Mary Sue edition.
Mary Sue edition.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw no diaper erp in goldshire
first for titanforging was a mistake
I miss Koragon
is kel thuzad the worst server in the game?
even nemesis players are better
>2 raids of LFR welfare gear + NH's 3 bosses LFR
>world bosses
>3 (or sometimes 4) bonus rolls every week
>artifact weapon giving a fuckhuge bonus to your ilv compared to the weapons of old expacs
>The only way to get to 860 is hours upon hours of grinding mythics and or bgs
>tfw australian and PC heats room up too much to play during daytime
>tfw about to make my first guild LF guild forum post since im tired of shitty tradechat guild
im anxious bros should i even do it
Any way to change opacity of blizzard raid frames?
If not, whats a good frames addon that isnt Grid or SUF
know that feel mate
>looking at this image as a HC nighthold raider with a sub 900 artifact because of fucking relics
someone please tell me that's a shitty trait for destruction
please tell me you at least got a shitty legenda-
>ilvl 838
wait a fucking minute
you don't have a legendary at all do you
>not even have third relic yet
gee I wonder how long he has been 110
don't be smart on me and quote anedoctal evidence that your friend instantly got a lego as soon as they hit 110
I got an titanforged relic with my best trait on my alt, but it was only 880.
>someone please tell me that's a shitty trait for destruction
it's the best one
All I'm sayin is, Feral Druids. Do we need 'em?
reconsider your life choices
tell her you voted for bernie
>Enter BG
>Camera is locked at the BG entrance
>Managed to move my character into the middle of the BG
>Can't attack anyone says im out of range
>Exit BG as a ghost
What the hell happened?
2bh it's hilarious how pooperpillaged people are over trump
Funny, it happened to me just the other day. Had to wait until the battleground ended to do anything.
Full control of character but the camera was just...stuck.
>get out of bg
>I was flying when I took the queue
>run to body
>it's suspended 50 meters up where I was when I took the queue
I don't even.
>you don't have a legendary at all do you
pic related
and to be fair i could have had a third relic since the very last quest of the campaign offers a welfare one just to fill that last slot, i just picked the affliction one because fuck destro and its "dude unpredictable chaotic RNG lmao" class fantasy
please don't mind the ps1 graphics i'm currently shitposting from my weak-ass work laptop
pff forget that, some people have gotten legendaries off the silver mobs and those tiny one-time-lootable treasure chests before they've even hit 110
I want to breed a blood elf.
oooOOOooo chimpanzee that! Monkey news.
m+ dungeons were a mistake
is two weeks enough time to farm enough gold for a token? even if you poopsock 20hrs a day
Mythic Chronomatic Anomaly is probably the worst boss I have ever wasted my time on
I bought 6 wow tokens this month and I spent zero time specifically farming gold
Also: I'm on eu
>Spanish realms shitting up English PvE and PvP queues starting Feb 1.
Wow, game is actually dead, isn't it. I mean, if they weren't already near death, having fucking hue hues invade will certainly do it.
it's even worse as affli lock
atleast they arent kelthuzad players lmao
t.frostmourne player who hates both
If you decline 4 people with your set recommended item level your group should auto disband
carry-kiddies are the cancer killing this game
get better gear you shitter
until then I'll not waste time with shitters and only invite +900s
thanks for proving my point, underage.
Not that faggot, but how exactly do you propose that?
Pray for titanforged RNG garbage from WQ and RF?
Can't even get a R2K group these days without 870.
huehues are brazillians, not spanish
oh jee I can almost taste the salt
do weekly mythic +15s
heroic nighthold which is easy as fuck unless you and your team is retarded
make your own group with your own rules, undergeared faggot, and pick lesser geared people over geared people
let me know how far you get into the instance
oh, wait, no you won't, in the event you get off your lazy ass you'll pick the best geared people because you just want to get that fucking thing done, not provide a charity gearing service
the only kiddie expecting a carry is you
how much are tokens on you'reare realm
>heroic nighthold which is easy as fuck unless you and your team is retarded
S-shut the fuck up!
shut up retard
you're probably 870 because all you do is post "pls bully me"
>asking for 880 in the title
>no 880 ilevel requirement set
>he isnt 10/10m yet
Thus returning to the question, how can you do mythic 15s if the try hard carry faggots always require their invites to be 25 levels higher than them?
pandas ruined this game
what a fucking bad idea
>still only 10/20M
get lost shitter
Wait, what's happening?
