Lazy Faggots Edition
I don't have another pic Edition
>fhg Discord (Request codes here)
>Competitive For Honor Discord
Lazy Faggots Edition
I don't have another pic Edition
>fhg Discord (Request codes here)
>Competitive For Honor Discord
Other urls found in this thread:
First for Weebs are shit.
2nd for vikings are top tier
I've been playing a lot of kensei and I got to the satisfying point of being able to mind game with other people and just steamroll them, now I'm bored and I wanna try another character.
I want to play conqueror but it feels like the weeaboos just fuck my ass really hard with those dash attacks since his attacks have poor tracking.
>raider is based
>wardlord is op tier
>berserker is the best assassin
hope the valkyrie is still filthy op
>already reputation 1
user, did you get any sleep?
Have you ever left your room?
You're going to get a blood clot in your legs user
>ubisoft servers are in maintenance
anybody else getting this issue on PC?
me too user, me too
Don't forget to vote.
Also what's the difference between the 2 discords?
Which one should I join if I'm mainly interested in Dominion?
What do you fucking think is happening
you fucking autistic retard
>how do I deal with Warlord?!?!?
I just hit my lag switch. Using Warlord is cheating/exploiting, so it's justified to cheat back.
>about to make great OP
>this faggot posts ass
>doesn't even link to previous thread
Man I hated fighting Valkyrie in the earlier stage.
i was hoping ubisoft wasn't retarded enough to perform maintenance during closed beta
i sit cross legged and idk one leg up sometimes too
im probably too thin and sickly to get a blood clot user, is that how it works?
i did sleep ofc i got my 3 hours
i havent been outside in 3 months since i left my job
Would be nice to have a tournament-like mode with some reward for the first three
Then you should have made it sooner you stupid faggot. Stop bitching.
i like memes
Where do screenshots go?
Make me
you did it again moron
oh boy a new thread time to start shitposting again while we wait for maintenance
Cmon man, put more thought into the others with "shitter", like the american gaijin one.
>for honor general
someone be my friend
i swear im not completely bad
>expecting a beta for any game not to have maintenance periods
what did he mean by this
Warden is fun!
I'm just repeating the opinions on the champions here. Not my fault half of them have their players being called shitters by people.
he's an honorary knight
Feels like I am the only one playing Berserker. Duel is full of Orochi and Nobushi. Never fought against another Berserker since beta started
>when you die because you try to deflect everything while you could have easily parried and won
It's because those who play Orochi and Nobushi get their shit pushed in during 2v2's and 4v4's.
am i cancer for maining orochi?
also, how can you change gender on classes?
>you still "bleed" even when you've blocked\parried
what the fuck
can someone send me a pc invite please
How do you play against Raider? I'm having troubles evading his unblockable slash.
Also having trouble with his rush at bridge stages.
That doesn't happen anymore. Defending against a bleed fully negates it. Maybe that webm is from the last test or something.
Customisation section. Should be a gender option. Some classes are limited to certain genders though.
And yes, you are cancer.
That was nice, but if the noobu wasn't letting himself get backed into a corner that obviously you'd have been in trouble.
>shieldpiercing bleed memes
Why does warlord have super armor, cancel into perfect defense, better damage and unblockables than conqueror and a super grab?
you parry it
parry it famalam
because they have done no balancing at all since the tech test
who wants to have erp duels where the loser has to be on bottom
I got u senpai
Edgy assassin character with le epic dual wielding, people call her cute when you can't see her face
Easymode knight for lowskill shitbabies
Worse version of the Warlord, camper who cowers behind his shield and never attacks first
Bro-tier but was garbage in the last beta
The epitome of shitter character. Edgy weeb faggot incarnate.
Big Orochi, slightly less edgy weeb faggot incarnate
Most bro-tier of the weeb faggots, was terrible in the last beta but most fun to grief shitters with by abusing his one-shot bear hug.
Easymode babyshit light attack poke spammer for bads. Edgy Naruto mask.
