kys banana :((
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banana man please dont delete this thread 2 :( we promis 2 like and suscierbe 23 u
t. folks
The new implants are fucking atrocious.
Stop making these starcraft tier containment threads and put some effort into it.
hello planetmaens gud morning ;DD
morning memer :3
ded gam
>only 200 kills into the naginata and already hate it
>going to force myself to purple it and 4 other memeweapons just for that stupid meme helmet
y do i do this 2 myself ;_;
Funny you would post that, I just started using the Naginata and Tomoe today.
I already want to die.
>falling for banana's menes
I needed a cqc carbine for tr
>mwf bought lynx
How hard did I fuck up?
>they do it for free
Both Jaguar and Lynx are good CQC carbines for TR. Be sure to slap on laser sights and soft point ammo on both.
Good evening memers!
hi :3
Why is OP so fucking shit again.
This is what happens when you let sub 5.0 kdr/1200 ivi score shitters make a thread.
t. sub 7.5ivi, sub 1500 ivi score
>Minor cloak
Remaining stationary for 8 seconds will cloak the user.
Haha thank you werl. The age of invisible HA's is finally upon us
>greenhorn NC's "Boom!" line
oh gosh. shes so cute
*appears behind you*
nodings bersonnal cidd :DD
Eliminates movement speed penalty for crouching and your sprint speed is increased by 10%
Thanl you werl. The age of crouching sanic HA's is finally upon us.
with t5 catlike, do you think sprinting around corners and crouch jumping will become newmeta?? i can relive my 1.6 days
>meta this
>meta that
more like memeta, lmao
how will i evr recover? ;_;
The better question is, if we are going to get a sexy cat tail with T5 calling :3
>cat ear composite helmets and fursuit armor sets from faven
I can see it now
what about owl armor
that would b a hoot ;D
>make money off trenchcoat fags
>make money off mech fags
>make money off tacticool shooter fags
>make money off furshits fags
someone please save this game :-(
I like owls :3
owls a cute
>Spend a million hours auraxing VS carbines to get the Eclipse
>It fucking sucks
thanks werl
>tfw TR
>tfw not shit aurax weapons
>step 2: draw the rest of the fucking owl
qt as fuck, but I'm sure they aren't good pets.
Why doesn't right click activate the knife's power melee?
>tfw you will never violently rape koumee and cum unprotected into her asshole
>tfw you wlil never cuddle her while she cries and tries to push you away
why even live
>Nanite Appreciation Week: Celebrate with Huge Discounts!
>Have you spent the past few weeks moping because you didn’t snag the Metallic Pink Camo while it was available on December 23? Does thinking about letting the NS-44P Commissioner slip through your fingers keep you up at night? Worry no longer soldier – we’ve got you covered!
>For the next 7 days we’re celebrating Nanite Appreciation Week, and we’re bringing back ALL the deals from last year’s 25 Days of Auraximas! From camos to weapons to Anniversary Bundles, the full list of items can be found here.
>The Nanite Appreciation Week sale will run from January 27 through February 3 – grab these deals before they’re gone again!
Ok but what about the "Huge Discounts!" ???
im about to buy a vs helmet
which one looks the least shit
At what BR do you reach the halfway point to BR100? 80 something?
I also don't understand why they raised it.
composite default
Hyperion as long as your model is female.
You did make a female Vanu, right?
it's like br 80 or 90
then br 100 is halfway to br120 i think
iirc it is illegal to own one if you're not a licensed raptor handler
>spending money on a ded gaem
>even more infilshit buffs
suka blyet (((
aim beter ))
rhombus ;DD
>NC have so many autism bases they generate enough VPs to lock the continent before the alert ends
I love this meme.
thanks, werl!
Has anyone noticed an increase in autism forts directly outside enemy warpgates?
I've seen 3 in the past 2 days and they went mostly unharmed.
Do people just not notice them? or don't care or something? ;_;
People generally just don't care because player made bases are so underwhelming.
awfully slow reactions there slut
Reported this to Wrel. Enjoy your ban.
cleb.exe ;DD
What is it doing?
There's a ridiculous smog here right now and it always makes me dizzy ;_;
Who needs hate tells when you get messages like these
ah, the new pass-wall implant
very nice
>a R I D I C U L O U S smog
loli confirmed for hacker, vaper and a shitter
worst waifu
it's this but also that it's just plain unfun cancer trying to attack a player made base. I mean it's generally less fun attacking a normal base than defending one, and those at least usually have some semblance of design thought given to attackers having an actual chance. Autism forts do not if they're constructed properly. The game in general needs to start giving players some kind of incentive to attack other than sundy spawn XP for a couple players or rolling in with a massive zerg
Realistically, there'd be artillery that completely obviates the point of anything but a temporary fortification.
