Why don't they just remake classic cars?

Why don't they just remake classic cars?

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Safety- and emissions regulations.

Why don't your parents just remake you?


uhhh durr just remake it so it fits the regulations

That's how you get shit like this.

they do. they just aint cheap.


You're fucking joking right?
You ever wonder why new cars all look alike and look like total dog shit?
It's to adhere to rigidity and crushability standards.
Classic designs are just not up to today's safety standards construction wise.

That's why the A pillar is fucking a foot and half wide on every car these days.

>Not safe
>Not efficient
>Small niche
>Manufacturers like to Jack up the price on every little thing
You might as well buy the old version and fix it up

They do sometimes.
See the E-type clone that costs a million or two.
Or kit cars on the opposite end of the price range.

>Le born in the wrong generation

Because the originals were TOO GOOD

I got your back famalam

Chrysler made this thing. I kinda like it, and I kinda don't.

I think part of the problem is the taller sides fuck with the proportions. Plus the wheels are too damn big.

>those big nigger wheels

it's not nigger, it's FOOSE
learn to appreciate pure automotive enthusiast style

>it's FOOSE
(I was thinking maybe silver with another color)


that shit is gorgeous nigga

Good thing we still have the Niva.

>muh safety
>muh emission an' environment shiz
This happens when you don't silence hippies in time.

Jesus h Christ lads

someone should be like singer but for jaguars


you guys might hate the idea, but a numuscle car with an old body style looks hella nice. trim the pigfat and i'm sold.


They technically do


Do it yourself pussiboi

Notice the reason for them.

The brakes are larger then the older versions wheel

>not putting police wheels on it

Because we need to save muh environment and muh lives
It's retarded

>Why don't they just remake classic cars?

They do. It's called "restoration". Bring money. BTW most older drivetrains were shit and most "classics" were deathtraps.

If you want old tech, bring money or do it yourself.


stupid huge new cars ugh