League of Legends general - /lolg/

Hot pockets, yum edition

xth for breast metal waifu

blood moon skins when

How many matches do you have to lose at 0LP to be demoted?


5th for there are people retarded enough ITT to lose a game as 1000 stack nasus

Cutest OTP!

>Savagery (Q) dash range lowered by 50 units.
>Battle Roar (W) Ferocity CC prevention effect removed - no longer "prevents incoming ones for 1.5 seconds,"

>coming next patch
>patches are 2 week intervals
>just had a patch yesterday
now you do the rest

>There are autists who post same posts and threads about their waifus everyday


Also, is Diana jungle a viable pick? Why would you play her over shit like Akali

What exactly is a slayer?

Why is Pink Lady Mage so good


i love nepnep

Yeah but she's useless until 6. Are you asking why would anyone play Diana jungle over Akali jungle? Because Akali is shit

aight good shit

I wasnt sure if it was next patch or one of those mid patch updates. thnaks

i've found that jungle diana takes too long to get going, but that could just be me. i dont play her much

reposting from the other thread the first 6 and 9 decide my next two level 5 mastery champions

the only requirement is that it has to be someone on this pic

also Kled is already one of them

I'm convinced, 9 names my account as long as its lewd and league GIRL related

>Tfw having a girlfriend taller than you would be so comfortable while hugging and stuff
>Tfw it doesn't matter because you'll never have a girlfriend

I'm not worried about being loaded with ip, there only like 4-5 champs I really play well anyways. I just want an unranked account I can grind to plat without having 90 shitters report me every game during the level grind.


Vagina Most Moist

The good old times when on high ELO some clans would just report you every game regardless and eventually you would get banned. And then if you took that to the forums you had annoying little kids tell you ''you shouldn't say any bad words you're toxic lel''.

I would've probably played a lot more in season 3 if it wasn't for the fact that I would just get a bann every 30 or so games didn't matter if I behaved well or not. Haven't purchased RP since season 2 though because that's when I got a 14 day bann so I'm not really happy to pay Riot through microtransactions.

This is why I still play this terrible video game. What a fucking high.

It's been this way LITERALLY for years. Kids like you probably don't even remember Dianafag or Luxfag. God Teppu started out so good then went straight downhill.


>Tristana Rapid Fire (Q)
>Cooldown lowered to 18/17/16/15/14 from 20/19/18/17/16
>Duration increased to 7 from 5


Brand support is literally FREELO. wasn't a problem carrying braindead Ashe and TF in diamond elo

Is there a more freelo and dipshit proof champion than Janna? Legit just use your shield and automatically win all teamfights. No joke, I play her when I'm on a losing streak and immediately I get out when using this idiot tier champ. Laughed as I put a shield on a carry, proceeded to afk, pick up ds and play pokemon, and come back and rake in either an ace or victory. Holy shit this champion is the epitome of easy skill less champs. I'm actually truly shocked how people don't play support just to rake in their free 1 button janna victory.

>With 40% CDR she almost has 100% uptime on it

Interesting, wonder if there'll be any memebuilds.

Just go to a site like playerauctions and look up sellers who sell in bulk, read reviews. As for reporting, these accounts are usually immume to that since they played many games and therefore their ''report score'' is very low so if you get reported a few games the system doesn't flag you. The more games you have played the harder it is to get banned because of faggots vengeance reporting.

Kinx ;)
(requirement: main jinx)

other men do my gf

Wait, REALLY? That's a HUGE fucking buff. It's almost old Tristana again except with AD ratios.

Wasn't Dianafag the poster who literally started having a breakdown that lasted for almost two months after Season 5 jungle changes because Diana became nigh obsolete for a while?

>Legit just use your shield and automatically win all teamfights
haha you are assuming your team will teamfight instead of blindly 1v3ing in the enemy jungle

Camille Facesitting

Nah the one I'm talking about was around until S4ish. I was almost amazed at how quickly he got his shitpost in, was a rare day when he didn't have the first post (this was back when getting the first post was a big deal for your average shitposter).


