Do people in history view interracial marriages with contemptuous or they are open minded just like us...

Do people in history view interracial marriages with contemptuous or they are open minded just like us, the modern people?

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>it's stormfag bait

>>>/lefty pol/

why would they have any view to something that didn't happen in their world? it's completely modern thing to even be able to fly from britain to the deepest africa for a mate.

I heard there are black roman citizens back then, or children of white romans with their black slaves too, would be considered as Romans.

Nubians or ex slaves.

>tfw mixed

Why was I even born :(

Races are a recent meme

Everyone on this board is mixed

Holy shit look at her, then look at that baby.

>didn't happen in their world

True m8, people didn't travel after all. Like, no one in antiquity ever went from Palestine to Egypt.

On a serious note, different cultures had different concepts of race, and therefore different views on mixing.

Be proud.

Your average person never traveled from Palestine to Egypt. That was a luxury only the rich, sailors, soldiers and diplomats had.

>That was a luxury only the rich, sailors, soldiers and diplomats had.
And Jesus.

If mods don't delete this thread for the cancer it will spout I will have lost what little faith I had
>inb4 but I said the word history XDDDD

Though I must say, I couldn't imagine having a child that didn't look like mine

Jesus and his flock had a message to spread around the world. Your average man from antiquity had no reason to leave his region of the world.

I guess the question is, where in the Bible does it say its wrong to have an interracial marriage?

Does Jesus says its wrong to mix with different colors?

>open minded just like us, the modern people?

yeah nah get fucked mate. I'm and many like me from around the world are living proof your talking out your ass. True, there were probably pretentios little race-traitors like you in antiquity obviously but they had to keep quite mostly paticularly women though in all honesty it probably depended. white man with a indian woman in the 1800? mostly acceptable if he wasnt an officer/man of higher standing.

White aryan girl from the middle ages with some sub saharan africa? (even though it would be one in a million) NOPE.

My condolences. blame the 60's onwards mate.

best thing to do would be to castrate you poor fellows from your unholy birth and let you live a comfortable life on a ranch or monastary somewhere in the country. If i had the money and the power id do that for you poor devils.

well they shagged the blackies just find, didn't they? those bastards

Same reason why I am uncomfortable with Khaijits and Argonian. They look so different and have bad rep.

That's against the LORE! The child should be a full argonian you disgusting pleb.

>I guess the question is, where in the Bible does it say its wrong to have an interracial marriage?
Well, you weren't allowed to marry non-jews in the OT, but that was mostly "i dont wanna be contamined with our neghbour's shitty, child-sacrificing, idol worshiping culture" than "muh genetic purity"(jews were a pretty diverse bunch to begin with, anyhow).
Sidenote, Moses had a black wife. And God gave leprosy to his siblings for being racist about the whole thing.

it didn't happen in thir world because it would be so thoroughly looked down upon and because xenophobia was so strong and group loyalty was so much more valued.

why is it not a legitimate question to ask what historical attitudes were about marriages between different ethnic groups?

Christ you're so fucking sensitive you don't even let yourself think about history.

just kill yourself if you're so terrified and allergic to being exposed to attitudes that would be considered politically incorrect in this day and age

>this picture seems to be implying that reptilian and catman genomes are similar or the same to the humans and elves of cyrodil that they can reproduce and make offspring

Sorry but it doesn't work like that. Atleast to my understanding of the game.

Only whites are "open" about it. Blacks and Muslims, even though they mix with white people, see it as an aspect of their political conquest of white nations, and they are not fine with white men taking their women.

They see interracial marriage as a victory over the white man, it's political and ideological and they do derive more pleasure from the tought of "humiliating" a white girl by making them submit to having sex with a black or a Muslim man, than anything to do with actual love, which they do not feel at all at interracial relationships.

as a small correction, they're usually trying to get back at "the white man" rather than "humiliate" the white girl. often they won't have any negative feelings or resentment towards the white girl.

