Guild Wars 2 General - /gw2g/

Flying Cocks Edition

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>Veeky Forums Guilds:
NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Oothier, Grovewillow, Vroris, Raid Time, Rijakk, or Peachy Panic.
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Aktium, Amarin Luxtail, Strider Of Spring, or Dex Mindwrack

-Servers only matter for WvW and instancing.
-If no one is online, send a mail.
-If you are F2P, leave your name and region on the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is there a cap on Magic Find from luck?

I'm getting carpal tunnel opening Enveloppes right now.

Reminder that while we're suffering another content drought, core Tyrian maps have hidden and discontinued content in them.

cuddling with friends

Right along with whole maps that were never finished. Such is the way vidya deving goes.

With Josh being the do-everything on the new map team now and them promising a new map for every LS episode, I don't think he will ever get the time to even try and finish even the one you posted, which seems mostly done, right down to working intractable mechanics within. Even if he did have the time, he'd probably prefer working on SAB some more.

As a new player should I just focus on doing my story/main quest line and the orange circles around the map, or should I just grind to max level?

>login to play for the first time in months
>game still shit
>logs back out

Take your time and enjoy the world, explore and do a little bit of everything to level.

There's hearts, exploration, crafting, and events like you described.

Starting from scratch and with hardly anything, what class should I go with?

Warrior and Ranger are decent beginner classes. Can tank, have mobility to help you travel across open world.

femsura pounded from behind with her ears flopping in the air

tfw i'm still waiting for the day /gw2g/ makes me smile again

I bought my first vehicle today and have had a good job for almost a year. No longer am I a /gw2g/ NEET.

>play pvp
>get up to gold
>drop all the way down to silver 1 because shit teams and hellish losing streak
i swear to fuck if i drop to bronze

post big bootied femsuras

post big bootied femnorns


Barbing maid vae as punishment for burning dinner

>he thinks spoilering does anything
true cuck

wat did i miss

nothing important just the fake stuff

First for salads

ily qt salad user

>playing during prime time

You'll level fastest just map completing, so just do whatever in each map till you've done it all or you're bored, then go to the next map.

>every fucking retard picks foefire
>they always ignore the fucking lord and let the enemy kill it

>I'm a new/returning player, how do I join the Veeky Forums guild?

NA [DORF]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Edarkness, Reignofpain, Unwarrior Chicken
NA [HOPE]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Master Ruseman, Awena, Valsi, Meyer The Shark, Surbrus Mindfang, Apothecary Beatus, Ancora Softpaw, Oren Nil
NA [SS]: Fort Aspenwood, whisper Jakey Gyllenhaal, Ayo Girl Cmere, or Double A E D
EU [FUN]: Seafarer's Rest, whisper Farfelu, Aktium, Nalynea, Mo Zing Miko, Togo Hornblower or Kealdrix
NA+EU [USA]: Fort Aspenwood+Seaferer's Rest, whisper Squatfu, Buzz Spankleaf, Togo Hornblower, Vuncia, Kerolastic
EU [Here]: Tarnished Coast, whisper Surbrus Mindfang, Ancora Softpaw, Vae The Spectre, Roxtar

-Guilds are cross-server, and the only real reason to choose the server above is if you want to be on the same WvWvW team.
-You can also send a mail asking to be in the guild, if nobody is online

Or, leave your name and server here so someone can check this post and invite you
Don't Join [FUN] or [HOPE]

Those are troll guilds made to trick members away from joining the real above official guilds.

Rolling a warrior to get back into the game. Hopefully I'm not making a mistake.

glad you're moving up, i hope you didnt buy a girl car

How do you know if your car is a girl????

honk the horn

What class should I level next.


Charr grill?

femcharr ele

I have an 80 ele already

looks like something we would have had with the Scarlet Story line. Maybe it was for the better, as Scarlet's story was utter shit and should be deleted entirely.

