/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous Thread: >[Rerun: Prison Tower's Howling Demon of Vengeance]

- youtube.com/watch?v=WaUHCxrWXRo
- Latest changes: fate-go.cirnopedia.org/news.php
- New ver - emulators, rooted androids, jailbroken iPhones&androids with developer options on are prevented from launching game
- Upcoming animation update for remaining F/SN Servants
- Half AP main story missions until February 8th
- FGO PS4 VR in development: news.fate-go.jp/2017/rswcrc/



>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebin

>Grand Time Temple Solomon and General Profiles Translation

>Fate/Grand Order Material Book III

>FL Spreadsheet (last reset: Dec.7)
Add yourself docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScCq3eZgh3zlUtZ3G6Y-zzv1kaXt4GHuWVBRlV__V3Q3rC2Pg/viewform
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA


>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>Alternate servant/CE DB




xth for best archer.

>a whole week of NOTHING

Sita when?

I want to gently make burgers for me and my daughter so we can enjoy them on lunch together.


Nowadays, whenever people hear about TYPE MOON works, they will always put Fate (as in Fate route of Fate/Stay Night) as reference. Some of the people here in my country did not even know anything about the whole Fate/Stay Night game, and even fewer people here are excited about a Heaven's Feel release.

I had only encountered one guy who plays Fate Grand Order on his tablet. Such a shame that I did not get his code in time. -.-

The only one that knows that there is more than one route of Fate/Stay Night and that there is more to TYPE MOON series than Fate is the female caretaker of our house. I introduced her first to Kara no Kyoukai (all eight movies in one sitting by the way), then the DEEN adaptation of FSN, then properly explained to her some of the scenes from DEEN that made it a mixed up mess. We then moved on to Fate/Zero, then introduced to her the UBW route of 2014.

The only thing that I haven't showed her yet is Kagetsu Tohya.

Strongest servant reporting in

The NTR doujins can't come soon enough

NPs have had their ranks changed many times. We just have to accept that it was upgraded to A rank.

This is probably pasta from somewhere

Karna raised his attack to A-Rank by thrusting a little harder

Atalanata raised her arrow's to A-rank by pulling on her bow a little harder

Arturia probably just put more prana into the burst and up'd it to A-rank, precedent would suggest as much.

Hey guys what's up?


I don't care enough to look it up

Cute rider coming through!

>Rama has line where you have Sita
>Says they still can't be together

For fuck sake.
Do we have to use a CS to make it happen?

Why the fuck would you want them together? That just makes it harder to fuck them.

If you mindbreak Rama into only loving your cock he will be able to see her since they won't be lovers anymore!
Making Sita watch would be very hot

>People spending money on Dantes

>mfw got him with the ticket from the third day the first time they did this event

Too soon, delete this.

Have her stand in another room and watch through a window.

>Got him the first time around with a ticket
>Now he's NP2 after using another ticket

> Mats tell us he has all his gear from his other classes and ability to use them in Saber Class
> Doesn't tell us what said gear is

How am I supposed to argue he's top tier now, nasu?

>nothing and nobody is left in thread other than a tumbleweed rolling around

Read his book

Pretty sure people think of UBW as it is by far the most popular route and series


>Every guy wants to date Rin Tohsaka

Every guy except Issei?

I've read her interview how she thought herself too busy with work and couldn't get enough time off to get married to someone, I hope now that she seems to be taking a break she can find a decent husband like she said she wanted.

>want to roll Dantes
>lost my account because my phone broke
Kill me

> Nasuverse
> Being a good indicator of Curry power levels when Arjuna is massively shitter than Karna

Your welcome. Just wish you actually did LB lunchtime but ill keep you around.

They are together in chubichuki already

>HF is consistently rated the better route
>Zero did better then UBW did as an anime

Good morning, /fgog/. It's been awhile.
Issei is gay. What a surprise.

>Not getting him the first day with the first ticket used
Get on my level

Why do some Saberfaces have ahegaos and some don't?


Read H/A

Well at least you will know what kind of shit he could get, now how Nasu will make they work it's always a surprise

Good morning.

Is Issei passionate about dominating men?

After all, there's nothing like the feeling of another man submitting to your will.

ayy yo where the King of Knights at?


Here's a cat one.

W-What he going to do with that Caladbolg?

>HF is consistently rated the better route

UBW is the best route.

