faliscan
>nobody could tell apart an Etruscan from a Faliscan
Actually Etruscans were dolicocephalic and had shovel teeth Faliscans were central Italians so I guess they were not dolicocephalic but mesocephalic
Yes, they were darker than any contemporary European
>Another article released a year later basically revealed the same thing, although this study focused the pigmentation of many ancient European populations in comparison to modern ones including pre Neolithic Western Hunter Gatherers and early Neolithic Farmers in Europe. But the study did also include a sample set from the Yamnaya culture which is identified by most linguists as the speakers of the Proto Indo-European language on the eve of their great expansion. Only 11% of the Yamnaya in this sample from the Samar Oblast region carry alleles for light eyes, as they are noticeably darker pigmented in skin and eyes than contemporary Southern Europeans. See data below.
SOURCE : Mathieson, Iain, et al. "Eight thousand years of natural selection in Europe." bioRxiv (2015): 016477.
Light skin evoked in Asians before it evolved in Europeans.
>A linguistic-classification of a bunch of ethnicities.
>"What did the Indo-Europeans actually look like?"
You know how fucking stupid you sound?
>South Sudan
>putting all Bantus with Niger-Congo people despite the latter coming into existence first
>nothing for Pygmies
Yeah because Amerindians being classified as Mongolic is right.
Oh please, that was the most obvious one to pick.
He obviously meant Proto-Indo-Europeans
>white species
It's in the right ballpark, but it needs to be a little less broad.
Anyhow, superior map coming through
>he doesn't realize that ethnolinguistic groups used to have much more homogeneous genetics and only as time has gone on and the movement and assimilation of peoples has begun to change this
Literally WE
They're Algic and Déne I believe
They were mainly mongolic.
OP wasn't talking about PIE, but about Indo-aryans. Given the appearance of the Tocharian mummies I think it's safe to say that the Indo-aryans were white looking.
He literally said Indo-European dumbass
And they looked "white" after a few thousand years but not in our modern sense