/d2g/ - Dota 2 General

NEED (Edition)

Latest patch: dota2.com/700
New players: purgegamers.true.io/g/dota-2-guide/
Wiki: dota2.gamepedia.com/
Blog: blog.dota2.com/
Lore: dev.dota2.com/showthread.php?t=35923
Guides: steamcommunity.com/app/570/guides
Discord: discord.gg/gxGqKkH
Cosmetic simulator: dotaloadout.com/
Competitive Scene: wiki.teamliquid.net/dota2/Main_Page

Competitive DOTA 2 analysis: datdota.com/
DOTA 2 analysis: dotametrics.wordpress.com/
Personal statistics: dotabuff.com/
Personal statistics#2: opendota.com/ (formerly yasp.co)
Hero stats: devilesk.com/dota2/heroes/herodata/
Hero and DPS calculator: devilesk.com/dota2/apps/hero-calculator/



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now this is a quality OP

>doubting Purgegamers

quality hot purge tips

what the fuck does that even mean?

mobility EHP damage


what item does chainmail + tangos make

>man how come I could see a screenshot from an hour long coaching session out of context and not immediately know what they were talking about

>Not winning your lane by getting a random Broadsword
LMAO check out this scrub

thanks. I didn't notice that in the OP. Now i can be a member of teh secret club

>wake up
>log into facebook, discord and some furfag forum
>erp for two hours
>masturbate again
>open up /d2g/
>spam random shit for attention
>make new op so people join your discord so you can erp more
>masturbate more

can you even imagine being this pathetic?

i cant image anything more cancerous than a d2g discord

what about a leftypol discord


The ones I'm used to are just autistic circlejerks amongst the general's avatarfags and trannies. Best to just avoid at all costs desu.


Reminder that the only way to break your addiction to Dota is by submitting to islam. Takbir you dirty feeders.



Actually playing this game.
Which I did today.
Two mids and one of them fed and griefed courier. Wow. Didn't think that would happen, if I played video games with subhuman monkeys.

I jsut simply cant adapt to 7.0. It feels too different, even when im winning im not really having fun. The worst part of the matter is I dont enjoy playing any other games. I always end up playing dota again and just not enjoying it at all

>Watching dotards stream dota
>When our boy Jerma is streaming
sasuga dotards


>Resident evil 7
nah I'll pass. Lemme know when he's EDFing with ster if he's still playing that game.

how is a puck the top net worth on radiant? what is the top 2 carry NA doing?


Are there more games coming or should I go to bed?

the stream just closed so no

fuck right off

Will Soe ever love again? Will it be me?

Will Drow ever love again?
Will it be me?

>Timado rage quitting leaving bsj to gg out without him
Top kek.
Is he in phoenix with the rest of Freedom or is he still in Peru?

>people honestly thought the garbo bsj+ixmike stack would work out
how much money on them disbanding by next week?

post more hot cosplay




my money is on them disbanding in the next few hours


my dream is to be a cute little girl

>accidentally filter an image
>figure out how to do it when I want
>/d2g/ gets a lot more bearable
thanks ccd0



Blocking images by their hash has been in 4chanX since long before ccd0 was maintaining it.



What do you guys not like about patch 7.00? I've actually been really enjoying my games a lot lately, a lot more fighting with the runes/sanctuary. It may just be 3k but it feels like a refreshing patch esspecially with the passives which are my favorite thing about this patch.

What is your opinion of this hero?

Should you just go blademail on every core now?

No double sense intended just in case

What's the word on team freedom? they disbanding?





guys, i miss ppd


i miss dota


>Games either end in 20 minutes now thanks to le deathball meme or last over an hour long thanks to le buyback and high ground defence meme
nice game

why? the heroin you were injecting in your veins just became lower quality, you should thank valve and do something, anything other than dota.

I miss inhouse.

Just killed a mouse, feels bad man.

>tfw no rat hero

Please explain Spectre's 3-4k Winrate despite this team fight meta?

Whenever I play Spec my team drafts heroes to compensate and ball out of control creating tons of space. By the time I'm online the rest of the game is cruise control and I did nothing of note besides Kill steal with haunt.

I keep getting carried when I pick Spectre, I don't understand.

