Bloodmoon Edition
Bloodmoon Edition
first for mordekaiser
Reminder that its only the left-right details that are flipped and the splash isnt as inconsistent as you might think.
>champ select
>guy holds the champ select OP by threatening to int if he doesn't get the role he wants
>'check my history I int a lot :)'
>forced to dodge for a 30 minute penalty and -10 lp because no one else wanted to take the bullet
why is this still not reportable oh nvm it's riot games haHAA pls upvote my post btw I need the karma
>Darius Top
>Malzahar Jungle
>Cassiopia Mid
>Twitch ADC
>Brand Support
All champions take DFT, everyone except the jungler starts corrupting potion. Everyone takes ignite, all AP champions build Liandries.
Why aren't you playing this DoT comp?
Riot didn't learn from all the whole Jhin default splash and login fiasco, so it seems.
>there are people out there who still think he's a cyborg because of it
Still a great splash though, gonna use it as my wallpaper.
Reposting from last thread since i posted near the end:
I want to start getting good at toplane, are there any good streames that explain their tought process while playing toplane?
>when do i push lane
>when do i let my opponent push lane
>when/where/how do i freeze
I get buttfucked most of the time given how long the toplane is, compared to mid, which i'm decent at, but i have no control over the wave since i mostly play jungle/support.
STILL no new Malz skin
other than the seasonal one it has been SIX YEARS
Malzahar is one of those ugly, outdated champions who could benefit from a VU than another skin tbqh
now that dust has settled,how do you build the new warwick?is w max a meme?
Hashinshin, boxbox, Irelia carries u, eyemthestron9est
xth for tight demacians
anyone wanna play a normal game on na add me maqe
fixd it for you autismo
How tight do you think her holes are?
>attend a vidya event
>visit league stand
>get a FREE pool party fiora and a FREE arcade corki
How do I play best demacian girl?
>rope still isn't in the center
>both arms are still bare
>if you flip it, then his eye should be blue instead of red
Nah, just admit that Riot didn't keep track of their outsourced artists again
>league stand
jojo reference?
I want to write some Camille smut, something involving those oversized, fat thighs and butt. Gimme some context, boys and girls
I mean sure but I still want new skins
I've already drawn out like 10 skin ideas for him because I autistically love this champion
My favorite is Deep Sea Malzahar, where he has a starfish covering his face in place of the mask, his ult shoots out either seaweed or tentacles at you (haven't decided), and his voidlings are lil squids.
C'mon Rito, it's so easy...
who /DIG/ today?
tight enough to stop you from pulling out
Higher Resolution splash
why the fuck is Syndra not at the top, and Riven so low?
Roughly every second or so, it'll update with their current position. Stationary champs leave a kind of blood pool.
You can potentially blind ult with that information, but I personally wouldn't bother.
wtf that just gave me a boner
Riven's a twig. Period.
Syndra's pretty high up but she just barely isn't enough.
>tfw the new splash finally made you realize that Jhin's got some girly hips and a twink body type.
>Irelia carries u
dude's even gayer than boxbox and nowhere as pretty.
STILL no Yorick skin
it has been SIX YEARS
>Hover braum
>First ban on our side bans braum
>"Sorry I was going to ban Aurelion sol, I lagged dude"
If you're going to fuck me over and ban out my own pick to troll me just be up front about it.
Reminder that poppy is flat
he's just tall and lanky
Name five things about sona that are not her tits
He's always been a twink this isn't a secret.
because its hot as all fuck tbqfh famalam
>was in the army and fights with a big ass kite sword so if she was nonathletic she wouldn't be able to flip around and fight like she does
how is hashinshin a good top laner? he literally cannot win lane unless his jungler baby sits him
I can only name one because its all I think about
Her gigantic DJ ass
i build him tank
as a joke
it works out frequently believe it or not
That doesn't explain the hips.
He IS tall tho.
I love being able to start rejuv beads on Warwick for that tiamat rush in the jungle, been trying the same thing with Trundle since his passive keeps him healthy enough with it too, seems pretty good any other champs this can work on?
kid sounds like a dirtbag, i would have inted his lane so hard. if he was jg i would have counterjungled him.
garbage human beings like that deserve to have zero fun but you're a braum player so you probably make it a point to be nice and take abuse just like braum you're noble like braum you're smart like braum you're loyal like braum
>there is not a single trap champ
user waited. The lights above him blinked and sparked out of the air. There were tarics in the base. He didn’t see them, but had expected them now for years. His warnings to jarvan were not listenend to and now it was too late. Far too late for now, anyway.
user was a demacian soldier for fourteen years. When he was young he watched the pornos and he said to dad “I want to be on the pornos daddy.”
Dad said “No! You will FUCKED IN THE BUTTHOLE”
There was a time when he believed him. Then as he got oldered he stopped. But now in the demacian base he knew there were tarics.
“This is Jarvan” the radio cuckled. “You must fight the tarics!”
So user gotted his palsma sword and blew up the wall.
“HE GOING TO KILL US” said the tarics
“I will wank at him” said the girthiest taric and he fired his rocket missile. John plasmaed at him and tried to blew him up. But then the ceiling fell and they were trapped and not able to kill.