It depends wildly on the society, time period and context.

no, it didn't happen in their world because until first world war most european people hadn't even seen a single person of different race unless their job had something to do with colonies.

this is a stupid thing to say because there were travellers before the second world war, and cities where several different ethnic groups resided.

what prevented those groups from mixing very much at all is exactly what I have described:
because it would be so thoroughly looked down upon and because xenophobia was so strong and group loyalty was so much more valued.

fucking retard

I looked it up, in TES all children are the race of the mother, and also argonians cant breed with the other races.

>race traitors

Just want to remind everyone the view on Race has changed a lot through the ages.

Africans here likely meaning North Africans rather than negros.

Dunno, he may possibly have included Abyssinia in there..


Anglo Saxons didn't even exist then. What pseud wrote this?

How many 100% aryan children have you produced, brave soldier of the white race?

Black guy here, both are accurate. A lot of black people are actually against interracial relationships because they're afraid of getting wiped out. Especially because of the fact that "black" people are really on average whatever the help the opposite of a quadroon is (see Obama's kids).

Personally, I don't care. I'm attracted to pretty much every race I can find in South Florida, from the darkest Haitian to the palest Irish American.

Why is it that when people on Veeky Forums start bait threads about mixed race people, they always choose pictures where the child looks a lot more like the non-white parent?

I'm mixed race and both my sister and I looked practically white as babies. Yet you never see /pol/ starting threads with pictures of biracial children who look more white than black (or Asian or what have you) because they're cherry picking to push an agenda.

And to answer OP's question, it really depends on what historical period you're talking about. In Napoleonic France, there was a general who was mixed-race and whose son (who was 1/4 black) became a prolific author, noted for writing the Three Muskateers.

>White aryan girl from the middle ages with some sub saharan africa? (even though it would be one in a million) NOPE.

Except that assuming it were possible this would be a 100% acceptable coupling. If medieval Europe was able to make consistent contact with Sub-Saharan Africa there would have been nothing perverse about a marriage between Europeans and Ethiopians among royalty or high class merchants. People married for politics in those days, not for 20th century racial theory.

To show that the other race's genes will "always" pop up no matter what, so they will never be "pure". Even though mixed race kids can vary to the extreme.

t. Black person who has Asian Jamaican family and doesn't have Asian traits (that I'm aware of) but my brother and father do (epicanthic eyelids)

Question: Is your dad white?

Because babies and children look a lot like their fathers, which is believed to make them invest the parental effort and so they believe they're theirs

I've only heard that theory on Veeky Forums.

My father is black, yet I look much more like my white side (while my sister is so light-skinned to almost be white, but her facial structure looks much more like a black person's).

I have a cousin who's mixed-race too, with a black father, and he basically looks mestizo or Arab. He has children with a white woman and they literally have porcelain white skin and red hair.

Don't believe the "children take after their fathers" meme.

You're your mother's boyfriend's son

Nigga please.

user is your father light skinned?

Not at all, his skin is fairly medium. Dark brown, not dark and not light.

Our ideas about race didn't really emerge until the 16th-18th centuries.

In the middle ages it was so rare that there was apparently little stigma, especially if both parties were either Christian or Muslim.

it was so rare because both there was less travelling and because there was a greater stigma.

because xenophobia was so strong and group loyalty was so much more valued.

in trading ports people would stick to their own kind far more strongly than nowadays.

You're fucking retarded. People left and traveled away from their homes all the time for a variety of reasons.

bitch im meditarainian so no aryan babies from me. The point i was trying to make was, yes, race mixing happens in the past yet it was usually contained to diffrent etnicity of europeans. very rarely would you see a black-chinese kid walking around the austro-hungarian capital.

The global interracial changes we've seen since the 60's would not be tolerated thoughtout most of europes places and peoples, in most cases some have only just accepted this.

what your forgetting there is nobility might on rare occasion but that paticular paring would be political sucide for any princess or duchess that was relevant. She'd damn well better move into that ethiopian prince's harem castle cos she sure as fuck wouldnt be accepthed by the peasants in her kingdom anymore. if anything shed be quitely disowned unless ethopia invaded and sucessfully subjigated the area we now know as germany under them (see Libya & Turkey as examples of conqested racemixing)

I'm sure Indigenous males didn't like Spaniards and Portuguese taking away all their women, but they do not had the means to express their displeasure.

