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What is this, a lucio for ants

I wonder what Mei's poop looks like

nth for fem!McCree


You know what time it is.

>Tfw booping a Roadhog away just as his hook reels in with a teammate
>Tfw "Thanks!"

feels good



Post your hero without posting your hero.

Something's not quite right with that bloo

What's the best champion to play to stave off thoughts of depression and suicide?

help a lucio main out and post the lets break it down frog image, i saved the thumbnail

>needs buffs most

>needs nerfs most

>Most balanced

Downright needs a reword
I guess I'll use Bastion again


>Most complex


>Best to make people rage



I ain't got it my man


confirmed for never using wallride

>tfw being an unkillable annoying cunt using Tracer

He has a high skill ceiling but super low skill floor.

He's definitely the simplest hero to play and be effective on.


>no limits for arcade lootboxes
>enemy team has 2 pharas
>pick s76 to counter that
>our team stays as dva/symm/winston/junkrat

This game is almost a year old and people STILL didn't figure out how to switch it's embarrassing

>most compelx hero

tfw no job and play this game every day


>no motherly Mercy gf

DVa's nerf is justified, she was overpowered as fuck.

Why didn't they make her 300 armor and 300 health? That's balanced


>why won't people constantly switch character, therefore completely wrecking their ult charge?

>tfw the only way you can enjoy this game now is by playing lucio whilst listening to jet set radio ost

to be fair its the most fun ive had since release

Fifty-fifting all of your shit isn't always a balance you know.


>No Mercy demon to tease you constantly with lewd actions and flirting hoping one day you'll snap and hold her down and fuck her raw

Why are you people like this about fictional characters


Who are your top 3 best heroes in your opinion?

1. Soldier
2. Tracer
3. Lucio

I love Hana.

It's what happens when 80% of the young male population is still virgin because the females flock to Chads.

>no Angela to have long breeding sessions with

>Hero who needs buffs most
Giving Sombra or Tracer anything would just make them too good since they're already great when picked by someone who actually knows how to play them/when to pick them.

>Hero who needs nerds most
They just hit ana with one but god damn is still still good.

>Most balanced hero
Slow animations and everything he does is telegraphed but he still brings so much power to a teamfight.

>Hero who downright needs a rework
None. We need more heroes and maps instead of rearranging the shit we already got.

>Best pubstomper
Depends on the pub.
Genji/76/McCree if you mlg360noscopepro with any of them, Bastion if you don't just stand there and not hit anything, Junkrat if you don't just hold m1 at choke at actually kill something

>Most complex hero
Pharah. Might as well not play her if you're not consistently landing rockets.
Even though the complexity is just in accurately predicting enemy movement.

76. Stand on payload, throw down e when shit heats up, poke everything you can see. Occasionally sprint to flank or avoid ults.

>best hero to make people rage
Pick widow and don't hit anything.



I agree with you on almost all of them

>needs buffs most
>needs nerfs most
>Most balanced
>Downright needs a rework
>Most complex
>Best to make people rage


>Play Widow.
>Gold damage.
>Gold eliminations.
>Gold objective kills.
>Endless barrage of whining people telling me that I'm useless and that I should switch.
>Carry the fucking whiners who spend half the time typing.
>Win game.
>teammate [all]: lel ur so noob we had badest wido on team and u still lose XDDD"

So, Junkrat sucks competitive, in Quick play, he's arguably one of the best DPS characters, but if ANYONE on the enemy team can aim, his ULT can't do shit.

I'd suggest making his concussion mine throw people sideways more (akin to Pharrah's rocket) - currently it throws them way up into the air, so even if they're thrown over an edge, they quite easily recover.

I'd also increase the damage that Riptire does from 600 to 750 (doesn't need to be 1,000 like D'Va's), as it stands a Roadhog with an armor or shield boost can survive a Riptire at point blank range.

The main change would be, Riptire should explode when shot - it would still allow people to shut down the ult, particularly if the Junkrat is a bad player - but currently a turret/sentry/76 can stop a riptire at point blank range and suffer no damage.
Right now, as a person who plays a LOT of Junkrat, I don't even use my ult if I'm going up against hit detection players - there's no point - I can do WAY more damage without my hero being a sitting duck.

