/elyg/ - Elysium General


ELYSIUM aka FRESH (main china farmer hub)
Horde guild:
Horde guild:

ZETH'KUR aka FRESHFRESH (newcomers recommended to roll here)
Horde guild:
Alliance guild: (join if you want to raid)

/who "guild name", whisper anyone!

>Server Homepage

>Vanilla WoW database

>Leveling Guide
Need a new one because the old one was worthless

>Nos Pre-Bis

>Leveling Specs
The last one was written by someone who obviously never made it to 60. Need a new one.



tags: wpsg, nosg, elyg, krog, world of warcraft

Other urls found in this thread:


There's no Ally guild on Fresh?

It fell apart and no ones started a new one yet.

>see a gnome mage aoe farming
>charge, hamstring and just let the mobs do the rest of the work while I am frost nova'd

Revenge you fucker, if someone is playing a mage there is no doubt that he has ganked a warrior

>people seriously wants 10k population

xth for Lumi

What is the Blacksmith worth?

there is, it's

for some reason it keeps getting taken out

>fighting scorpid
>rexxar magically aggros from a mile away

Let me guess, it's the biggest guild and it's not in the OP so other more dead guilds can snatch up the oblivious new players?

more like because it's run by one of the most notorious namefags on this general

You guys said there was some Eye of Kilrog bug that they fixed? Well, guess what, letting eye of Kilrog expire nets you a free soul shard, as if your pet disappeared from being too far, but Eye doesn't cost soul shards to summon.

yeah, it has over 300 members

From leveling warrior up to 59 so far, I have been keeping count on the number of times I have been ganked.

Mage- 87 times, out of 114 that I have encountered
Warlock- 20 times
Hunter 38 times
Rogue- 4 times
Paladin- 8 times
Priest- 10 times
Warrior- 1 time
Druid- 3 times

I wish I kept track of the races, but gnome mage was definitely the most common

warrior is a pretty easy target for mages so that's not surprising

Enjoy russian leashing rage.

>tank SM and RFD 10 times each
>not a single piece of mail or plate drops
>decide to just start questing again and move on with my life
>passing guildie asks why I don't have any decent dungeon gear for leveling

Is Aimed Shot supposed to crit for 1700 at level 40?

Don't mind me, I'm just here for the anathema poster.

>getting tons of attention
>tfw ยด_______ is typing'


Hey guys!

It's me again! Babymetal!!
Remember to vote for me in the upcomming CL elections! I am such a good paladin and i help everyone too!!! You can ask around in guild im the funnest guy to play with!

Here is a picture of my litle brother all dressed up like his big bro!!

Have fun my dudes! And remember: Grude sucks!

>half the quests require you to fight things in camps
>can't fight things in camps without at least two, often three or four things aggroing

So, uh, how the fuck are you supposed to complete these quests again???? I mean it's one fucking thing to have quests for groups but when even your generic sidequest is like this AND you actively punish grouping...the fuck was Blizzard even thinking??

How did this game get so popular with an early game this awful?

>blow open the door in deadmines while a rogue is picking the lock at the same time
>door opens and then closes permanently
so yea dont do this


>I have no friends please make the game easier for me

ITT: It's a Warrior realize without FAP's and a healslut that they are just mortals like everyone else.


wew lad, I bet you never got one-shot by a rogue because you didn't have Frost Barrier up while eating. Or cucked by serpent sting'ing hunter whose pet litterally can solo you. Or a Warlock just dotting you up and running away.

Russian pro coding.

to be fair this is an authentic vanilla experience.

>I have no friends waaaaaah!!

You miss the part where I said "actively punishes grouping," dipshit?

>Complete quest with level 40 req.
>Next quest in the chain has level 43 req.

You shouldn't have much problems with warlocks running away, though, you can frostbolt them through solid walls.

>grouping doesn't give you 100% XP therefore the game is impossible

Okay, guy.

>go to loch modan at level 12
>do 2 quests
>next available quests are level 18

>you should be 33 by now
>i'm 31

What are you going to do to the anathema poster?

Hellground boys ww@

>I should be 40 by now
>Im 26

/cfg/ when?