Most bro-tier of Kangz, no memes about him
Easymode throw spam nigger
Overpowered insta-win machine for low-skills
So amazingly overpowered she was nerfed last beta and then removed for this beta. Calling card of the tryhard who refuses to lose a match so uses the hands-down best character.
No one here uses the Discord servers?
>new update has 96mb of new stuff
I wonder what they did.
what do you play
spotted the zerker main
probably patched the warlord out
Hopefully they've fixed the fucking game.
Anyone have a spare PS4 code? I'd really appreciate it.
Uplay: AlreadyIn
(Ironic, I know)
>that highschool vernacular
Jesus dude
>Easymode knight for lowskill shitbabies
What did he mean by this
Tbqh senpai al am I want to main Lawbringer. I want Ubisoft to add him to the beta before it closes.
>still down
this is cringey as fuck
Do i need to press strong attack at the exact moment of block to parry or after? Can't get it
Also, what should i do after parry, what to press for riposte?
When the indicator blinks, press heavy attack.
Ctrl + F "For honor"
4 threads
What the fuck, are you people new here?
Need to press strong attack when the enemy's attack flashes red. Parries aren't hard to get in this game. There's no riposte. You usually follow with a guardbreak and then a heavy attack.
One exception is the warden. You can super-riposte overhead attacks by pressing light attack instead of strong attack. You'll do an instant counter for big damage.
Are the servers still on maintenance?
>friend invites me
>hour later get an email saying i got into it myself aswell
>go to site
>no option to invite friends
well this feels bad. it looks like i just don't get any invites because it counts me as using his invite instead of my own.
welcome to your first stress test
How long until we get SFM porn of Peacekeeper?
Alright this is just a beta general let's keep it to one thread
this other one was created first, please migrate so we can consolidate the memes
and stop spelling /fhg/ wrong you fucking faggots
Post emblems
So i cant see the chat window, and voice com does not work, the fuck is wrong with this game ?
I think it's a beta user
Even so, those are basic features, if you fuck that up, what can you expect from more difficult stuff ?
If you start expecting things from Ubisoft you might as well just kill yourself.
Still cant figure out which faction to join for launch
I love the knight classes but hate Deus Vult memers.
I wonder if the rewards will be cosmetics or something for that faction or just renown, have they said what it will be?
>When you kill edge-kill them two times in a row
>recovering connect: the video game
Will we be able to choose gender of all the classes on release? Or are some classes going to be gender locked regardless.
praise the su..allfather!
Peacekeeper will be fem only, to preserve her purity.
The game has some really shitty programming job behind it, i mean, the game design is just retarded on some aspects...
Ubisoft were probably hoping for beta testers that weren't retarded enough to think there wouldn't be maintenance during a beta test.
no dedicated servers is pretty fucking bullshit
I can see why they did it, but fuck
>it's a your teammate gets 0 take downs episode
That's some high-quality feedback, user. Thanks to testers like you with your useful assessment of what the game's strengths and shortcomings are, the developers will surely make it a better game for release.
>It's a squadmates let the enemy gank you 3/4vs1 and then they get ganked too after you die
Also, switch to the other thread already, it was created before and everyone already moved.
You have to walk around a bit sometimes. It doesn't matter if you're thin or fat, you can get blood clots either way if you sit down for that many hours.
Plenty of Koreans have died that way playing MMOs.
What did they mean by this?
>finally get into a beta
>can't play the one class I wanted to try this whole time
Is the Naginta class any fun?
In their case, they fight to learn what honor is from the knights and nips
She's fucking retarded good
It's insanely hard to deal with her unless you can charge into range and fuck her up or slam her against walls so she can't maneuver properly
Is Dominion broken? I can't get a match to launch.
>warden uses shoulderbash
>you sidestep
>he turns 90 degrees during the charge and still hit you
Devs are aware of the issue and are working on it.
I was just about to post the same thing.
Also, all modes say "low activity" for me. Searched for a duel two times and got nothing.