Deus Vult edition
>fgh Discord (Request codes here)
>Competitive For Honor Discord
Deus Vult edition
>fgh Discord (Request codes here)
>Competitive For Honor Discord
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for honor is a meme game that will flop in sales
streaming if anybody's interested twitch/readhed
peacekeeper is cute, CUTE!
>no execution that lets you blow off some steam with peacekeeper after a long, close match
>this fucking guy is still around
top jej
Friendly reminder if you play Peacekeeper, Orochi or Nobushi and win i will disconnect and not give you the win
Anyone got a Ps4 invite? Uplay Sricule
only if it is blowing a kiss
Peacekeeper is pure!
i been around nigga
Have you seen the way she fights dude? She is probably the most corrupt on the cast
>100 posts early
Why? Kill yourself you fucking retard
>love the visuals, cosmetics, animations, and idea of playing knight
>only liking viking gameplay, find every knight boring
the fuck do I do?!
>Warden who doesn't stop spamming guard break and shoulder bash
Lol, fuck you I'm disconnecting. I want an actual fight. Not a spamfest.
So what do I do with my shoulder move as warden?
just mash light attack
cancel into from top light
on hit up close you can get side light *2 into shoulder again
far you can get top light into shoulder again
and you can mix it up into guard break by pressing x again
and you can feint it with b
so spam lights? i don't get how you lose to guard break spam?
Lights beat guard breaks, guard breaks beat blocks, blocks beat attacks. Remember this and the game becomes "which player is smarter"
xb1 codes pls.......
>having trouble with Nobushi
Just dodge left or right. You're welcome.
>five games in a row where I parry people repeatedly as Warden and they DC
Not one single person in the last half hour has even tried a feint
My main is fucking slow so that won't work. also i spam guard break when i get guard broken and nothing happens.
block, mixup lights and guard breaks. don't try heavies unless you get a succesful break. ez
Block, use your horizontal lights (left or right, sometimes both. depends on which hero you use) because it catches them on their side dodge. 90% of the time an orochi tornado rushes you, it's going to be left so block left by default and adjust accordingly if it's not left. If you have reach you can time a heavy well and hit him out of his rush to put him in hitstun to cancel it and get damage, Kensei for example shits on his rush.
Block. She has a ton of stun when she hits a block, after you block spam some lights. Mixup forward dash -> guardbreak and forward dash -> light, you have to get in on nobushi to punish her super slow hits, otherwise she'll kite you and spam her quick jabs to poison you out.
while the topic of nobushi is still somewhat relevent
just get in her fucking face and stay there, her normals are so fucking slow lmfao
I rarely see many Nobushi players other than myself honestly. She seems balanced overall, good against some classes but bad against others.
>the territory of the Nordic """"""""""""""master"""""""""""""" race
has one ethnic race ever been so cucked?
vikings all playing 1v1, the only game mode that matters
>female only characters
Who do you play? All of your lights should come out quick enough to hit her after block
>i spam guard break when i get guard broken and nothing happens
You have to guard break at the beginning of their guard break animation to counter it, too late and your button won't register and you get guard broken. In Advanced Practice you can practice guard break counters for as long as you want, I recommend doing that to get a feel for the timing. It's like a throwtech in fighting games, except guard breaks are a little more reactable than a throw tech.
How do I change my emblem?
Social>Yourself>edit emblem
thanks fambily
from the main menu go to "Social", it's Y on xbox so i'm assuming it's Triangle for PS4, don't know for PC. Then press RB/R1 to tab over to Profile, and from there you can edit your emblem and switch your faction
Raider is the slowest class in the game. He can't just "r1 spam". At least I can't. Sometimes I wonder if my controller is just broken, because the things people tell me to do never seem to work properly.
Main menu, social tab, profile.
What is that fast wide slash with the single hand after the double light hit? I've been wondering how to do it. at 12 seconds in
>Die to bleed
This shit shouldn't be able to fucking kill you
how do you do that side step thing against his guard break?
>raider is the slowest class in the game
This is wrong as fuck, but he's close. The main ones that are slower than him are undergoing rebalancing for being so shitty in the last test.
What I do as him is just abuse the dodge into guardbreak stun and the tackling maneuvers, usually you can get a heavy attack off against shitters after that one. Against everyone else you can probably still get the light in. Peacekeepers and Orochi who are good will block you because they're FAST.
>tfw female berserker will always have shit dreads and all the Vikings are stuck with disgusting beards
Female conqueror is doing things to my heart and dick
holy fuck you can feint peacekeepers heavies into her dodge and dodge attacks i didn't know this what the fuck
raider is the only hero i don't play, sorry m8. wish i could give you some advice. based on what I see from other Raider players, i'd say your guardbreak stun is abusable, especially against nobushi. Try to tackle to get in, then hit her with the stun and switch to lights from left/right, when she's stunned she can't see which direction you're hitting from so you want to mix it up and get your hits out quick before she recovers. Most players are shit though so you can probably get another heavy out during the stun if you come from left/right
I try and use side steps, sometimes it works like that. Probably i-frame related
Should be while running forward out of defense heavy hit.
