What did boys in Ancient Greece actually look like?
What did boys in Ancient Greece actually look like?
like this
depend how much estrogen you could stuff into a sassyboipuc u acquire as qtpi slave from birth and raise to be ur cumdumpster
You can also use this list as a way to avoid foods high in estrogen if you have too much estrogen in your body.
Dried Fruits. Dried fruit, especially dried apricots, dates, and prunes, can help balance your estrogen levels in a big way. ...
Flaxseed. ...
Sesame Seeds. ...
Chickpeas. ...
Beans. ...
Peas. ...
Tempeh. ...
Alfalfa Sprouts.
[dicking intensifies]
Like Female Catgirls (Male).
Why is this image of an attractive woman titled boy.jpg?
>you'll never pump a load into your qt squire's boipucci before going off to battle the Athenians with your phalanxbros.
How old is that sculpture even?
Great, the boyfuckers are at it again
I want to fuck all of those images.
Go read the Symposium, you pleb.
>Christianity killed pederasty
You mad pagancuck?
Less christianty, more Germanic morality. Which has always feared the boipussy.
It's ok, they still practice it in Afghanistan
you shouldn't use words whose meanings you don't understand
I lurk /pol/, i know what it means
>pagan education
>I lurk /pol/
I couldn't tell.
Gas the kikes :^)
stop posting this fucking shit meme you autist
>I'm mad at a religion because I can't abuse little kids
Off yourself
I don't get the meme with Mila Jovovic and boys
It's one guy aggressively promoting his fetish.
I still don't understand the connection though. There are some pretty boys but Mila is really feminine
>I lurk /pol/
Fuck off back to >>>/pol
We don't you racist stormfags around here.
>Mila is really feminine
Not really.
This should be a helpful guide into what is feminine and what isn't:
She's got strong features and a flat chest. I get it.
Bravo man! tnx 4 the link,very interesting stuff :)
okay no homo, but...
A very small amount of Northern Afghanis in a specific region in Northern Afghanistan do you mean.
>Not really.
You are retarded if you don't think she's feminine as fuck and at all masculine.
They practice it in nearly ever part of the country, south and north, west and east. I can't say exactly the number but there are plenty of videos of boys dancing and men looking at them in desire
>U.S. soldiers were instructed to ignore the sexual abuse of boys by Afghan allies, even when it occurred on military bases, according to a report in the New York Times. The policy of looking the other way was designed to maintain good standing with the U.S.-trained Afghan police and militia in a country where the practice of bacha bazi (boy play) is widespread. In some cases, the U.S. ended up arming suspected pedophiles.
This is the kind of people you protected from the Soviets
>that look
stop larping
Pedophiles are bad enough, but commie pedophiles? That's pushing it.
Welcome aboard, friend.
jesus christ
my benis
Why does this board CONSTANTLY have pederasty threads?
it´s a Veeky Forums board duh
The proper fucking term is Incubus
>having only racist stormfags
Btw you made an incomplete sentence too:
"We don't you racist stormfags around here."
It should be:
"We don't LIKE you racist stormfags around here."
You failed in grammar, leftist. You might as well kill yourself because your intelligence is not fit for this board.
And by the way, I love how the leftists on this board are swift to judge what a /pol/ack's political affiliation is. Really shows how arrogant and presuming they all are. As if all of /pol/ is literally "one person".
This board is under the jurisdiction of those who allow it to exist. If /pol/ didn't want you fags here, it would've simply doxxed you all to oblivion.
Veeky Forumstorians are lucky enough to be spared by its mercy.
> Veeky Forumstorians are lucky enough to be spared by its mercy
It's true tho, /pol/ never forgives, and it never forgets.
funny how you assumed he was a leftist
>/pol/ is one person
Are you saying he had doubles?
I didn't "assume" he was a leftist. Anyone who says "racist stormfags" is bound to be on the opposite side of the political spectrum from the right.
They tend to highly exaggerate what the right of the spectrum is, because of what they are told by the mainstream media and how they relate to things.
Which is to say that they tend to be a very sensitive type of people, and blow the whole thing out of proportion.
That gives the term "spreading the boipucci" a whole new meaning
Well, it's a collective hivemind of likeminded individuals, let's put it that way, as contradictory as that may sound. But not all of them are "racist stormfags" as that leftist implied earlier in the thread.
Anyways I will stop talking about this and talk about history instead.
Did greekbois fuck their mothers as well?
Source and prove it.
>Anyone who says "racist stormfags" is bound to be on the opposite side of the political spectrum from the right.
Not necessarily since "racist stormfags" are in the far-right. Not every rightist likes their shit.
>people on Veeky Forums are talking about ancient boyfucking
>people on /r9k/ are talking about becoming traps
>people on /pol/ are talking about fucking boipussy
>people on /gif/ fap to tons of gay and trap porn
>people on /soc/ are rating each other's dicks
>people on /b/ are doing all this
When did this site become so fucking gay? 10 years ago you fags would've been called faggots and ridiculed here.
Maybe i should start spamming evangelical christian shit in every homo faggot thread i see so you faggots get the fuck out
Homos trying to gaslight straight people because turning straight people gay is the most popular fetish for gays.
Also Veeky Forums is full of societal outcasts and many outcasts are gay.
Veeky Forums is an anonymous board with most of its users being autistic at best. Where else are they going to vent their dirty little secret.
>Not necessarily since "racist stormfags" are in the far-right. Not every rightist likes their shit.
It doesn't really matter anyways, regular conservatives today depending on what country they hail from, have more in common with liberals then actual right-wingers.
I say this because they're basically two sides of the same coin and thus pretty much the same person, just with minor differences.
This is why /pol/ calls them cuckservatives instead of conservatives. Does this make sense?
>evangelical christian
When did this site become so religious? 10 years ago we would call you a delusional asshole and ridicule your pet skyman.
I used to spam anti gay evangelical shit in trap threads on /b/ and it would make them super mad. I don't actually believe in god.
>turning straight people gay is the most popular fetish for gays
Personally I prefer whoever I'm fucking in the ass to absolutely hate it.
>10 years ago you fags would've been called faggots and ridiculed here.
Spotted a fagggot who didn't browse this site 10 years ago.
Picture related, a definitive Veeky Forums trap literally from 10 years ago. Jun pretty much kickstarted the trap fetish around here.