*Its the only route where Shirou actually arrives into a healthy and mature conclusion(unlike fate and HF where he arrives at opposite extremes).
* Most badass Shirou with the best lines.
* It has the focus on the best girl on the whole VN, Rin, with her natural and interesting character growth .
* It is the most "gray morality" route out of all three. There's no "good" answer and both villains and heroes are shown to be flawed people with not that clear of a roles(Caster is one of the most interesting villains in FSN) and the central conflict of the route has nothing to do with "good and evil" but simply about perception of yourself. Hell, even Gilgamesh has understandable and clearly outlines motives in UBW.
* Shinji gets a fitting end. I always found him just getting killed off cheap. Having to live with yourself with the realization at what you did and what you experienced is a fitting price for him. And Sakura gets to have her old brother, before all the nonsense started, back. So Shinji BOTH gets a fitting punishment for his behavior AND becomes a better person from it.
* Perfect ending. Fate ending was great(and HF true felt like an asspull), but UBW ending felt very fulfilling and fitting as Rin and Shirou face the unknown future together, having become better people than they started out as.

Kek this remind me of me last year.
>take pictures of account in case it's stolen
>save my bindcode in my phone's notebook
>phone gets broken
>lose everything
All of this because I was too lazy to transfer those infos on my pc.
We didnt care much my old acc had Eluck

When I read their profiles it seems that the case is more about Karna being way too fucking strong that Arjuna being a shitter desu

>Arthur love Shirou
>Gawain said to Nameless that he remind him of Agravain
What does it mean

He is an asexual monk who doesn't trust Rin for some reason

>That Arjuna
Should be than

Make her swallow it.

Seiba wanted Agravain's dick

I hope Agravain doesn't caught wind of the whole "wanting to slave his king" thing

He seems more like the kind of guy who would be a sub in bed. Don't bossy types and actual big bosses usually want to be dominated as means of escapism?

I see we have another closet case.

EMIYA kept the group together just like Agravain.

That Agravain is a man of steel and he can't become playable soon enough.

Tiberius get in gacha already

I hope he has lines for Artoria too

I need advice about starting this game. I want to buy a starter account to give myself a decent start but I have no clue what is good. i can probably spend about 50$, around how many SSRs in an account should that get me?Any advice on some SSRs I should definitely start with?

How can /fgog/ say that UBW is not the best route?

Works for me, I need to farm shit to finish ascending all the brozes

Who's gayer, Issei or Mac?

He isn't interested in flat chest woman

What about Titoria?

ARTURIA is the correct and official translation.

Cu Alter

Reminder if Quetz is a dude but his gender can change because people associate venus with women then King Arthur who people think is male should also be summoned as a proper male even if he was a woman in life.

I don't think I will be able to roll Dantes this time too guys.

wat do?

Guan Yu 5* when lads?

Andromalius was the last pillar fought in Solomon user. In Dantes inderlude you even get to hear the same music as in the final singularity, is obvious that it happens after the fact because of what the interlude is about in the first place (defeated foes come back to torment MC's mind).

>Roman only became popular at the moment of his death
>no fanservice events regarding the man from here on out
>we can't give him chocolate

How many times do I have to tell you? DON'T THINK ABOUT IT user

Is this pasta?

I got you Senpai

make a shrine for him homo

If DW is competent, they could give us a flashback of us giving him chocolate

>last thread full of actual discussion instead of shitposting

What the fuck is going on

Find a flaw in the UBW route.

>Cracked APK
>Cheat Apk
What happened

Lad he's going to be the heroine of part 2

Nobody cares about meek nice guys until they go through their beta uprising moment.
Be glad he did so and was still on our side after all the abuse and bullying he received.

The reason Quetz is a girl is because they wanted a spanish onee-san, anything else on the topic was bullshit made up afterwards.

Chinks got cheat apk for chinkgo if you're not afraid of literally getting banned out of nowhere :^)

Nobu a CUTE.

So yes then. You fags need to keep this shit in /a/.

Flaw in the UBW route.

Anal tier security. You can't even have debug mode on anymore. The game does so many checks it can lock you out of a legit phone because a wrong wallpaper can trigger the system.

>Gil will finally have someone to talk to about his corrupting fetish

>implying Quetz doesn't prefer being a qt onee-san in general

Is FUNNY VAMP the only servant we're missing from Extra now?

I stopped asking stupid questions about worldbuilding to encourage discussion, so now we're back to cuckposting.

How the fuck did Archer survive for so long?

Liz is the one thing to ever have gone right in the whole cosmos


Plot armor.

I complained and argued about the plight of being an ayylmao in a universe where only man matters.