Tfw no Diana GF to kill me and savour my screams
League of legends general /lolg/
xth for poppy is best girl
Fuck lux and fuck white people
>no Evelynn option
Your poll is shit
>complete obliterate Yasuo in lane to the point where he has to go farm somewhere else
>he gets his pd/ie meme combo and then build like tank items
>still shits on squishies
>I can't even damage him even though he doesn't have fucking lifesteal anymore
Why are Riot Games so fucking bad at balancing this shitty game? Is this powercreeped shit not in the competitive meme fiesta or what?
Those who are unexperienced in the ways of ass will say irelia.
But we few know that fiora is the right answer.
>lolgen thinks irelia has the tightest ass
she is literally thousands of years old, that bitch has taken more dicks and shits than any other female champion in the game
>he didn't ban yasuo
Thanks for wanting to propagate the best race!
its invisible
who has better guides? mobafire or lolking?
original post
>fuck white people
you too lol
>fuck lux
do blacks hate lux or something?
reddit get out.
lux is pure and makes them realize how filthy and inferior the black race is.
i'll go with porbuilds actually
>tfw hatefed for the first time
i made that shit a 20 minute game. i feel awful now.
i'm not about to get meme'd on by some yasuo who can't even bother to ping mia when he's laning against ziggs, and then criticize me and my fucking BR autofill sion support who goes afk IN LANE, for doing poorly.
i'm scared that i'm going to get permabanned, it was so obvious, or that it will happen again.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
Neoliberalism being thrown in there makes that image hilarious imo is that the joke?
in (you)
neoliberalism according to lefties means exploiting the working class by the 1%
league of legends
Why is Fiddlesticks FUN___?
unless you where spamming "NIGGERS REEEEEEE DEATH TO JEW REEEE" all game while making legit death threats you are good.
Riot will send you a stop fucking about m8 message, then chat restrict you, then 14 day ban, then a permaban and you need to be fucking around a lot for this process to even start
Post and Rate
I love Lissandra!
I want to shitpost with lulu
I want to shit on lulu
>tfw an anime con coming soon
>gonna be able to use my cosplay to show off irl
>might find a qt there
league cosplay at anime cons is pretty common, the one I went to last hear I saw a ton jinxs, a few ahris, a lux, and a garen
but no ez, feels bad man
I want to dance with Lady Orianna
Don't you mean "with" lulu?
I want to smelt Orianna and her ball down for precious metals
don't you mean "in" Orianna
forgot image lol
Who are you going as?
it just hit me how much Lissandra reminds me of Helba from .hack.
Like it's almost the same character design. It's as though the things they changed are the things that would throw people off enough to where they wouldn't think about it.
The Ball is angry.
I don't know what your problem is,but whatever may Orianna have done to you maybe due to the fact that you problably are a bad summoner.
non-league related
league cosplay is expensive as shit and my friend didnt have the money for that
Honestly though, Fiddlesticks deserves more attention. He's a great champ.
You can't afford to ban Yasuon in a top lane meta with fucking Jayce and Camille and the bullshit tank trinity in Poppy/Naut/Maokai
>tfw 10 bans soon
The ball can be mad all it wants Itll have to see me melt Orianna, all while she wonders what's going on and why she feels so warm
I have a designated int account that I only feed on. The worst that has happens is a few two weeks bans then I'm right back at it. It's usually takes no less that 4 games of running it down mid to get a ban so you are fine.
We won't get that until the clients finished, and considering all the bitching about it it definitely sounds like it's a ways out. Like Midseason at the earliest
Don't worry, user. All female champs will be blacked.
Bestiality is wrong.
Could Orianna understand the concepts of Life and Beauty if I explained her
Did she use gems to craft her robot body?
>designated int account
>banning kench and tresh is banning lane power
i thuoght their laning is bad and they shine later in teamfights, picks and/or rotations
>56 Deaths
Is that even possible?
When is Riot going to release more cuteboi champions so I have cosplay options that aren't "Ezreal" or "Ezreal".
I thought about a genderbend but that's just gonna be more expensive.
i like going DEEP and HARD
wow. i feel a bit better. at least i had some kind of reasoning. i felt a moral righteousness to make the game as bad as possible for that yasuo. that is just excessive. how do you even lose a game in 12 minutes? you guys obviously didn't surrender.
how is that account not banned?
What is with Europe's fascination with hippie tree man?
It just got another two week ban. After it is unbanned then I go back on it. Usually when people seen that I'm going to int they just open mid, sometimes they try which is how I got that 0/56 game which I am quite proud of.
He's a great counter to Rengar since he cucks him out of popping squishies with his shield. Almost every time he's been picked in response
I actually have 3 accounts I play on. One is Gold 4, the other is Plat 5 (was dia last season) then I have my int account. I had another gold account but it got permabanned for scripting and my G4 account is on a two week ban for being toxic.
