Is there any event that could have kicked off a second American civil war in the 90s?

Is there any event that could have kicked off a second American civil war in the 90s?

No. Ruby Ridge, Waco and OKC didn't trigger anything so it's safe to assume nothing would.

Nah. The only thing I can think of is a possibility for an American civil war post 911

maybe if the LA riots got so bad that other cities started chimping sympathetically and sacking police HQs and raiding armories and shit. that could quickly boil down to martial chaos.

White nationalists massacre looters during the LA Riots.

Why would we though? They literally burned down their own neighborhoods like the retards they are.

>Why would we though?
To finally start the much desired race war of course.

Maybe if the FBI had doubled down on burning churches full of people after Oklahoma City.

Thankfully they got McVeigh's message and haven't tried that shit again since then.

>Be Robert Jay Mathews
>Want to make the Turner Diaries real
>Commit petty theft
>Rob banks
>Murder noted radio pundit Alan Berg
>get ratted out by nigger-loving faggot Frazier Glenn Miller Jr. (I'm not fucking kidding, he got caught with a down-low sucking his rod in a parking lot).

RJM was a Mormon retard, I have no idea why the right made him into a martyr.

t. Butt mad stormfag

The race war will never happen

I love that picture it has so many levels, so many ways of interpretation to it to it.

>happy go lucky soldier on a bicycle wearing a kimono
>but where and how did he get the kimono?
The entirely subjective answer to that question can completely shift the tone of the picture, changing it from whimsical, to banal, to sinister.

>Why would we though?
>They literally burned down their own neighborhoods like the retards they are.
Yes but what if they didn't?
Just stay in their own neighborhoods I mean.

Not in the 90's I don't think...There were no major movements clashing in America back then,mostly because The LA Riots got talked down afterwards.

The 90s were the only time of my life when I actually felt like a civil war might break out, somewhere in the northwest or the mountain west.

It might happen in some form, but it's not gonna end in the Day of the Rope and Turner Diaries paradise. White Nationalists will be lucky if they get a small slice of territory to call a country i.e. Israel and are forced to abide by all sorts of treaties.

LA race riots

Ye, I always kinda guess he took/stole it from one of those fake ghesia houses that were just whore houses after the war, along with the fan.
I debate whether or not it was after he had a girl and he just took her's or he grabbed one out of a closet.
It just reminds me of "memoirs of a ghesia" anyway

Unlike the 1800s, literally nothing in the current socio-political status quo could cause a civil war. No one block of the country is united enough on any issue to even remotely raise the possibility of secession.

Short of the federal government massively overreaching its powers to engage in the wholesale slaughter of American citizens on American soil-and I do mean wholesale- another civil war simply will not happen.

>he genuinely believes white nationalists will be able to gain their own nation state

you're beyond parody

After a long and extremely bloody civil war, some might be willing to make a concession with less extreme white nationalists and give them an area (one already majority white presumably) to nominally govern. But it wouldn't be the glorious Fourth Reich they all jack off to. It would be more like living in UN-administered Kosovo i.e. shit.

> genuinely believes white nationalists will be able to gain their own nation state

I said they'll be "lucky" to get one, as in they aren't likely to get one.

This. Especially if were talking about the 90s. Riots might get worse but I doubt well see a real Civil War unless some serious shit comes about