Yeah go get those pharas with earth shatter and rip tire ;)

Everyone is a bad Widow unless your name is Kephrii or LegoMan

>Hear Tracer and her shart gun around
>Instantly feel the anal annihilation creep in

Why does she annoy me so fucking much

Yeah, nerf would be justified. Not this.


>get two picks as Rein
>start running on point
>die because 4 people close in on me
>my team nowhere to be found
>"Shit rein keeps going in alone"


Junkrat is fine as what it is, he's a skilllesss hero for retards who can't aim.

He's not supposed to be good in higher ratings.


i remember that

man dva used to be garbo

gas widowsharters

I really just wish D.Vas ult didn't have such a huge range

>Junkrat is fine as what it is, he's a skilllesss hero for retards who can't aim.
>He's not supposed to be good in higher ratings.
Then why is Roadhog one of the best heros in competitive?

Oh hey, Veeky Forums.


I wish D.Vas ult still damaged her.

>tfw slamming a d.va against a wall, beating her meka to pieces and crushing her as sh pops out

>Zarya bubbled him
Never payed attention to that part before.

>I'm a retard: the post

Yeah bro lets buff Pharah XD


Tracer or Lucio are really positive and their voices lift me up sometimes.

Funnily, Saheeli is garbage as fuck, same as release Sym.

Also thankfully Kaladesh wasn't actually curryland that would have been awful

I don't know what it is about this game. I play HOTS with my friend and I'm usually chill, I never rage. They are much more likely to bitch and get upset.

But here? I played with my friend for three hours. We did 4 capture the flag games and two no limits games. I apparently bitched the entire time. Like never stopped.

It was so frustrating. Every little thing pissed me off.

>Junkrat sucks competitive
What tier? Wrecks in Gold.

>pick pharah
>enemy picks mccree, soldier or widow
>repick pharah

>pharah needs buffs
>reinhardt needs nerfs

Yes? She's one of the weakest attack heroes

>D.Va bug is still unfixed
I'm amazed how there is such a blatant fucking bug who happens every single time you pick a character and they still didn't do anything about it.

>pick XY hero
>"hurr you can't play this hero you don't have enough time on it in comp"

Well, how the fuck am I supposed to accumulate time then?!"

>heroes have counters

Wow, how unhealthy!

t. shitter who can't play her.

She's even being picked in the pro scene with a lot of success.

I miss you guys. I'm just over here now. You guys must've had a hell of a lot of memes these last two blocks.

You try out her infinite combo yet with the blinker? I wonder if that will be viable in Standard.

this webm makes me feel things

Because his kit is fucking busted. Massive self-heal (which lets him get his ult up in no time), high health, high damage and a skill that lets you one-shot 80% of the cast if you hit. The only negative thing he has is his low mobility.


So what do I play now that D.va is unviable? I've been trying out reaper but I can't stand his school shooter edgyness...


>get put in two quickplay refills in a row

Suggest buffs for bastion

>Ganymede can be sent forward into to reveal enemy positions in a small area like hanzos arrow

What bug?

Agreed, it was so much more entertaining

Rein fits into every team composition

>You guys must've had a hell of a lot of memes these last two blocks.
No not really, the only POO IN LOO memes were before the spoilers became out, and then everyone was 100% FUCK YES PODRACING.

Yea I know about her combo with the cat, I don't play standard or modern or vintage or legacy but the tournament's in like a few days or something and that's when everyone decides what meme to force.

That's so good

>widowmaker on your team
>shit aim

Stop. Just stop. You're ruining the fun of 5 other people and ontop embarrass yourself.

>Yeah, let's amp it up!
>Look at this team, we're gonna do great!
>Heeeeal up!
>Let's break it d o w n!

Feels good being a Lucio main




More rein


The 3v3? D.Va black sreen bug is unfixed since release, i assume this one will join. Because nobody gives shit abut D.Va.

>quick play
>team plays pretty much whatever they feel like
>don't even have a tank
>enemy team goes full meta
>say "ez" when they win

I know winning is fun, but what's the point of going fulll try-hard in quick play.



To piss people off or because they're shitters who think they're good