Spessmen on a Space Station - /ss13g/

Last thread: Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>Dead Serbs
>PM bullshit

>What is Space Station 13?

>New player guide

>BYOND client

>Pomf Serbian, main Veeky Forumsstation server

>Test server

>Public server list

>How do I connect to the servers?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Veeky Forumsstation forum and logs

>Map renders collection: updated sometimes

>Coderbus, here!
@rizon #coderbus @rizon #vgstation

>Cryo Autism

>SS13 booru for all your SS13 images!

>How To Install BYOND: The Video Tutorial: The Movie


>OP Pastebin

Other urls found in this thread:


first for blob

I need to cool it.

First for the eternal coder


PJB and Goof are manchildren. Riekland, Yclat and Plapatin blew them the fuck out.

7th for husbando's!

fuck off plapatin
fuck off yclat

He's a cool guy but he really needs to cool his shit sometimes. I like him, though, and agree with a lot of what he says.
It's not even the real plapatin.

Nexis only locked the discussion for collaborators and contributors while PJB outright closed it.


powergaming waifushitter
permanently mad
self shilling permabanned shitter

You can identify yclat pretty easily when he does post, don't worry.

I wish more people would make SS13 videos. I know sekrit club and all that but it's always fascinating to see the round I played from a different perspective.

>watching myself perform weird surgery
It's kinda surreal.

(pic semi-related)

nigger are you falseflagging
nexis closed it 2 hours ago
then it was opened again

Can coders recover?

The github dream team is out to get them
>Shitposter: Riekland
>Heavy hitter: Yclat
>Self shiller and facts guy: Plapatin

Coders beware, they know no fear.

why the fuck would you keep a PR open when there's no more discussion allowed

>never in any vidyas because i only play real deadpop hours
It's a good feeling, but it's also a bad feeling too

>seeing myself whine in sec coms about how HoP stole my mounted flash

bad feel

>Heavy hitter
6/10 i laughed

N3X15 was going to unlock it after everyone calmed down.

>N3X15 was going to unlock it
>Closing at 8 for, 14 against., 2 meme
what did he lie by this

It's not the real plapatin idiots.

What we really need stackable crates so Mules are more effective about transporting bulk locked crates. Also for barricades and aesthetic cargo holds.

>PJB on suicide watch
Is this the start of a new golden age for Veeky Forumscode?

plapatin go to bed

Can't even reply to a post right

Isn't that the guy who got banned for being autistic in ahelps? Why would he have any part in code discussions?

No, because PJB is one of the few head coders that's actually remained for a long time.
Nexis'll leave again within the next two months, bauds'll probably disappear as well, cluster's interest will probably never return, etc, etc.

Stop blowing dumb shit out of proportion, you manchild.

>Heavy hitter: Yclat
But everyone just ignores that guy, even the non-collabs give him the fat :-1: which is the clear signal to not even respond
t. coder

Do you think Riekland will let me add her on steam?

wy would you want him on steam?

>until both sides can calm their tits

The problem is that even when he does know his shit, he frames his arguments to antagonize everyone.
Guy just needs to relax and say what he's saying more reasonably.

>PJB internet defence force in full swing
My boy Plapatin him puts him in his place

why are you speaking about yourself in third person

I think Plapatin cares about the game a little too much tbqh.

who is bauds

Wait hold on when did I powergame

Help how do I navigate the github to find what all the hub bub is about

First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they attack you.
Then you win.

>Waifuposting about riekland appears
>Riekland mysteriously appears too

Go here: github.com/d3athrow/vgstation13/pull/13645

Seriously cut the shit unless you're going to grow a pair and use a trip or publicly out your spineless, limpdicked sorry sack of shit you call your person. You shitposters who either don't play or are reviled due to your generally cancerous nature do nothing but harm this community worse than any waifu or tired coder

Get a goddamn life or kill yourself to stop wasting everyones time and energy.