If/When my int account gets banned I'll just buy another for $20 and continue on.
>makes bushes
>counter to rengar
nigga what
Not gay for video game characters but it really is a bit weird that there are like only one or two "shonen"-type champions.
>5 mobis
H-he's fast!
yeh you dont have any options other than ez sadly
but at least ez is a good one
are you alright?
>have to support (as Nami) an ADC that can't farm or position
>pretty much give up on peeling for them after laning phase
>luckily my team had a fed Yasou and a fed Katarina so I can just support them instead
>we win the game and ADC says "GJ team" and "nice bubbles Nami"
>obvious ADC was just trying to be nice so we don't report them for inting
This ADC said nothing all game despite us telling her that she needs to farm better and stop dying first when it came to teamfights. When it came to teamfights she gets killed first by enemy Zed or she gets trapped behind terrain so she couldn't join the fight right when I ult the entire enemy team. She also missed half of her ults.
Look at her score and tell me she wasn't trolling on purpose. Even when the team wasn't raging on her and trying to give her legit advice she never responded.
I wonder the same thing as I'd love to explain the concept of life to her or try to.
Gems? Sure! Only beautiful and shiny gems could shape a body so strong to endure such1 toxicity coming from I can only guess he loses hard against Orianna.
Stupid Nami poster. Your ashe isn't even bad.
>gold s6 s5 s4
>place 6-4
>silv 5
whats the point anymore mane
Nautilus or Maokai for top tank of choice?
sounds like she just went /Mute All after she was given her first 'advice'
>being surprised when an immobile ADC gets dicked by assassins and divers
How do i get gud at the french girl of many vitals? i feel like i do horrible in every matchup
help me fill my jhin folder. memes prefered
>Feeding Karma Mid
>report them for inting
For u
Stupid placement player. Do you not know how the system works?
The game takes your last rank and downgrades it by one full level.
Gold 5 turns to silver 5 for example.
The 10-0 will place you about silver 2 or of lucky, 1.
Going 5 for 5 results in what I said and 0 for 10 goes from gold 5 to bronze 1.
Fucking new players.
>one guy leaves at first death and level 4.
>you suicide 56 times
>nearly a 40 minute game
Wow thanks riot
why did you block out yasuo's numbers? that's sus as fuck. you want us to be on your side and give you sympathy but when you withhold information like that, it seems fishy and weird. did he die more than the adc and you're just looking for validation?
some people have bad games dude. maybe your playstyle didn't match theirs. ashe is squishy, it's not a surprise that zed can fuck her up. her ult is also slow and hard to lead if you're up against characters who can dash around it like kalista.
whoa their adc had one less death than yours better report them for inting too.
worry about yourself. it'd be one thing if your teammates weren't pinging or if you lost, but you won. why bitch behind someone's back about a fairly minor thing like a hormonal future mass shooter?
Mating press all day every day, except weekends
Is this ironic? you have 60% CDR
you don't know shit
>Meet an old friend from your challenger days that you used to duo with a tiny bit for his stream
>He locked in an adc with heal (he mains adc) even though he go assigned to jungle
>doesn't say a word even though people are panicking
>someone dodges
>get him again
>he does it again
>I dodge
feels bad
Maybe I should send him a PM (he's still in my friendlist) but he's most likely not in the mood
Why are you complaining, silver shitter? If you can't effortlessly carry yourself out of the lower elo in a few weeks you in fact deserve to be there. The system is there to enforce people keeping up in consistent skill and for someone who was gold carrying silver should be fucking easy, so why complain?
I had an idea one time to do a twink Taric if I straightened my hair out. Or I could do Pool Party since I'm already blonde and save money on a simple outfit.
To be fair I play both supp and ADC.
That Ashe was good as an ADC I can tell. You had an even better game at being a Supp with all the assists.
Ashe is imobile, they had a Zed that got feed and probably in another lane and Ashe had a rough time as an imobile ADC that is focused and the main target in teamfights to take down.
But you already know that don't you??
Also as an ADC she had over half the assists you did, that's a pretty impressive contribute, she did well to be perfectly honest.
You suppose to have no reasons to complain about it,
The fact you did a whole post about it even after winning tells me you're either easy to trigger/tilt and the first to flame when things don't go your way
Also I find it funny your fed Yasuo has part of his stats blatantly censored!
What replay/sharing programs do you guys use?
I use plays TV and love it, but it decently often has updates which results in replays not being taken. You have to close the program and reopen it. It doesn't alert you unless you look at the program itself.
hair is a hard part, my cosplay wont be too good since I hate wearing wigs but oh well
my hairs already anime to the max all the time so itll still work out