What's left, Revenant and Engineer? I'd go for Revenant. The other one never got me into it.
I'd rather have another class double.

femcharr revenant dragonwife

look at these two cute stinky euro user boys that are obsessed with femcharrs and secretly want to be a femcharr irl

I don't make a charr because of their hunch and animations just being lack luster.

I'd rather call them degenerate. I feel sorry for their fathers, having to endure this disgusting look every now and then when they crawl out of their basements.
Imagine having a son like that, it must kill one inside.

Don't think it's a girl car.

Mesmer is the best class. Do it.

>posting a link to an image on an imageboard

What the fuck are you doing nigger?

I'm to lazy to download the file to delete it right after.

Comfyanon and the femcharr going to a romantic movie

which rat do I whisper for the SUCC??

thats a girl car

nice minivan lmao

it depends, maybe they are really nice people but have an utter obsession with wanting to be a cute girl cat in real life.

if they are autistic and super proud/narcissistic about wanting to be a femcharr irl than i'd be really disappointed

I don't want to be a femcharr.....just want a femcharr wife

also I'm not a neet and have a bretty satisfying job


>not wanting a living blanket to cover you at night

Really senpai


>Wake up with a migraine headache
>Staying home, might as well check /gw2g/
>Headache gets worse
>Think of GW2
>Headache stays worse, nauseous
>Think of ArenaNet
>Have to think to not die

>tfw no femcharr wife

>I'm dead

riathens cringy, i wonder if he thinks people actually find him funny

what is the average lifespan of charr?

pretty long

>Charr dwarfing norn
there's a reason charr never invaded the far shiverpeaks, one norn could wipe the floor with a charr warband

What is the average lifespan of asura, norn and sylvari ?

Wrong, charr and norn are friends and honor eachother

What is the average lifespan of a general with only shitposts?

you're silly lil stinky user



Maid vae serving all of gw2g afternoon tea

Thinking of coming back to this game. Is it any good these days? Are there enough players for the world not to feel desolate?

yes there are

Who is the stinkiest femsura in HOPE?

I think it could be you, lil cheeky user

Well what do you think, Mr. Comfy?

what the fuck happened to this general

I think thiccsi is pretty cute and comfy c:






How many bitches can you get riding your PC? dickbag


Squatfu is not stinky

she is a little bit stinky user, all femcharr are

I'd ERP with more people if they weren't so dangerously degenerate. Where's my ERP partner that legitimately likes handholding?

hand holding isn't for ERP its for waifu

As nice as handholding is, I have to agree with Oothier, I don't really want to hold hands in roleplay with someone I just met or met a couple times, if my endgoal is just ERP and not some sort of RP relationship, but I don't know the context.

I like to keep handholding as something special, not an ERP move

>not handholding the treasured one whom you lewd
Sure, it's not a sensation into which you want to plunge willy-nilly, but don't speak like it's not a thing.

but those are my waifu, everyone else has been a one night stand

Man, you are seriously about as hopeless as me.

finding someone that you can trust 100% even in real life is rare, so i wouldn't hold hands with anyone in ERP because they could ditch you at any moment and that leaves emotional scars if you liked them enough to hold their hands and develop something romantic. even romantic people like getting rough and dirty because they're humans too, so hand holding really is for those loving moments in between.

go find someone you love first, not lust for. better than the other way around for hand holding.

>getting your feelings hurt over rolpeplay

precisely, it happens so forget about hand holding. it's like asking why nobody brings you flowers in erp lol

>not knowing how autistic and obsessive ERPers can be

>m-m-m-m-m-muh waifu

>Where's my ERP partner that legitimately likes handholding?
They're more likely to hold your hands over your head while fucking you, if that's what you want.

who doesnt like holding hands??

which femsura has the softest hands to hold??

which femcharr has the fluffiest paws to hold??

Where can I find florburz?

How do I destroy florburz?

you don't need to, he will destroy himself


Nice cat