>join an m+ group
>they're from ragnaros
they look pretty bad but explain why they are bad
are there details about new traits for all classes yet?
so i played legion for 2 months before calling it quits
thinking about getting back to it again
is there any use for blood of sargeras yet? i had like 600+ hoarded there was supposed to be some use for them
>everyone roflstomps the non-dps checks
>get to a dps check
>can't rofl stomp it
wow..... it's almost liek you gotta.... get gear...............
Essentially if you can't dps Augur, you ain't never outdpsing Gul'dans enrage timer
Yeah but fuck off because this isn't the politics board you actual retard
we did it boys we beat heroic elisande
>just want to kill star augur
>no one wants to invite me
>7/10 heroic
>no guild
>somehow normal pugs wipe over and over to it
best way to deal with a new dude in the guild who is super friendly, but kinda trying too hard? like trying to help everyone, reply to every guild chat post, etc. just to tell him yanno, man we like you, you can chill out?
i don't wanna offend him or anything, cuz he's a nice dude and all.
>trying to get Faulty Countermeasure from mythic +
>dungeon with elevators
>tons of shitty trash in the way
>final boss has RP opening and has many immune phases
>never get it
This is an awful dungeon for speed running.
So you are? Wanna redpill a stream with 2k viewers? Or you just meme around trump
>get the DK look alike gear in my wardrobe
>inspired to make DK
>have no idea what race
Probably just going to go fem goblin because I'm a huge faggot
>tons of shitty trash in the way
You do like three bosses in a row with only 1 dumb trash mob in between, what are you talking about.
There are so many fucking skips and bugs in that dungeon, it's ridiculously easy to speedrun. Especially the last boss, she literally just has the cockblock during the waves, you just toss light to back left corner and hit a cc on vengenace add and she un-immunes without having to kill it, you can also have two lights and immediately pull her out when shadow add spawns. Glazer everything can be dodged by standing in one spot, AshGolom is burnt down even on tyr in stupid fast time because of countermeasures and you skip the first half of the dungeon with all the trash.
What's the fastest spec for leveling a druid 100-110?
>pug VOW+
>tank skips too much trash at the end despite us telling them
>don't make the %
>we have to go back and lose a chest
pull everything
never die
Monk or DK?
Which is more fun
Redpill me on the most fun specs
I main a WW monk with various 110 alts
I hear my spec is one of the most fun, looking for a ranged dps spec. Arcane mage didn't turn out so great for me
Why won't he notice me /wowg/? Feels like death man.
Gonna quit and kms.
human or orc, anything else is literal faggotry
Assassination or Subtlety for PvP?
>getting a good angle
Guardian. Just pull everything.
Undead is good too, good taste though.
t-thanks blizzard
this game is really too easy sometimes
>BRH+10 key
>get to the trash before the 2nd boss with all the archers and shit
>tanks keeps losing aggro cause of skittish
Thanks for depleting my key, fucker
Nobody cares, weeb.
dat booty, post more you qt
samefag's here
I care
What is this supposed to prove
Guildmate hit 110 literally today and we carried him through normal
imagine avatarfagging
now imagine samefagging to make yourself seem wanted
Spriest for the knaifu
>opened ticket 13 hours ago
>still no response
I'm bored and all my friends are asleep, does anyone wanna carry my pally through mythic+
I've only got 857 ilvl and no one is signing up for my NL+8
>wait two and a half days for a response
>they misunderstand and close my ticket
I want to try the trial but my internet is really shitty, is there a way to download only the base game without all the expansions? pls enlighten me
Will Star Augur be the guild killer?
yeah, post btag. what faction?
>he doesn't realize putting caps lock and exclamation marks in your ticket expedites it a ton
>9 months ago
>bought a month game time
>shit came up and i couldn't play at all
>fast forward to today
>want to play legion but not really
>my buying it hinges on getting my game time back
Nah its just a time gate, some of that vanilla style gear check bullshit.
>estimated time goes up