“No! I must kill the tarics” he shouted
The radio said “No, user. You are the tarics”
And then user was a bottom.
If you were good enough at the game you would be able to carry an inter no problem. The rest of the team was confident in their abilities, why not you? Stop being trash and git gud.
i already tried that build
i mean, you don't die, but you do fuck all in terms of damage
still fun tho
>jojo reference
is that a jojo reference?
i saw a guy doing it on rek'sai
50th for forced 50 meme
My favorite supports are Braum, Sion, and Taric.
I'm trying to get Mastery 6 on Sion and Braum so theres an end goal to this I can tolerate a troll, I don't tolerate sabotage.
No, you can enjoy the twinks and bishies though
is that a reference to jjba the hit magna?
hes built like boxbox
please provide source for crops
whats the ideal build for warwick jungle?
He's skinner and more toned than boxbox
Sounds like that could work pretty well too I'll have to try it next time I pick her.
that's not forced 50 that's you getting stomped 4 games in a row and scraping by with the skin of your teeth for a win.
good job, you'll get out of silver yet.
bloodrather -> titanic -> rageblade
max q first
no user that'll just get you banned, you gotta be subtle about it
int but make it look like you're trying to make plays, then when he calls you bad in all chat you tell everyone he banned your soft lock and you dont really know how to play x champion
then you try and steal his camps for ward money and when he pings you to go to an objective, do it with him then leave the moment it's leashed so he has to do it himself.
>buying rylai on morde
hoobamon on patreon
How do I play udyr?
but i'm already out of silver for now :/
>Bronze I
Bloodrazor/Cinderhulk > Titty Hydra > Spirit Visage/Deadmans Plate
what masteries for varus?
I don't watch any of the ones on my list.
I know Irelia does content on yt that appeared okay.
hash from the half hour I've seen comments a lot about what he does and talks to viewers. He's usually right about stuff too.
Boxbox is a decent riven and that's all I have for that. I know he streams.
And I am from lolg and do a lot of commentary when people ask me to, otherwise I typically do minimal.
That Warwick tho
you don't. only the s tier junglers are viable because of the new jg. i've seen hella subpar junglers get executed by monsters since the new patch came out.
you'll probably have to wait a bit until riot realizes they're being stupid and fixes it. who knows when that will be.
From my experience playing with, against, or watching him (rarely I would), he's good at top. Typically he gets camped and this leads to feeding. It's a confirmation mentality of everyone to camp him or they lose.
He usually needs nearly equal pressure.
This doesn't mean he's bad though.
so exh is kinda like a point and click stun when you think about it. i mean technically they're not stunned, but they can't really fight back with that 40 % damage reduction, and they're slowed so they can't get away very easily either
racist much?
idk man i've seen my dude shovel knight take on the enemy jg as well as the top laner and come out alive. seems to me like mr. hash could take a few pointers from his friends at lolg
>Jhin is heading to Zaun
Would Jhin and Viktor get along?
Ah, maybe. It's been awhile since I tuned into his stream and I never really like him from the few times I've tried him since he seems really obnoxious to watch to me
I do enjoy whenever pro players like impact or whoever stream top
also don't most of high challenger top laners stream like quas, viper, etc.?
Phoenix Max first, then Turtle and Bear last. Either get Tiger at 6 or 16.
Blood Razor>Trinity if ahead or Bloodrazor/Cinder> tank items if behind.
AS red, armor and MR yellows and blues and either MS or AS quints.
The new login screen with Diana is pretty based. Probably one of the best Riot has to offer.
The theme isn't too bad either.
Don't forget it's decently low cooldown and -10 armor and mr.
>function over form
xth for comfy bfs and sharing clothes~
Vladfag here. Caitlyn is a trap.
>zero curves
>long muscly legs
>completely bolted on tits
>generic trap name like Caitlyn, every second tranny out there is called Caitlyn
>ambiguous plastic surgery face
>dates Vi, another LGBTQ icon
>overly promiscuous
Even my ex liked playing her and so did his crossdressing gay furry friend. Evidence all over.
Your friend is in silver. Hash is in cvcallenher.
I feel like people don't even know what yorick does athat that low level.
hey guys
didn't play this game since beta
Is a level 1 account with this skin worth anything?
never realized until now how stupid the officer cait splash looks
>not looking at the shoulder hump
he holds the pistol with his left hand and does the same in the splash, the artist just fucked up and drew his shoulder hump on the wrong side
I wish we had wards based on regions I'd love to have Zaun's crest as a ward. Sundisk and Bilgewater aint that bad though.
>Vladfag here
and you feel the need to identify yourself on an anonymous imageboard why? i totally agree though, caitlyn definitely has a penis.
You're not serious, are you?
I love Lissandra!
She's a pure plush QT who lactates ice cream!
by beta how beta are we talking here? what client version?
i have 0.9.xx.xx and have versions and i cannot fathom what the fuck is in these
She is an attention whore and probably has mild autism too. Are you new?
>tfw only 3 or 4 futa champs