/twg/ - Total War General

Crusades Edition

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>Warhammer introduction to MP Lords and Heroes
To update: Never pick anything other than Morghur as Beastmen.
Necromancer heroes are top pick right now while raise dead is still broken as fuck.

>Empty Steam Groups

>No Total War News
If you've been living under a rock these past few months, Shortbrindal is free now.
Waiting for Bretonnia

Mods -- twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?2191-Total-War-WARHAMMER-Modifications
Update Info -- wiki.totalwar.com/w/Total_War_WARHAMMER_Update_5
DLC (good goy) -- store.steampowered.com/app/534331

Suggested Mod Pack (You can pick and choose from the list, Suggested by user):

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Today was not the day?

If our daimyo is to become shogun, military ruler of all Japan.

No 5 more minutes user.

how many times do I have to kill attila? his ability to shit out stacks of t3 units and catapults is getting a bit overwhelming

Today was not the day. They posted some link to an ign awards thing and told people to nominate TWW.

>how many times do I have to kill attila?

~th for late game Attila


Next Thursday is the day!

Failing that, there's always tomorrow

Let me tell you about the time I abandoned half of europe in a single turn.

>tfw bro-tier huns rape everything for a thousand miles all around you
>tfw absolutely rek everything with no slowdown
>tfw Venedi
muh cabbages

update on the progress of the empire

Macedonians have been broken, rome controls greece now, macedonians made a last stand near philipi

2 Carthaginian armies have landed in sardinia and corsica and carthage has landed another 3 armies in sicily

the people expect the emperor to die soon of old age


*tips sallet*

Them borders on the end there kek.


I am ashamed


>not being beheaded


meant to say 2 roman armies have landed in sardinia and corsica

yeah spread those legs you whore, I bet you love taking cocks

>Turks invade Anatolia and crush opposing Byzantine armies
>Roman emperor asks the Pope for help
>nothing big though just some mercenaries to drive the Turks out of Anatolia
>Pope actually gathers all of Christendom for a holy war
>more men arrive then anybody could've though
>no way the Turks could survive against such an army
>idiots end up pillaging Byzantine lands and head for Palestine in bumfuck nowhere
>take Jerusalem and claim it as a great victory
>end up establishing kingdoms opposite of where they were supposed to head in the first place
>Anatolia which was vital for keeping the Islamic forces out of Europe is still in Turk hands
>Crusaders don't do anything to help Byzantines
>end up spending a century fighting the Arabs over Jerusalem
>don't even bother fighting the Turks
>Crusaders actually sack Constantinople and lead to the collapse of the Byzantine Empire
>Southern Europe all the way to Hungary fall into Muslim hands for the next five three to four centuries
Well done Urban II, well done indeed, however...

How best to upgrade Kholek?

>ywn be so Metal that you earn a nickname like 'The Scourge of God'

Melee. Them ward saves

She really loves Beastmen cocks.

Get your ass primed vladdy.

Kholek is competing with Durthu for the title of "Best melee fighter in the entire game"

He's one of the few lords were upgrading his own melee stats is really, truly worth it.

Is this the legendary trio of the greatest lords known to the world?

What TW is/would be Lindybeige's favourite?

Lol Kemmler can actually beat melee lords one on one now with zombie summon.

The one with no horses in it.

Empire since Britain is just better than anybody else by the virtue of being the only faction CA spend more than one coffee break designing.

Do I need to kill him in battle? My champs have been murdering him every other turn.

>Read description for Centigors
>Beastmeme's only cav
>Centigors are angry creates because they're shit

That's just what I want to read on the description of a t5 unit

Which TW is Britain most op in and which one doesn't feature any spandau?
Preferably also very useless cavalry.

>Great weapon centigors are bad

They're not though.

They're useful.

Warhammer probably, it turned fantasy not-Germans into superior not-Englishmen after all.

We can be certain that he'd hate Shogun 2 though. Except for FotS maybe.
But if we're serious then Napoopan or Med2.

Empire probably although he would have an autistic fit upon discovering that the native factions have artillery.

>proceeds to make a 30-40min video explaining why redskins and shitskins are too stupid to use field guns
>then another 30min reply video to angry comments explaining why he calls them the way he does

delet this

Me-eh-eh-eh-ke me.

What are cannons good for?

It says they are anti large, but single targets like a giant or shaggoth take a tiny amount of damage.

1 archer or handgun units seem more effective than multiple canons.

Its just one of the things that hasn't been balanced enough yet. While there are some artillery that can pt in work like the Hammer of Witches most of it doesn't do enough damage before the main lines engage and it takes a long time to take out large given the map in the first place is to your advantage to begin with.

Artillery is good against cav and really good against elite cav but not really monsters yet, besides making a giant fall over again and again like a drunk. The double handgunner/thunderer more reliable. Which is sad considering canons are the solution to anything in TT.