Construction wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but it should've basically been makeshift defenses to slow down or stall a zerg that could be placed in critical lanes.
It shouldn't have this victory point bullshit, and the alerts shouldn't have been revamped into the absolutely godawful way they are now.
Remove the HIVE node things and you instantly make the construction system better. When VPs are no longer tied to them, people will build bases at locations where they WILL fight, rather than trying to avoid confrontation.
If infil couldn't fire until 2 seconds after decloak, I would never die ever again.
We're playing VS, Lalunia.
That would necessitate buffing cloak. 2 seconds is a really long time and basically makes cloak completely useless in any combat situations.
It's not necessarily a bad idea, but you need to completely change a lot about infils if you go that route.
>makes cloak completely useless in any combat situations.
As it should be. Cloak is an infiltration tool, not a combat tool. But sure, make cloaking more energy efficient and stuff while you're at it.
Well it'd be more than that - since you've effectively removed the infil first-strike combat advantage they shouldn't have their health nerfed in compensation. They only have less health in the first place because they can uncloak and rape your ass when you aren't looking.
Most of the cloaks would have to last longer/be better, since an infil is completely defenseless if someone does see them - it'll be necessary to make it a lot harder to see them. I'd go as far as completely 100% invisible, they don't render at all, while walking or standing still, and as invisible as current motionless stalker while running.
I'd also have a 2 second delay on the cloak activating, so you can't just use it as a gtfo card while being shot.
This all keeps cloak useful, actually makes darklight flashlights more important, and also prevents infiltrators from doing their cloak/uncloak OHK bolt rifle bullshit. Actual complete invisibility will also make people using ESP's more obvious, not that DBG does anything about them.
To me, it just sounds like you want to completely nerf infils though, rather than actually change the way they work / improve combat flow/design.
Nah, I want Infiltrators to actually infiltrate, rather than have the ability to 1HKO you while invisible and your ideas are solid. I'd make invisibility 100% invisible at all times along with removing the health reduction. Maybe don't over compensate just yet and keep the energy values the same and see how that works.
You don't have to attack their base if you destroy all their ants.
And do what, wait 2 hours for the Cortium to run out?
>actually infiltrate
this is what most people seem to want other than the few autistic boltshitters. The problem is there isn't anything worth actually infiltrating, as hacking right now is a legit joke and I'm not sure what they could add that would be worth it.
Don't forget the autistic stalker shitters hanging around vehicle terminals for 20 minutes before they get a kill.
I think changes like these would only hurt the MLG HLIP infs who know how to abuse the cloak. Wouldn't make any difference to your standard boltshitters and it would probably make the game easier for your standard SMG shitters.
>t. prowler baddie that doesn't know his faction whined the devs into giving them spawn-in-as-vehicle ability
is that a code for buttsecks
that's been a feature for like a year
Is it me, or are all the fights on Emerald fucking garbage? Literally just spent 40 minutes looking for an active fight that wasn't one faction huddling together in the spawn room while being raped by vehicles and infiltrators from far away.
When fights turn into shitfests like that I usually swap over to airniggering and fly between hotspots to see what I can do to help.
So is the holiday camo stuff up yet?
I want to know if I should be gibing shekels
Just got done playing, the fights at howling pass were a shit load of fun. Huge tug of war, sometimes you just gotta play tenk, sometimes you gotta bolt shit, sometimes you gotta be a HA to actually get work done and brat down some shitters.
Speaking of real air niggering I saw what had to be the biggest airnigger ever
>flying my mosq to a fight
>encounter 2 scythes but have another mosq with me so we shit on them
>run into another scythe
>mag dump and the second he goes to face me I zip past him and hammer him
>mid dog fight he just gives up and goes back to farming mans as I finish him off
Like how much of an air nigger do you have to be that you keep farming poor innocent mans when you're getting shot at by another esf?
>He hasn't been able to walk through walls since the beta
Step it up, sempai.
I too love to use my rocket launcher in those exact same situations. The fan mail is great. I remember I once got a good angle towards a sundy garage and killed the same 3 people every rocket until I ran out of ammo.
>shoot a rocket launcher through a doorway and get a kill
I liked it more when you retards were gone.
are you grinding the kraken again
only counter to autism is a higher level of autism, user
>Is it me, or are all the fights on Emerald fucking garbage?
The past week specifically has seemed shittier than usual for fight quality.
They don't get any VP if 1 lib takes out all their ants.
how are fights on memerald rn?
Usually still good but likely going to be shit soon, I'll log in in a bit and let you know as long as you promise not to be a night time VS autist.
meh I'm logging in
guess i'll tell you