/hsg/ - Hearthstone General

Why aren't you doing Anduin edition

>Deck lists, news etc:

>Arena Help


>Open Tournaments:

>Deck Tracker:

>Everyone complaining about shitty legendary packs
>I haven't gotten a legendary in fucking months, if not over a year

Does she say

>Side effects; none. Trust me.


>Side effects? No, trust me.

damn i bet anduins footpussy is top tier

the second

Ice Block is such a stupid fucking card

You are a stupid fucking player

>27% Overall. Nearly 30% at legend. Nearly 35% at ranks 1-5. There are more Shamans in the game right now than there were before the expansion’s release.

who will play him in the straight-to-dvd film?

What kind of iced coffee does Ben Brode like?

does hearthstone have a pic like this?

it's very light, so I'm guessing it's some kind of vanilla or maybe caramel coffee.

it could also be a latte.

PVP = standard
TVT = wild
ZVZ = brawl

>tfw you will never play during the comfy BRM meta again
>tfw patron nerf
>tfw game is irredeemably shit now

PvP = aggro vs control
TvT = control vs control/combo
ZvZ = aggro vs aggro

thanks for still playing

every time i lose to a fucking league of shitheads legendary shitstain

>im still mad i bought the 5$ welcome bundle 3 months ago
They aint getting more money out of me i swear

Why is arena so ____fun?

I miss sc2

I miss Lineage II

>Asheron's Call

>tfw bought the welcome bundle and ten (10) TGT packs

every time i get the urge to buy packs i remind myself about stuff i could buy with that money instead of a reminder i fucked up

I've spent more than that on a fucking cup of coffee
how can you worry about this little money?

>be me
>buy welcome bundle, only time I gave the jews money
>own 3 class legos
>get a duplicate King Krush
>first pack I open contains a dupe Grom
Fuck you Team 5.

>bought TGT packs
Top jej

>be me
>have 7 class legos
>buy welcome bundle
>get grom which I didn't have
>in packs open nozdormu which I didn't have either
thank you based brode

>this little money
The Welcome Bundle is probably the highest revenue generating item of the entire game.

its not about the money user. Its about giving Blizzard money they dont deserve. Even if i had 5 million in the bank and was set for life i wouldnt buy a single pack

I don't regret impulse buying a McDonald's hamburger or a can of coke even if it makes the company a ton of money

Because it's the only instance of Team 5 being human and not jewish

>own VanCleef as the only classic class lego
>buy bundle
>get VanCleef and unpack King Krush in the packs


Who's the dragon priest now, bitch nigger?

that's actually surprisingly cheap
that being said I'm not forking over a dime to see a video game tournament

i can't catch a fucking rng break in this stupid niggercunt tavern brawl




Play priest or warrior

>Use the deal 1 damage to all minions and summon a 2/2 minion for each minion that died in a board full of 1 health minions
>It doesn't summon a single 2/2
Welp, I guess I deserved to lose that one game!

>be rank 14 yesterday
>load up questing rogue and play on and off for about 3 hours
>lose about 4 games of roughly 30 and get rank 5

Why is this allowed?



Why is hunter the only class that isn't allowed to have draw?

rogue does not get any more either.

what do you need more than a 5 mana 3/2?

>Log in today
>My two golden Smalltime bucaneer I unpacked on release turned into normal versions
That's it, I am done with this game.

>blizz devs say the strengths of Rogue are supposed to be card draw and single target removal
>haven't gotten any good single target removal in ages and base set isn't even great compared to mage and shaman
>haven't gotten any good draw in ages, best draw is synergy through a neutral minion that is sure to be rotated out soon

Blizzard thinks card draw is bad because "it makes every game feel the same."

shadow strike is gudd
and rogue has good card draw with a ton of cycle spells

Thats funny, because HS decks are already so small that the chance of games playing it out the same is already huge

>Man, I wonder if this warrior will have STB on T1 and Fiery Win Axe on T2

>shadow strike is gudd
Not even included in some miracle rogue builds.

>and rogue has good card draw with a ton of cycle spells
2 of which are playable, though again Shiv doesn't even make it into most deck lists.


i had 5 games where people just instant-conceded before card pick, 3 where i got whooped and didn't really get to play.

worst tavern brawl ever.

>have to jump through a dozen hoops to get some sort of fucking healing with rogue

Rogue has two cycle cards - Shiv and Fan of Knives. Only Fan sees play right now. Sprint is 7 Mana on a deck that if it's playing fast will run out of cards by turn 4 or 5.

Essentially all of Rogue card draw comes from Auctioneer and neutral cards like Azure Drake.

Auctioneer probably should rotate out at some point, but only if Rogue got reworked to not need it so badly anymore. That's not happening anytime soon.

>Rogue can't have good healing or AOE
>Hunter can't have good healing or card draw
>Shaman and Warrior can't have good _________

fill in the blank.


>and i still fucking lose because of epic 4 mana 7/7 and aya

I feel like strangling someone. Jesus fucking christ.



>mfw i learned you can swap attack - health of a 0 attack minion to destroy it

After the next standard rotation out Shaman will have the best Murloc cards.

Shaman has mediocre card draw.
Warrior has mediocre burn.

That's about it though.


at least I can bully control, r- right?

>mediocre card draw
>manatide and 2 mana arcane intellect

>Shaman has mediocre card draw.
not with the current fucking build it doesn't

>Healing Wave, Jinyu Waterspeaker, Hallazeal
I mean, Deathratt-
>White Eyes
Sorry forgot about that one, uhh, Mechs?
>Fierce Monkey

fuck this

>both of our guys playing together
cant wait

I have never opened a TGT legendary. I don't know how many TGT packs I've opened, I would guess around 20. I've opened legendaries from Whispers, Gadgetzan and Classic all recently.

Should I buy TGT packs? What's the math on this with the pity timer and expected dust? Am I likely to get a card I might even use these next couple months?

Just stop buying TGT

Hallazeal should have been neutral desu

TGT rotating out soon. Don't bother.

>play maly rogue for shits and giggles
>turn 6
>auctioneer + 6 tempo plays + 6 draws
>sometimes can just have azure drake out and do the combo
>this is supposedly a skill based deck except its just solitaire lite

This card is so fucking dumb I hope it rotates out

>most money I spent on this game was a bot

Money well spent

we did it boys

only 10 ranks left my dude, you can do it

>team 5 finally start communicating more
>They show themselves to be fucking retarded every time.

No wonder they were so scared of doing it.

im not even sure if i made it to 15 this season. just doing dailies every 3 days in rank 20 wild

>Turn 1 whirling zap, turn 2 whirling zap, turn 3 Questing Adventurer, turn 4 7/7, turn 5 whirling zap

What the fuck is happening?

Dude seriously what the fuck this is the most retarded shit I've ever seen


At least it seems like people are tired of his shit.

You get an increased chance to get a legendary every pack you open, maxing out at a guaranteed one on your 40th pack. Do you just not open packs?

shut the fuck up canadian scum

>you will never again get that feel you were playing handlock and life-tapped into a molten giant at the exact right time

why even live?


I like this cunt crusher

its abut time you get your leaf ass out of this thread

It's okay to be upset. Just try opening packs if you want cards, okay? :)


Is it true they're removing ooze and Harrison to force you to buy the latest expansion if you want weapon removal?

That was a good feel.

it's all hearsay at this point, but they've said they might remove cards from the "evergreen" set

does shaman have enough burns cards to just go face with burn every turn and win

Who wants this?

i do but only if you are on EU

you've already had one you greedy cunt

how the fuck am i greedy? I aint forcing him to give it to me

NA Server unfortunately.