Anyone here played the Secession: Civil War mod for medieval 2? I'd highly recommend it. actually a really good American Civil war simulation unlike FotS and its antics.

I suck at every TW game I play but boy they sure are fun.

Whichever one shows that most WW2 US army soldiers never shot at someone and the ones that did are psychopaths

Uhhh, well this is unexpected, what do /twg/?
Should I refuse for the integrity of the Roman world?

Decided to give pic related a try. Will post more once i actually get this thing installed.

The best thing Europa peredita does IMO is give you the ability to construct agricultural support that increases fertility of the province, thus allowing you to create designated breadbaskets.

good one. Play as one of the russian factions.

Go Poland, best looking roster.

>Can't play as the Teutonic Order
Slightly disappointed. Should i go with early or late era campaign? Kind of feel like crusading after my Asturias campaign so will probably go with one of the christian faction near / in the Holy land.

Rejoice! For a Knight of Bretonnia provides your shield.

Keeping large monsters stunned
Sniping high armor / shielded units
Killing cavalry models

That's all

great helms look retarded

In SS you've always been able to play as the TO in late era.
Weird that you can't there.


This is actually the worst opinion any human has ever held

It's a bucket with slits

It looks retarded and is obsolete for the rest of the gear, you have properly fitting plate on the body and then a fucking bucket.


I bet you play with the "No floppy hats" mod too

"Anti-large" means anything horse sized and up. In this case, it's referring to the extremely high projectile speed. Cannons are perfect for hitting enemy cavalry as they advance.

Why are elves so cute

Easier to be bait.

>Ungor herds and gor herds are complete garbage
>Through technology and the gorebull they can get a whopping 30+ attack.
>Bestigor herds are slightly less garbage, but still garbage.
>Don't have the same backing technology/buffs

what did CA mean by this

They get plenty of Beastmen cum to rub on their skin to keep them young.

Agreed. That's why they abandoned it and developed superior models
I bet you play with "Replace Floppy Hats with a Bucket" mod

Fucking beastmemes GTFO my thread


/twg lied to me! You always says they are forest NEETS, in reality they are literally tree hitlers

Im gonna need source on that one pham

what's the marriage age in Attila? my son is 18 but I can't arrange one.

>she will never cast flesh to stone on your dick

Just wait a couple of turns

your face looks retarded

Friendly reminder wood elves are murderous, cannibalistic heathens who enjoy torturing, raping, and murdering poor Bretonnian peasants. The only reason why they care about any life that isn't another wood elf is when their precious forest might be threatened as a result. It would actually be a better world if both wood elves and beastmen were dead.

You look fucking retarded faggot


Also the AI can't mount naval invasions properly, so they're invincible.


>mfw Jul 30, 2010

*Steps out of a treeline behind you*
*fills you with starfire shafts*

heh nothin personal Human

hello where is Bretonnia please

Its already out

this is not funny

>Those wizard kills

first time for everything

aaayyyy gimme that exlink please

Literally their last unit killed me after 1 hour and 35 minutes of battle because I forgot cavalry could climb walls by dismounting, and it was too late when I realized. I uninstalled the game

wtf did you just say to me you little shit?

I'm gonna be a man and commit seppuku

>Cult of Ulric in Beastmeme mini-campaign
>No cult of ulric units yet
Pls just butcher my genitals and mail them to the President of Paru, senpai.

are half-elves possible in warhammer lore? I feel like with only smelly peasant women with no concept of personal hygiene, you'd try to snatch yourself and elf maid if you could

>that bulge


Well, if you were an elf you probably wouldn't be able to get a elf-maiden either. Thus, yellow fever (Breton fever in this case).

Doomflock of lore of beasts? That is great against the fank and file blobbi-

>that army comp
why even bother with tactics, you can auto resolve it by hitting the start button and making yourself tea or calling your mum

>So this means that we gonna get 3 units as Parthia , Lusitanii or Greek states right? What a fucking bullshit.
Uh no, 12 Parthian units, like 15 for Lusitanii, 25+ for Greek nations

recently started a sfo empire campaign, any anons who have played w/ the mod before have any advice?

No flock of doom doesn't count for kill totals, that user probably had the wizard mounted on the razorgor chariots, where they can do very well if you micro them constantly

Sun of Xerxes

why're you talkin' shit bout my army comp?

not like beastmemes have a massive selection

I've never played the Alans before so I'm gonna ask for some advice. Where should I settle from here? It's 421 AD and it's been rather slow. White huns have destroyed most of the Sassanids who I have a military alliance with. Romans are doing fine on both fronts. Is taking Sarmatia Europaea a safe bet or would Attila eventually come over here?

How do you micro chariots well

Given your position attila will come make love to your face no matter what

Never even settle in sarmatia