Man what with the Keeper of the meme pick all the time ?? He literally fucking useless in every phase of the game
Samuel Jones
First for reddit
Levi Johnson
What dotard has the biggest penis?
Kevin Peterson
Justin Wright
Guys what if caster magnus w 15% spell amp at level 10
Jaxon Reed
Pudge the Butcher nerfs fucking when
Jeremiah Thompson
tfw you play "support", maybe feed and get carried every game
Landon Jones
Ayden Evans
I miss this game Why did 7.00 happened?
Liam Flores
farming is an abomination
Cameron Diaz
Delete when. He can't be balanced, he's always going to be bullshit and/or useless
Ethan Torres
>no trap hero
Zachary Johnson
lmao this pudge
Juan Perez
>PL buff
Nigga strong as fuck. Mr. 1k
Brayden Garcia
why not just increase fucking creep gold then instead of lowering it everyone would get more farm out of it even support cucks who advocated anti farming changes
Jack White
liquid is looking solid
Chase Evans
Eli Bailey
so we need even more inflation?
everyone is already crying about being 6-slotted at 30mins
Guys, i can't play KOTL right , i feel so useless late game help plox
Luis Moore
>1ks projecting he's been useless since 6.85 but still manages to get nerfed one way or another in every patch since then
Noah Ward
Used to be Boner King but Blizzard just feel like wanting to ruin the fun for everyone
Juan Young
just lower kill gold even further, and leave/increase the xp rewards kills should be about getting loads of xp while farming should be about actually getting gold at a decently fast rate feel free to call me 1k if this sounds like a retarded idea
Jordan Perez
Why do people pick brewmaster? He will never be buffed if he wins pro games. Like seriously kuro WTF?
Samuel Bell
Post your favorite
Luke Adams
>Blizzard Valve didn't delete Skeleton King because of Blizzard. They deleted Skeleton King because of China.
Nathaniel White
it's a bm pick as in "we can win even picking useless heroes"
Isaac Brooks
lmao he actually believes this
Jaxon Russell
OD tony SF
Jonathan White
leshrac timbersaw drow
Levi Young
Your average Blizzshill lady and gentlements
Jacob Williams
im pretty sure nobody can copyright a spooky skellington with a sword. it was because of china and they wanted every regions doto to look the same. for other heroes they just changed their name when bliz bitched at them
Chase Edwards
Lina Phoenix Ember Spirit
Matthew Parker
/d2g/ how to git gud with KOTL ???
Wyatt Gonzalez
Copyright laws work in such way that if the customer can confuse the two products, it might break copyright law.
Because point of trademark is to be identifiable.
So Valve couldn't keep it because it could be confused with actual SK
Josiah Hernandez
pick a different hero instead of trash like kotl
Nicholas Bailey
It was part of the compromise for Blizzard letting the rights to use "dota" go to Valve. Omniknight's blue color scheme. "Windrunner" and "Necrolyte" were also thrown under a bus for it
Lucas Reyes
spam mana leak like the faggot you are
Eli Carter
Pretty sure something as vague and generic as "the king of skeletons" can't be copyrighted. That'd be as ridiculous as somebody copyrighting oxygen. If that were the case I'm pretty sure Valve could fight the copyright claim and win easily.
Logan Sanders
why is shit like naga siren allowed to be in the game when it literally looks like a wow mob?
Julian Baker
Have you done your part in techies removal of the remaining player base?
Jacob Edwards
Miracle is LITERALLY the new arteezy
Alexander Wright
Pugna Beastmaster AGI heroes are shit but probably drow or venge maybe.
Ayden Campbell
Keeper of The Light Omni Knight Venomancer
Zachary Hernandez
How is Liquid so bad now? They used to actually be legitimately good - great, even. What the fuck happened that just made them trash comparable to Team Freedom? Is Kuroky really that bad of a captain?
Adam Morales
>If that were the case I'm pretty sure Valve could fight the copyright claim and not necessarily win and lose a lot of money in the process
>Pretty sure something as vague and generic as "the king of skeletons" can't be copyrighted. Context matters when talking about IP.
Jack Nelson
What about late game ? i think all his gimmick kinda fell off during tis phase
Samuel Hughes
but they're pretty good right now?
