Steel Ocean Admiral /sog/

Submerged thread edition

Patch Notes:

Current events (check in-game Events tab for details):
1 win in a CL/DD/CV for 5 smokes.
1 win in a BB/CA/SS for 5 smokes.
50 main artillery hits for 90 merit.
Shoot down 20 planes for 90 merit.
5 wins T6+ for smokes.

> What is this?
Steel Ocean is a multiplayer arcade game focused about warships from World War 2 era.

> Steel Ocean Info Any way I can play with (You)?
"NA clan: No Botes Allowed"
We have a clan in the game. Find it on the fleet page and then click application button. Post IGN in thread to get accepted.
Also post a meme.

Tech Trees: German, Burgers, Japan, & British

>Commander calculator & DD, BB and Cruiser Comparison
An easy way to come up with commander setups without having to deal with the clunky UI. If you have any issues explain them in the thread.

FREE STUFF: = Repulse (T5 BB), Thanksgiving, and Anniversary gift Packages. (Port Slots, Silver, Commanders)

Launch from links in there. Once in game go to Claim, then Storage, Non Battle items, click 'use'

Events: (11am-1pm & 6pm-8pm PST)
Sunday: 5v5
Monday: Helena Overlord
Tuesday: Fleet Battles
Wednesday: Fap to botes
Thursday: 5v5
Friday: Scenario mode
Saturday: Fleet Battles/Helena Overlord

Kantai Collection posting allowed.
Feel free to talk about all botes here.
If you have any questions, post them in the thread or read the links.
Remember to love your botes.

Previous thread


Keep the thread alive next time you want to avoid a sub in the OP. :^)

Gas yourself basement NEET


Man, where do these shitty bote girls come from?

>What does "Rapax" mean, that you want to rape women with an axe?? Just asking.

We all know Rapax means "Undrinkable Water" in niggerspeak.

>rape women with an axe
Sounds like Vaslui.

That fight night thing is tonight right?

In 8 hours



Stop it you kraut shit

>not liking off brand ship girls

am i hotel uguu

0-4 grind out Des Moines
5-9 take it easy
dubs free exp it

I'm gonna post them every time I see the thread on page 10.

Why do you hate us?

you monster

The day of the depth charge is coming.




>10 merit


Get with only 4 losses on Baltimore


Neat, is SMD alive again for the fight night?

He said he'd have a few options to be online for it so I guess?


Bad but not the worst

72%: max human potential, a god among mortals, impossible to go above it without hacking, being in the pressence of one should be considered a blessing.

70-71%: true men, proud of their noticeable skills, those below respect him.

65-69%: second class citizen, allowed to exist with superior players and work for them, they're even allowed to have opinions.

60-65%: slaves to superior players, may be allowed to speak in some situations.

50-60%: animals, should be treated as a pest, could be useful to harvest organs from if you're ok with using non-human organs.

49% and below: the oxigen that they consume is infinitely more valuable than their lives.

"Finns are like Germans, only more so!"

Operations Research is coming!

Germans are useful tho

This is now Veeky Forums

This one is pretty fun

“When you understand the historic background of an institution and you have a current knowledge of how they operate, it makes you a better scholar,” Wolters said.

After finishing active duty, Wolters decided to pursue the history of technology.

Wolters went on many research trips to different universities, interviewed various sources and learned the stories of past submarine operators to complete his book.

“If history is taught as a series of facts and dates, it can be very dry," Wolters said. "But when you teach it as a series of stories it all of sudden becomes very interesting, and that’s what I tried to do in my book.”


This one is mind-blowing (big gun ship related factor 50%)

But, user... What Would Trump Say?

Also check out "Navy Basic Fire Control Mechanisms Maintenance" on YouTube

>55% inhuman thinking that's a good winrate


Poor guy he doesn't even know

So it seems Comcast is going to be a pain in the ass.

And that "Pay for a few hours" option which had popped up for my tablets yesterday/this-last-week are failing to appear today for either tablets or PC... And I've been checking throughout the day.

So it seems I'm to be absent... either postponing it a week or so till it is for sure in the clear. Or one of you lot try herding cats for tonight.
Or one of the randoms, probably elder tries.


Or magic happens on my return trip from the coffee shop I'm leaching internet from to post, and that "Buy WiFi goyim!" pops back up when I get home... But I would not hold my breath.


Postpone it, the retards are going to fuck it up.

There's log in problems currently, and since Elder is posting on the forums but isn't ingame I guess he's affected too :^)


Stupid as hell because it was without any kind of warning at all! Went to sleep one night, woke up to a deactivated modem the next.

Anyways... take it easy you lot.
A Sub OP! Mah god!



to slow

What the fuck man



Good art



Which nation is the best?

None. All of them have their ups and downs across the tiers and lines. IJN overall is better than the rest in my opinion, but only by a slight margin.

Germany it's ez mode except for CAs

>butthurt burgerboo

>kraut in denial

They are all best user, some lines just have bad botes in them

Name one bad non cruiser German bote

Anything below T7.
All of the subs line.

T9 and 10 BBs, 8 too depending on how much you enjoy having no armor.

Are you one of those sub 40%s that complain about the ersatz?

Pennsy and Livorno are far better than ersatz.

Ersatz a shit

Sub 40%s spotted

But user, Ersatz is far from being the best BB at T6. That's a fact that will not change even if you are in denial.

Say that in game and not on an anonymous Mongolian needle point forum and see what happens.

I say that daily to fucking animals like you, what are you going to do about it?

>Threads aren't confy anymore thanks to tryhard statpadders.

There goes the last nice spot in Veeky Forums

kill urself

We're just trying to come up with something to talk about. What else is there? No one asks questions that we haven't answered a thousand times. The chinks are on "vacation" so there's no new content to speculate on. It's semi obvious the anons in here know who's posting and are just fucking with each other.

I don't know who you are.

Oh god

Please stop bulling people.

Remember everyone here, especially the submarine player, is valuable member of the community no matter what WR.

>the submarine

I'm pretty sure there's more than one. I'm not in NBA in the first place.

fukc no, i wish he die already

Would anyone like to play botes together now?

I can in around 30 minutes.

Who the fuck are (You)?
Low WR animals should be erased along with the subhumans on the day of the depth charge.

please just stop it, just because you have a high win rate doesn't mean that you are actually good or have any right to talk down on other people.

What about low win rate but high higher than average battle power

If the shitters refuse to learn then they deserve all the abuse. I hope all the shitters get bugbeds.

A high winrate means that you know how to force a win, sometimes a tryhard in a goy DD can wipe out your team but if you know that you should take him out first to stop it and then die to, say, torp bombers. With that you influenced the outcome of the match and enabled your animals to win.
Or knowing when and how to flank, not to get kills, but to force the enemy to turn around to deal with you while your shitters advance and take shots at them.
High BR just means that you spread around ships and classes and get xp, but since you can win BR even in defeats it's not a very reliable method.



>been busy firefighting
>come back to thread to realize I'm a shitter in this game

acquire skill

You can always improve as long as you're not a homosexual.

I've already hit top ten several times in 5v5 and got most of the ships I wanted to get. Increasing my winrate after 3000+ games only to be accepted by /sog/ (which is something new) isn't worth the time.

Is /wowsg/ this autistic over WR too?


Back to /vp/ then.

>landing a full TB squad on a chink goy actively dodging

>chink goy
>hard to hit

Pick one.

The power of high winrate



Paint your ships