I think whoever this fag is just has a hateboner against PJB for whatever reason.
From the first response and onwards it's all directed at PJB, and now in the thread too.
You must have a lot of personal problems to go all-out on someone like this over a single comment on a stupid PR.

Yeah yeah whatever
I just wanna know when I powergamed
I honestly want to avoid this kind of shit happening, I don't like the idea of becoming a shitler

>The surpreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
-Sun Tzu

>he doesn't know about plapatin
He has a LOT of personal problems.

do you even know what false flagging is you cock fuck shit monkey ass wanker from the depths of shit

why do you claim to not be plapatin when you're equally autistic

I responded to pjb as he was the only one responding positively and also opened the pr again. I responded to goof when he came.
I'm not plapatin.
I'm too articulate to be plapatin.

no, but i think you're too autistic to be plapatin

Holy shit what an autist.

Shadowmech made the PR, so he responded positively.
As did cptWad and Kolith (arguably). At this point you attack PJB for posting 'if it doesn't work out we can just revert it'. After that point I respond positively as well, yet you still only attack PJB (and eventually Goof).

You've got a PJB-flavored stick up your ass, and I hope you find some way too cool down or (god forbid) do something useful.

>calling a coder out on their bullshit is autistic

This isn't true, sounds like a classic disinformation campaign to undermine a person's valid argument. Do you call yclat or riekland autistic? They argued just like me, pjb and Goof too.

Lonely dumb kid, he's not older than 15 tops for sure. I sorta feel bad for him but understand he should be banned.
I made a general statement and quoted pjb. I further responded to pjb as he reopened the pr after nexis closed it. I dont care about pjb, I barely know of him.

>all this talk about PJB
>nobody brings up his age
>nobody brings up his nationality
>nobody brings up his design document
Man, what a letdown. I thought I was gonna see a great roast and instead it's just amateur hour with the meme of the day.

Holy shit, he's not only autistic, he's schizophrenic too!

That's how it is. They don't attack the 16 year old Dutch gay coder.

Dude it's just shitposting, don't read too much into it.


>all this talk over screams

>gets added
>idiots just standing around *scream

Swear to god this server is so autistic. Let's be real here, in the event something does warrant you to emote out a scream, you'll likely already be dead before you can ARE PEE

>I made a general statement and quoted pjb.

>This is too far.
>Shitty of coders to justify pushing bad changes because "if you don't like it just revert". We all are aware that they will not let a revert happen and if you try to get one then you're just a shitter that hates change.

Only talk about reverts before that is PJB.
You're full of shit, please fuck off before you infect someone with your stupidity.

>nobody brings up the fact that he's from REDDIT

I'm sorry. I guess I did hone in on pjb a lot.

I didn't mean to offend or hurt feelings, I just want good features. I made a mistake with my initial posts.

You go "it'd be even more no votes if left open" and then go "keep the pr open until it's either winning in upvotes or people forget and you can merge eh pjb?" the moment he reopens it
You aggressively attack PJB and later Goof to make your yelling seem more valid than their yelling
You bring up a slippery slope "point" and then say yourself that it's not a good point in order to pad out your argument
You clearly don't even play here. Every feature that's ever been merged has been played with a lot foe the first few rounds after its merge and then people don't use it again.
You can't toggle this any more than you can toggle buzzing or pinging.



why are you people such faggots about insignificant shit like this?

I'm sorry for going too far friend. Have a good night, I am off to play a vn.

>literally autistic permabanned player btfos coders on github
medium-rare kek

I would like to point out that this video has already brought players to this server who do not know what Veeky Forums is.


And that's because, Mr. PJB, you come from Belgium which of course is pretty much a non-country.

>"wow that's a cool feature"
>"huh, this server has some good stuff"
>"people here actually do their job"

Do you have any proof? Not doubting you, just want to have a laugh and/or cry

From the logs, check for ckey Overwharf. He admitted it to admins but I'm not in a position where I can log dive right now.

>goon sprite

>from Belgium

that's what I said yeah.