Hey look, I found a rat courier.


furries and traps gays destroyed this general, all the normal people that wanted to talk about dota left

Blizzard took less than 1 year to ruin OVerwatch while Valve took 10 relly grill up those grey matters

haha this was from back when dota still got 800k peaks
good times

you are fucking high.

the people that want to talk about dota realize this is not doto you fucking valve drone

Phase and urn.
Join fight, win fight, win game.

Can someone please explain to this guy what starving the enemy is? he wanted to push high ground at 20 minutes despite us having complete control of the map

on the plus side everyone but lesh wasn't retarded and just free farmed everything for 10 minutes then ended the game

manta->skadi is pretty amazing for siege tactics, the bonus crit is purely for the illusions

the +20 or 30 MS talent helps a lot as well with getting the illusions around to farm, I felt like an alchemist for a few minutes there

blog is done, need to go masturbate and then sleep

>those graphics

third worlder detected. go away shitskin.

I only turn up the graphics when nessisary


>when by yourself and demoing a hero

just fucking off yourself.
I have a 144hz monitor and play doto at full specs getting about 140fps.

Also you can not spell necessary, thank you for atleast trying to learn english, shitskin.

Hey guys, does anyone here happen to have images of William "Blitz" Lee laughing? I lost my folder of vintage Blitz images when I forgot to transfer them from my old phone.

my FX 8 core can only run dota at around 100fps average, they finally fixed the 7.00 performance issues

the issue is dota uses 8 threads, but most of the work is done on Core 0, and further more my CPU core 0 is never 100% utilized while running dota, very strange

in any case running dota that low and introducing a bottleneck means my GPU never really has to do any work

Will be upgrading to Ryzen whenever that drops though

Anyone recognize this song from Envy stream?
twitch dot tv/eternalenvyy/v/117397215
It's playing @ 0:55:15

the 30 day rolling stats still hasn't even hit that cliff yet. this game is fucking imploding,

In any event this week has been great, hopefully I don't end up working for the next 2 days so I can keep it going

>not even ppd is playing the game anymore

Get the fuck out. Fivestack or quit bitch.

I remember back in 1992, Slacks came into the Barnes & Noble I used to work at and asked if we carried any copies of "Mein Kampf". It turned out we only had one copy left in stock, so he purchased it. Nearly on his way out, there was this little boy who looked no older than 12 years old who began to cry. When Slacks walked up to him and asked what was wrong the little boy replied that he had been saving up all the money he earned from his lemonade stand and was hoping to buy that copy of "Mein Kampf". Slacks smiled at the little boy, rustled his hair and handed the copy of "Mein Kampf" he'd just bought down to him. As the little boy grinned from cheek to cheek and wiped away the tears he exclaimed with joy "Thank you so so much Siractionslacks, this was the nicest thing anyone's done for me ever! Heil Hitler, Siractionslacks!" Before exiting the revolving glass doors, Slacks turned back, nodded at the little boy and said "Heil Hitler to you too, little buddy, Heil Hitler...." Then he was gone. It's moments like that that really warm my heart and make me remember that there is such things as selflessness and unconditional kindness still left in this world.

some anime shit

I only have 1 friend th


>stacking with modern d2g
I would rather eat shit. You might be thinking to yourself, this guy's just being hyperbolic he can't literally mean that. I assure you I would literally, literally, rather pick up a steaming hot log and shove it down my throat than play with the average "I've been here a few months let me pretend I've been here for years" d2ger.

>a game where BananaShitStainSlammaJamma is the best player on the team
How is EE still a thing? builds heart on Alch, doesn't give SWM an Aghs, spends 20s saying the team can't kill him and then dies top and has to BB, he literally got carried by BSJ and Mason he's so terrible

wtf i just played my first 10 treant games today, how is this hero not broken as hell?

Very underrated post

>the bonus crit is purely for the illusions


>you will never find a comfier lan cafe while vacationing in new york

nice thread dotards

so when is /our guy/ Kardel Sharpeye going to get a buff to his agi gain? he needs to become super hard carry material again, morph/AM/spectre-tier

>her face when she sees the current state of dota 2

>still playing dota after the patch
ummm... dough tards?

I hope you never post this image again

I'm just picking techies every game, with the sole purpose of making people as upset as possible

I don't even know if what I'm doing is technically playing dota anymore but it sure is fun

dead thread

>see someone attempt this
>use my government mandated free abandon i get every week or two and save myself from an extra 20-30 minute long dota game