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Im playing CTF even after getting my boxes on a scale of 1-10 how much of a madman am i




That's not adding much to the thread, but I appreciate the direction you're going in.

Mercy likes little girls

How do you play Sombra? I literally don't get it. This hero does NO damage.

>no new skin for best girl

CTF when you don't give a shit is 10/10 comfy

post tracer and winston being friends.

So this is who keeps Kaplan's pockets full of cash

You survived by like a fraction of a second



why can't you buy player icons again

I know to wait until 2/12 to buy with credits, but what epic skin would you guys buy?



Those type of people are called "whales" and they are the reason F2P exists.

CTF with Sym, Torb, Winston and Sombra is so gosh darn fun

is that a potg intro or something

it's nice i guess but it doesn't really seem to make any sort of sense

so how harsh were the nerfs on dva and roadhog really? can i go back to carrying with zarya now?

This is my favorite highlight intro

what a gay intro

this, i'm actually enjoying it quite a bit, it's not frustrating at all when you play with a friend who coordinates with you
lucio + tracer is pretty scary in the right hands

Hog wasn't nerfed, he was fixed. If anything overall he's more dangerous now.

DELET THIS! mercy is not a peado and is in love with genji.

Young Fareeha is a cute
so is the older version

>duo queue on your team
>gold mercy, diamond 76
>mercy is le epic randum gamer girl on mic
>76 is wannabe alpha autist demanding people change picks constantly
>she will heal the partner almost exclusively, never breaking contact
>she will only rez the moment he dies, even if its just him alone out of position

every fucking time there's a mercy man

Tracer is really cute!

Dva has a new skin

How do we stop this lesbian

>We have multiple skins being worked on for all heroes at all times. Some skins just make more sense tied to certain events or holidays.

But it just wouldn't make sense. The English, Swiss and Egyptian women totally fit but a French girl getting a skin for Chinese New Year?

this should be in the OP
it's a well made and useful tool

ikr, just imagine zarya in one of those red dresses

Why does his head look like it's upside-down?
Did she just give him a Titanfall-style neck twist?

Stop shilling your site

widowsharts should be genocided tb qh

I had an idea for a hero design

>Omnic prisoner
>has huge prison cuffs and a Bane mask
>broke out of jail by hacking the mainframes and looking like other people
>standard M1 attack is a shitty knife you can swing around or throw for mediocre damage
>one ability allows you to look like an enemy, including their voice lines and pretending to fire your gun
>holding M1 at their back stuns them for 3 seconds and allows faster attacks
>has jump and dodgeroll charges, allowing you to escape from sight from most heroes if you're spotted
>has a heal that requires you to collect map props and turn them into prison wine, which you then throw at your teammates to heal them
>ultimate has him tear his cuffs, giving him damage resistance and increased movement speed; melee attack speed is tripled, if you beat on an enemy with high max health you regain +50 HP for every slap you deliver

Dumb blooposters

Dva is much less annoying, can actually die if she's stupid.

Hog seems even stronger now, straight up deletes other tanks now and one-shots everyone else

>play soldier on CTF, park my ass in the middle area and harass people moving through
>don't give any fucks, just shoot whoever tries to cross
>not even good at soldier, but constantly getting yelled at over allchat because I'm ALWAYS harassing people
>too lazy to bother with actually capping unless we get a teamkill
>solo-denied an overtime tiebreaker so hard that I got a group invite so the enemy could yell at me

Why is Soldier so comfy
Also, what the fuck is "toggling on soldier", haven't played in months so I'm way out of the loop.

It was lucky. Even if I died I think it would've been a good trade. Denying nanovisor from killing our Ana, Soldier and Hanzo, and saving Soldier from Rein charge.

>tfw 2 matches with leavers while doing placements

Sure thing, love.

>ctf team doesnt group up
>"i was defending"

another draw

Wheres my fucking 1v1 arcade

Why so rude? We don't insult you.

>a personality and likable character

pick one

Hanamura is literally the worst map I have ever played in any multiplayer game

It is not possible to lose on defense

>Pick Bastion
>Chill out near the flag, killing one or two enemies every once in a while
>Get carried into a victory or draw


>guy i met on /v/ adds me a month ago
>he tells me to do my placements for fun
>told him i got diamond
>no response
;_; i just wanted some friends to play with

>2 afks on team
>get pushed to spawn

It's the least popular mode so it's the first to go when there's something new

shit tier waifu

>when you're Hog and you see so many juicy meatsacks begging for your hook

Would rather play Hanamura than Volskyshit.
At least Hanamura is pretty.

She's more of a supportive fire and tactical fucker than a straight assassin. You lock all their medpacks, then you hack up priority targets with your team

can someone explain why dva got nerfed but reinhardt is still allowed to be the most broken mandatory hero in the game?

Korhneiser's meme lives on.


I came just to get this list. Thanks!

>imagine zarya in one of those red dresses
>all those muscles

Stop forcing your boring waifu down our throats same to you Pharah faggots

Right in the feels, what reigon u in

Can we just agree all the capture point maps suck dick

But that seems honestly pretty useless in a game like this.

I've never gotten hacked and thought, "oh shit I'm hacked!!!!". It's usually just a non-factor. Even her ultimate. Nobody is ever like "FUCK, SOMBRA ULT!". It doesn't matter. There are ults that just kill you. Why would a disable ult matter? Why would you play Sombra over Reaper? Her invisibility is shit, her damage output is shit, and her debuffs are meaningless.

I'm glad Hook works properly now, but I'm gonna miss those Webms of all the dumb shit that could happen with it before tbqh

Oh and Mei's the leader. That makes more sense than Snowball being the head.

> implying it's mine
> implying I can't appreciate a well made thing
don't go full retard

she has a personality and she seems very sweet and enthusiastic based on interactions with her Mom, Rein or McRee for example

No no. Blue is best!

Tragic backstory that makes you want to hug the smug

Smug personality with a nice accent.

Excellent body from her great ass to her cute nose.

She is the greatest waifu.


Cutest, sweetest mommy.

Americanos brother

>that Pharmercy closeness

RIP Glitched Hook

Get the feeling whoever made these had certain ships in mind.

it's alphabetical

there is zero justification for roadhog's hook to only have 6 second CD

what was widow's grappling hook cd again?

I like Widowmaker because she's tall! but I don't care much for her accent.

Great Britain here, anyway gl and try not to give an personal info away on this site

>someone insta-picks widow
>someone else immediately asks if they can play widow
got a bad feeling about this

I'm sure she's a sweetheart outside of the battlefield.

>ikr, just imagine zarya in one of those red dresses

The sheer amount of salt that would flow if they made zarya more feminine in a tomboy-cute way would be staggering.


>what was widow's grappling hook cd again?
how is that relevant

it makes sense physically

Rein himself isn't the problem. It's the fact that nearly every map is designed around having tight choke points and Rein the only one that can push a team through them reliably. Until another hero comes in that functions as "mobile cover" Rein will never go away.


Are you literally retarded

Who is the worst of the waifu posters? My vote goes to Mercy posters. Zarya posters being the best of course.

Are YOU?

Cheers love! The cavalry's here!

You win this round.



The female one is at least alphabetical after Mei

Is there a mode like QP but without 4 GM on enemy team?

>Timeslag lovers
All should be electroshocked to death desu.