>there will never be a Warden outfit with the helmet removed so that everyone can see that you are Martin Lawrence
Fuck me Conqueror is fun but I'm still a shitter that can't land a good charge.
Why do Nobushi, Orochi, and Peacekeeper get so much shit? Are they OP or are people just mad?
Is there a way to switch factions?I'm having so much fun with the warden and I want to switch to knights but I don't know how?
>playing Warden
>fighting other Wardens is biggest challenge
they abuse players that aren't fundamentally sound. to beat them you have to be efficient with all the basic mechanics of the game, and the beta JUST started. by the end of the beta people will realize they're not that bad. they're hard to play against when you're consciously trying to remember to block/dodge/break, once you get comfortable fighting them will be fun.
t. warlord main
they are op in the fact that they are devastating against most players even if you are only play them as a beginner
They're just mad. Bleed sucks but you can see it coming from a mile away and Orochi is quick. It'll get better once people get better.
>my life is so shitty and empty I did nothing buy play this shitty beta for almost 12 hours (with a couple breaks)
Christ, I can't wait to ann hiro.
I take it back Peacekeeper is a little OD.
Games actually good. Too bad many people aren't going to buy it, it's nowhere near worth the $80 price tag.
What faction are you?
wait its 80?!? I thought it would be 60 like every other game
I chose samurais but I want to be knights now,is there a way to switch factions?Female warden stole my heart
read the thread
He's probably using Australian monopoly money.
In which case, he's complaining that a video game release by a major developer costs as much as they always do.
nvm,found it
Who is the voice of Apollyon?
>mid match controller always stops working
>forces lock ons without locking
>won't let you swing
Come the fuck on..
Just realized this is called /fgh/.
Why? Shouldn't it be called /fhg/ (For Honor General)?
sum1 fuked up
>signed up for alpha as early as possible
>got a code, invited people, played the shit out of it
>sign up for beta as early as possible
>don't get a code
t-thanks ubisoft
>perfect a shitter
>spam Good fight!
>Good fight!
>Good fight!
Does she sound like The Boss to anyone else? I don't think it's her but she's definitely trying to sound similar on purpose or not.
>No rough sex execution to use on Peackeepers
There are three different Editions on Steam, the normal one is 60.
>start duel as Conqueror
>immediately shield charge opponent
>taunt at them while they're on the ground
Why is the Conqueror so based?
>not ko'ing peacekeeper and using Raiders emote to mount her
Orochi and peacekeeper are really god but people overinflate their OPness. Nobushi is a bullshit machine tho, she outranges everyone, has fast attacks AND poison, not to mention that the hit detection is weird and sometimes hits you even when you dodge.
>level 1 faggot giant axe guy
>infinite stamina
weeeww lad, great design.
holy shit look at that fucking health melt away
How are people playing right now? Is the beta out or something? I signed up on two active ubisoft accounts (over 10 games played) and got no invite desu....
How do I cancel the Warden's Shoulder Bash into a guard break? And why would I want to? I recall reading about this somewhere during the last technical test but I can't remember.
>infinite stamina
>tfw signed up three days before with a fresh new account and got in
>He didn't knew about guaranteed keys on german sign up site.
Why are you posting a 2d image of Peacekeeper?
>You will never give Nuboshi your western longsword
>You will never CIVILIZE Valkyrie
>You will never sexually bully Peacekeeper
>You will never be femWarden's personal fucktoy
>>You will never CIVILIZE Valkyrie
>implying she wouldn't "civilize" you
pls don't bully me i'm already sad enough
ever heard of guard break?
>try to block peacekeeper
>just grabs you and stabs you for 80% of your health
>try and swing at her dodges away
>hit her with massive fucking weapons
>no stamina loss
Yup, totally balanced.
ahh yisss nvm I found it in one of those dumb tabs gmail forces you to have
>big axe wielder
>light attack is faster then Wardens
Brilliant Idea.
Lets let the light attack do more then Wardens heavy attack and be faster then his light attack.
Game is fucking hot garbage.
anybody got tips for berserkers
If you land Warden's light attack, you get a free follow-up.
Stay mad, shitter.
warden is way better than raider lol
t. warden main
>get a free follow up
No you fucking don't.
Against samura they can block faster then your heavy can hit out of a stun or a throw to the ground.
Same for the double axe faggot and the shield viking.
you're orochi with a beard
your dodge button is way better though, you can dodge left/right and in/out fast as fuck and spam light combos for free. abuse your quick dodges and fast lights, dodge in and out a lot and make yourself hard to hit, and if you're playing against a hero with short/no horizontal attacks (Warlord's horizontal is short as fuck and whiffs against side dodges consistently) dodge left and right a lot while spamming lights
Yes you do, read the move list.