Nathan Thomas
>can heal team for 400hp with a well placed illuminate >mana leak is still fucking unfair at late game >Blinding light is super useful if the enemy didn´t picked a bkb or has the spent 5-sec one. or even forcing to pop it on melee carries >Can bring back people to him sor your team can quickly pick up an item or regen back at the fountain ??????? you´re just bad dude. KOTL is god-tier support and broken as fuck
Justin Brown
having no mana never falls off, you force them to bkb or die if you and your team arent retarded
Josiah Nguyen
they won every game in this qualifier so far
Cooper Baker
>comparable to Team Freedom u went a bit overboard there
Nolan Parker
>they win against literal bads. oko
Colton Sanders
Why is miracle feeding? STOP FEEDING WTF
Samuel Morgan
Whoever plays carry for Horde needs to be fired
Ryder Howard
its 500 hp
kotl is generally a piece of shit hero though, he's nice in some situations, especially if you want to drag the game out by split pushing/nuking waves
Caleb Bennett
EG and Secret dumpstered the open qualifiers for the major/TI a while back. That didn't stop them from being dumpstered in the actual tournament itself. Qualifiers don't actually mean anything.
Bentley Hill
they literally can't have better results atm, what do you want?
Luis Miller
so theyre bad because they win against bad teams?
Jason Garcia
What the fuck are you talking about
Gavin Cooper
>Miracle ends the game with 7 kills and 8 deaths on a carry hero You know what's wrong with liquid? It's this guy. He cannot function without the jew and that trap n0brain.
Easton Martin
it was bm. he showed that he can win even when feeding
Adrian Cooper
he went looking for those youtube moves
Xavier Torres
Yeah I bet it bm when he lost them the boston qualifier.
Cameron Ortiz
>artour 90 mins in queue
ded fucking gaem
Lucas Cooper
Yes Miracle is fucking shit
Thomas King
rtc was getting 90min queues even when this was considered an alive game
wish ded gaem shitters had an attention span longer than a gnat
Blake Fisher
stop posting bulba
Sebastian Martin
Kevin Roberts
Will our guy EE dumpster peruvians today?
Matthew Sullivan
that was on his main account though
Michael Young
>brings liquid down in flames >still gets to go to Boston as DC's SECOND coach
How does he keep getting away with it?
Isaac Lopez
finished packing your bags pablo?
Jordan Russell
What did stormfag north americans mean by this?
Sebastian Turner
It always was like this.
Wyatt Jackson
>rtz downloading league this is gonna be good
Jose Brown
>giving this guy a (you) >even giving his post a second glance lad...
Colton Howard
Yeah region lock did nothing wrong. I'm sure all of rtcs VODs are full of him
Eli Harris
if the option is to play with shitskins or not play at all, i choose not to play at all.
Jason Moore
OK Below are the Swedes, but who are the five niggers on top?
Noah Howard
Meme magic
Josiah Ward
>build echo saber >lose HMMM
Grayson Murphy
The Pillar Men.
Isaiah Torres
greeks of course
Nathaniel Howard
Then you can fuck off you subhuman. But your decision is affecting rtz. He can't practice now. Another game dies by /pol/s hand. BRABRABRABRABRABRAVO
Asher Phillips
James Perry
>team liquid plays a game >they draft an early-mid all in and get a rax by 22m >17 games later nobody knows what's going on "pro dota" xd
Camden Garcia
based gorgc using singsings rep to launch his esports career
Dominic Anderson
We're gonna make it to 60 minutes my fellow underage rtz stream watchers. >inb4 Reddit thread incoming
Alexander Baker
>gaben plays dota for the first time in his life, region locks the game one week later >game dies
Sebastian Sanchez
Noah Green
I liked the title. Have an upvote fellow memer.
Josiah Martin
>60+ minute queue Those /pol/tards really did it. They killed the game
Blake Thomas
RTZ queue so long he's apparanrly going to play League rofl
Nathan Butler
>implying valve didnt remove region lock a week ago
m8 if any of u actually played dota youd know us east is a shit hole like it was again
Hunter Williams
tinker kunkka slark
Robert Morgan
shouldnt the game match him with 4ks at this point?
Ethan Sanders
Ironically, 90% of league unranked pubs are children third worlders.
I would only enjoy watching it if he did a 5 stack and microed every hero himself.