He's right though, there's no reason to punish people for being in groups. It was a bad design decision.

what are we doing wrong? do they seriously kill everything on the map while they write these guides?

i'd rather they assume theres light grinding during travel and instead pencil in scheduled grinding sessions for 1 or 2 levels here and there.

Too bad you didn't make a game or else we'd all be playing it right now.

>anime posters
Why dont you kill yourselfs you fucking underage virgin fags

>you didn't make the game so you can't say whats bad about it

Okay faggot.

A warlock doesn't need to run away.
If you lose a fight against a mage as a warlock you should kys.

>literally a screenshot of a character from this game

>play shitty p2w f2p korean grind mmo before WoW in 2005
>if you play in a full group you get 10% more exp
>mfw you get punished for grouping in WoW

Even Gooks are more social than the cucks from Blizzard

It's good that you understand.

>is ok with being called underage and a virgin
>gets offended that i called wow an anime


>screenshot of a character from this game

But this isn't /wowg?/

which guides? you should keep in mind that most of the most popular vanilla guides were actually written during 2.3. not only does that mean they're working with reduced experience needed to level, but there were additional quests added to vanilla during BC. even 1.12 leveling guides have quests that the current version of the server, 1.4, lack. just stop worrying about following guides, stop forcing yourself to grind entire levels and be miserable the whole time. follow them to know good places to pick up quests and that's it.

>tfw laid off
Time to roll a priest and be a slut

>I'll show joanna, I'll do an instance and all its quests
>get a level past where it recommends and proceed
>okay you should now be two levels ahead of where you are now


>same game

Kronos had great line of sight mapping, though. Thanks to my pillar-humping skills I could fight head to head with mages as a holy priest.


1.4 game version is missing some quests in Tanaris at the pirates and at Thorium Point


Kronos is stil up, you know

So if it's harder to level now than when joanna got the record, how did that nerf hunter beat Joanna's record with reduced xp

>greykilling tranny shitters

Pretty good, Finalflash.

dynamic respawn allowed for very fast farming and he got so ahead of the pack he had zero competition

It's basically dead, though. I just hope crestfall devs copy that one aspect.

Why do you post about yourself? I highly doubt someone who's as fucking ugly as you and brags about having a roastie girlfriend can gather orbiters.

Your fault for abandoning a buggy server for a stock mangos server.

fixed vid



ty senpai

So how many people are about in pupper?

what classes do they need? :3

>posting neoblizz games

None, thanks.

What's a good wand to farm at 55? Been using the same shitty one since lvl 38.

>finally get death coil
>alright time for people to stop bullying me!
>now every person I run into is guarded by a priest/paladin


>one shill forcing stock mangos meme all day every day

So this is the power of Crestfall shills...

Wheres the Aimed Shot Poster with this pic ? Kinda miss him Shitposting.

Reminder to report Metaboliser from Salty Dogs for botting

Since the server is stock mangos, a green wand with +damage or +healing bonuses is going to be bis til naxx

killed himself hopefully

20-30 online usually, we need druids and blacksmiths!

I meant for attacking with.


He posted in the last thread?

Anathema PvP~

I want to marry Ebina!

nobody wants to play on your dead server, you're lucky us Zethbulls even let you share our threads

High pure +damage wands are blizzlike in this patch. They were nerfed later. There is a bug where disabled suffix items drop here but this isn't it.



Name a wand with better stats than +21 spell damage other than cold snap for frost and doomfinger from kel'thuzad. What does stock mangos have to do with it?

>can't even speak english
>thinks he can script

Dragon finger of +damage can roll +28 damage

If I am an alchemist, is there any good rep recipes for money that I should be looking at?

Since when? 21 is the limit for damage and 33 for healing

I saw it with my own eyes on valkyrie.

Are we being real right now?

Some autist had it on AH for 4000g

daily reminder nost is still the king server



I had an absurd fiery wrath wand with a worse base than dragon finger on live. I won't go through the patch notes now but this definitely was blizzlike. They nerfed them but it wasn't applied retroactively.

you're saying a gnome mage didn't just escape artist and walk away giving you a nice king's honor friend?


Got my 40 mount

Haven't seen that then, he should post some Webms ganking after he was Bigmouthing so much.

Any other viable and spec for rogue leveling other than boring ass swords combat?


Only ones that require more effort.