This is my cow and I love her. Her milk is always warm and sweet.
Colton Diaz
Nathaniel Fisher
Nice to see some Ryobutt in the OP
Kevin Sanchez
Death will come to all of us.
Especially shinobi.
It will come, inevitable as day and night.
It is only to be feared if you fear what is on the other side of it, if you see darkness in your soul rather than light. In a way, I suppose shinobi are gods. You give your life away so others will live in peace, even if it's only fleeting. The ones who live carry parts of you with them, your deeds become seeds for theirs. The sacrifice carries forward. And in their final moments as a shinobi, you know they will have to answer the same question you did in yours: with your life, would you only create death, or with your death would you create life?
That is my question to you, Miyabi, how will you die? And for what?"
Justin Lewis
Senran VR or HD rumble?
Adam Russell
I want to feel you from the inside, Ikaruga.
Josiah Myers
Both stupid gimmicks
Nathaniel Rodriguez
Yes, and? Both would obviously be some kind of minigame like the dressing room. You don't honestly believe that either of them would be great for the main game, do you?
Luis Edwards
For masturbation purposes, definitely VR. HD rumble won't help in that area until we go full haptic suit shit.
Levi Reyes
>finally get GR2 in the mail >PS4 controller is completely dead and has to charge >it can't sync to a PS4 until it charges fully
Brandon Murphy
That's odd, I've never heard of a controller not turning on even when it's not fully charged.
Blake Martin
Senran Kagura Xtreme when?
Charles Stewart
What? It should work normally after it has enough charge to not immediately die.
Gabriel Carter
le smug blueberry
Bentley Adams
I love this satanist.
Lincoln Reed
Owen Hernandez
I want Dai to crush my head on her thighs
Jose Walker
I want to do all these things and more with Katsu-nee.
Charles Kelly
I wish dai was in a yakuza game and not in uppers.
Thomas Rodriguez
Musclegirls are shit.
Owen Green
>that base form art flirtatious daidouji when
Anthony Johnson
>check tumblr for the first time in a million years after remembering it till exists >3 of my favorite artists turned into patron shills
Please post cute pictures of senrans that do not have patreon watermarks on them
No she sucks at it. She's easily the weakest of her group and probably the weakest of all the main senrans. I'm going to bully her.
Nathan Ortiz
We really need both, simultaneously, with an HD rumble enabled fleshlight modeled after your Senran's insides.
David Adams
It's Marie Rose the flat DOA.
Hunter Miller
You know, as much as I hate Yumi and her fans for domineering the series, she at least maintains the standard of having big ass titties.
Gavin Turner
Thread reminder that Shiki can't pretend anymore, the vampire heritage is in the open now.
Feeding on Mura-socky when?
Julian Barnes
I didn't know they allowed areolae in new wave
Maybe they just really like showing off Shiki's nipples
Julian Sullivan
That's shading user. *pets user*
Nicholas Campbell
She's a vegetarian dhampyr! She only eats tomatoes and ketchup to make her not feed on blood!
Nicholas Russell
Pretty conveniently placed shading there
Angel Martin
if she's a vampire, why is she in the sun so openly?
David Robinson
It's just shadows from her swimsuit straps.. though, they do like Shiki's nipples. We got pretty gratuitous shots of them in the OVA.
But really it's the fang that we should be noticing.. and now that I go back, there's some other cards where her fangs show up too.
I almost feel duped, like I should switch Senrans, I mean, Vampires are SUPPOSED to be seductive and I was seduced by a Vampire.
Robert Turner
Well it's more likely that she's a Dhampir like Alucard or Blade.
But still, she's literally a monster girl.
Bentley Torres
That's not New Wave, user.
Angel Fisher
Jayden King
Poking Senrans' vulvas! Through their panties/bikinis!
Elijah Smith
Joseph Ward
Kick me Katsuragi!
Carson Jones
I want Katsuragi to use her thighs on my dick.
Landon Price
Please kick me in either my face, balls or heart!
Juan Bell
Things Senrans say in user thread: >I love user! Every thread! >Luvin' user! >BEEP BEEP BEST user COMING THROUGH >user gets scared and runs away >CUTEST user! >Making little Anons?! >This is an user. Say something nice about him! >user is my boyfriend! >I call dibs on user's virginity!
Jordan Jones
Most senrans are banned for being underage.
Nolan Nelson
>No "Appreciating user"
I think Appreciating Hanabi user is dead.
so I will appreciate her.
Ethan Reed
Things Senrans say in user thread: >What a fucking dork! >He's still a virgin? LOL! >>tfw you will never dominate user and make him your dog >Look at how hideous user is! >Take a look at how small his futomaki sushi roll is!
Cooper Evans
Who is the fartfag senran?
Asher Sullivan
Reminder that Senrans are filthy haremfags and will get no Anons! No Anons!
Ayden Flores
Ryouna, obviously.
Jaxon Roberts
Your least favourite Senran.
Michael Walker
meant for
Elijah Walker
Haruka obviously.
Hunter Scott
>Kat gets squicked out and leaves
Dylan Stewart
>user will flex his meaty cock for no one but me!
Josiah Morris
Hanabi brows are thicc
Owen King
goodnight anongen
Isaac Rivera
they're cute and expressive.
she's one of my favorite Senrans.
Ian Butler
Do you think there's an AnonDai who makes quotes for the next thread
Ayden Butler
Reverse aerial paizuri with Kat.
Chase Nguyen
>"How was your day, /anong/?" followed by several posts detailing mook genocide
Michael James
Which Senrans most likely have pubic hair? And how does that make you feel?
Anthony Anderson
Murasaki has probably a cute, purle bush and I want to rub my nose in it.
Easton Thompson
Katsuragi has a trimmed bush and takes care of it.
Mason Evans
I want to sniff Haruka's farts.
Adrian Harris
these are the Senrans I really like. The rest, I just don't care one way or the other about and a few I'm not fond of at all.
Christopher Smith
the thought of rin having erotic purple pubic hair turns me on
Nicholas Morales
You can't just objectify people like that.
Justin Evans
>Two and half inches! >user's small penis is cute! CUTE!
Lucas Powell
Even if you say it's cute that's still bullying! Somebody needs to stop these senrans!
Oliver Hill
I'm happy that you didn't put any who wave in the list.
Thomas Garcia
there aren't any who waves in senran sorter. Every character is playable in a SK game.
John Baker
Jaxson Kelly
>Why don't the Anons have any dicks? >Is that nutsack? >No, that's just a shadow >That OVA was pretty bad >I hate small dicks >Small dicks are patrician! Hai, ronpa!
Jack Price
first thing to make me laugh all week because i'm apparently five years old, thank you user
Matthew Sanchez
Hanabi needs to stop posting.
Jonathan Russell
That's Haruka, though.
Parker Sanders
Does Kagura want user to join her and Naraku in hunting some yoma?