Mixed here. My life is fine, either kill yourself or stop pretending be le sad mixed person :'(

>I'm mixed and happy

Time to take those meds, my mongrel schizo friend

The schizo is you who's sperging out. You're the one making the claim that being mixed = unhappy, so the burden of proof is on you. I'm mixed, know plenty of mixed people and none are unhappy so your statements just make me smile. This is Veeky Forums after all, it's not surprising that a mixed person browsing this site is a failure, you're probably one too, judging from your posts, I even doubt you have any friends, you seem to be a frustrated social outcast.

You know, this post isn't really that good, really just mediocre, but that projection at the end truly upgrades it to a 7/10.

Enjoy your (you), user, you deserve it

>y-y-you're projecting
Great comeback user, I hope you'll calm down now and take the meds you spoke of a post ago.

Historically it really didn’t matter where you’re from as long as you're of the same religion and adopted the same culture of the society you were entering. When suspicion did arise about mixed marriages it was usually focused on their or their children's adverse affect on the culture at large.

It is; isn't it? I'm glad you agree

>She'd damn well better move into that ethiopian prince's harem castle cos she sure as fuck wouldnt be accepthed by the peasants in her kingdom anymore.

First off that's bullshit. Peasants aren't in a position to accept, support, or denounce nobility to begin with. And even if they did, there would be nothing about the marriage to bother them besides any issue of seeing an Ethiopian prince as a miaphysite heretic, which is easily remedied.

Language and religion mattered more than anything else in the Middle Ages.

>he's still trying to save face
You're more miserable than I thought. I feel sorry for you user.

It depends how white the parents are mentally, not physically.

>A lot of black people are actually against interracial relationships because they're afraid of getting wiped out.

Niggers numbers are increasing in white countries while the opposite doesnt happen

Really made me think

> I'm and many like me from around the world are living proof your talking out your ass.
> Me and many other contemporary people are proof of how things used to be
hurrr durrr

>Peasants aren't in a position to accept, support, or denounce nobility to begin with.

because there have never been peasant revolts and intrigues among other nobles motivated by an unpopular marriage before amirite?


It often takes just 1 generation. Especially if the half x half y parent looks more like the y side and has kids with a y person, those kids will look fully y. But if the parent looks more like the x side, the kids may look a lot more like the y side with still visible x traits which could be lost in the next generation by producing kids with a y person.

>Really made me think
You must lack brain cells if 8 KB are life-changing to you.

Name a single peasant revolt motivated by a marriage of a noblewoman with a foreigner of the same religion but different ethnicity.

>same religion but different ethnicity
Real cute.
We both know that interactions between different ethnicities separated by thousands of miles were essentially nonexistent in the past beyond the diplomatic equivalent of pen-pals.

So that's a no then.

>this is what "history buffs" believe

Why don't you provide some examples of noble marriages across ethnicities in medieval Europe that flourished and didn't just fade into obscurity?

>didn't just fade into obscurity
Damage control already, kek.

god that's an ugly baby

>a handful of merchants and diplomats traveled thousands of miles to distant kingdoms
>this means interactions with ethnicities that lived thousands of miles away were common

Without indulging in /pol/ conspiracy theories, I honestly don't know who would believe this.

>migrations didn't exist

I've never understood this. African Americans are already mixed with white people to the point that on average they have 20% European ancestry. "Pure" Blacks are virtually non-existent and would be considered mixed race in many countries.

How is pointing out that the progeny of interracial marriages often died without marrying themselves, because of difficulties in finding someone willing to marry them, damage control?

Can you name a single medieval period marriage between European nobility and African nobility?

"Migrations" as they exist in modern conception are a meme that in reality resulted in apocalyptic wars and societal collapse.

How about I don't, point out the argument was that peasants cared about noble marriage enough to launch revolts, or that race mattered more than religion to them, and then tell you to shove those goalposts up your ass.

Thread should have ended here.

ugly parents desu

It just werks