I thought cosplayers made their own stuff?


DJ Sonas Fat Ass

Creampie Lux

French Maid Camille

One reroll

>rengar no longer has a olaf ult
Oh this is a good day

>ER + IE + Lucids Heal/Teleport Tristana
>>Cleaver + Youmuus tristana

Oh my fuck

Chubby Camilletoe

Fresh Sona Milk

Eve's Pleasure Dungeon

would this even fit?

No no that's just as good. I've put shields on dumb dumbs and watch them wreck the enemy team as they face check their jungle. You seriously underestimate how stupidly good Janna's shield is. I swear to god, this actually braindead of a champion is my go to whenever I have a bad day. Doesn't matter how dumb your team is, you can 1 button wonder shield through their stupidity and laugh as the enemy proceeds to lose. I swear you can Netflix and occasionally glance at the match your way to at the minimum platinum with Janna.

Worship Camille Ass


Apparently Bandle has an oc?

Femsion Fan

>This stacked bullshit
this is why I never join these

Futaraka (if the Eve name above doesn't fit)

comfy bfs~

you were just in it tho, idk who you were but you cried about stacking in the post game lobby too, cry harder kiddo

Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums RESULTS
ebig stack team edition
is another one up on NA??
probably not, but you can make your own ; ^)

This one is "not acceptable", so keep going

this game didn't happen

Why is Angel always so ROOD?

fug I'm always late on the results
but I posted bets so I gotta finish it

Camille Thighjobs

Eves Honeypot

no I wasnt?
I just said I dont join these

Good morning lolgen
Time for work, visiting book stores, streaming some vidya, playing ro and maybe legolegends, f-fuck you all:^)

Swimsuit Camille

post em and rate em boys

todays a good day

French Maid Poppy

I've been spending a lot (well...as much free as I can) trying to practice Akali. Ive been watching a lot of professor akali and reading guides online. I feel like I'm doing ish with her. I struggle hardcore with actually carrying my team and being able to end the game. Be honest, how good/bad are my stats from playing sixty eight games?

Poppys Fat Butt

late xth for absurdly sized sona butts!

Vi Queen of Fisting

Is Tristana or Diana the biggest buttslut in the league?

Big guy/10.


Tristana. Yordles love getting their butts destroyed

>Wanna be lonely autistic poser that spends her time killing monsters and running from her own people
>Little blue goblin with a perfect ass and divine thighs that intentionally seeks out the penises of a race three times the height of her own

Gee, I wonder.


I'm tall
but I'm not a girl yet

I would say Tristana

How did the whole "Diana is a buttslut" meme even arise? Tristana I get but why her

>meliorne not picking vi for once


>Little blue goblin with a perfect ass and divine thighs that intentionally seeks out the penises of a race three times the height of her own

just change the description to
Pedobait slutty goblin

Kill yourself.

Where did my new thicc friend go :(

Why Lucids? Just go Ghostblade

If short=childlike to you I think you need to seek psychiatric help.

Tristana barely has human features, nevermind childlike ones.

I think I've given you compliments before

post g u r o smut pls
will gift for it

ADC Ziggs so funny. Never had fun at mages before, never played mid(2 times per season average).

i could type it
but it'd be greentext
im lazy

im not good either
im fighting a ww that went adc

Does Hurricane proc Tristana's E?

As in stack her thing? no. It might.

there's a Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums up but the host isn't advertising it for some reason
get in there I guess
idgaf I'm tired

I want her to sit on my face

man i fucking love plat games
>be ahead at 15 minutes
>behind until 30 minutes
>enemy throws it back
i just want my welfare diamond so i can stop for the season and play better games

What's in it for us?

I don't know, chilling with some user named "redditman69" I guess

Anyone elses patcher service unavailable?

Sounds awful. But that's not what I care about.

What long term benefits do I earn by joining?