[18:55:29]ADMIN: HELP: Overwharf/(Cooper Green): hey i died but i dont have a ghost - heard by 2 non-AFK admins.
[18:56:00]ADMIN: Cpt_Wad/(Steve Bill) jumped to Overwharf/(Cooper Green)
[18:56:12]ADMIN: PM: Cpt_Wad/(Steve Bill)->Overwharf/(Cooper Green): type ghost in chat
[18:56:33]ADMIN: Cpt_Wad/(Steve Bill) : without say in front
[18:56:37]ADMIN: Cpt_Wad/(Steve Bill) : there you go
[18:56:46]ADMIN: PM: Overwharf/(Cooper Green)->Cpt_Wad/(Steve Bill): got it thanks
[18:58:32]ADMIN: PM: MrFoster/(Qin Zheng)->Overwharf/(Cooper Green): Hey I was just wondering where you heard about the server from
[18:59:07]ADMIN: PM: Overwharf/(Cooper Green)->MrFoster/(Qin Zheng): Tex from the black pants leigon
[19:00:45]ADMIN: PM: MrFoster/(Qin Zheng)->Overwharf/(Cooper Green): Did he post our IP somewhere?
[19:00:55]ADMIN: William BraxBorn(andrewserafini) connected a canister that contains [Toxins ] to a connector_port at 288, 222, 1
[19:01:00]ADMIN: Builder(tifora) connected a canister that contains [Toxins ] to a connector_port at 204, 182, 1
[19:01:20]ADMIN: Builder(tifora) connected a canister that contains [Toxins ] to a connector_port at 211, 187, 1
[19:01:24]ADMIN: PM: Overwharf/(Cooper Green)->MrFoster/(Qin Zheng): no i went to your website
I'm not either user but I think this is what you are both talking about

Senaat is Dutch, PJB is Belgian.

>Plapatin is farage
>pjb is juncker

Secret club shall not be infringed

he didn't say anything about Veeky Forums

When you google vgstation the first hit is ss13.moe/ which has a BYOND link to the serb. It's not hard to find once someone mentions it by name.

we should require a 15 page book report on the writings of Kevin Mcdonald in order to play on the server

>no i went to your website
By website do you think he means the wiki or Veeky Forums?

If you put Yclat, PJB, Cluster, Pain, and Celt in a room. In the room there is a gun loaded with two bullets.
Would anyone take the gun and who would he shoot???

he means ss13.moe

I liked those gas masks better desu

They line up in such a way that the soft neck flesh will allow a round to pass through effectively multiple people. 5 birds, 2 stones.

Mr.Pain would no-appeal permaban everyone for participating in non-antag murder.

I'd take the gun and head to probe's house where

we'd cuddle

>log on
>see this

Sawbones and Sawbones.

And if I could, Sawbones again.

Did I mention Sawbones?


>be innocent doctor
>decide to be on my best behavior
>suddenly blob waves
>discover the fuckhuge one in arrivals
>it just keeps spreading
>turns out there's also Cult
>get on the wild ride and continually put people back together at maximum speed
>AI reveals that the Cult is trying to do their shit in the bar
>they try and fail to grab me but do grab someone else
>already hurt and hungry as fuck
>do the only thing i can do and polysmoke to get them to fuck off me for a bit
>botanist cultist harassing me while I'm refilling
>grab his hatchet
>waltz into the bar where the cultists are now wounded and cut four heads off
>botanist tries to limp in and kill me with the Vox cultist's PKAs
>go in on him with the hatchet
>AI asks me to come to upload so it can tell me to get the nuke disk
>on my way to arm the blob eats both the nuke and the AI
>CMO screams for help as the squid arrives
>drag him all around the station and finally get through the mostly uncompromised Engineering
>we launch ourselves into space from the Singulo area as a squid rolls up behind us
amazing round, glad i participated in it


Get banned for icky ocky.

The universe itself couldn't handle my mixtapes

Server restarted bub.

This is why blob rounds auto-end.

I will make it a goal to ask the crew if it'd fuck the Flatwoods Monster every time I'm a blob.