weeb removal edition
>fhg Discord (Request codes here)
>Competitive For Honor Discord
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weeb removal edition
>fhg Discord (Request codes here)
>Competitive For Honor Discord
previous thread:
>female conq
Friendly reminder if you play Peacekeeper, Orochi or Nobushi and win i will disconnect because i don't deserve the loss.
reposting, how do I chat in duels,. npothing appears in chat. is it disabled for beta?
where does chat appear
T, Tab
>shit taste
If anyone is kind enough to give a PC code.
I will join the faction you want me to -
high chance of nobushi not getting nerfed
deal with it
PUT it in the fucking OP that to chat to the enemy press t, then press tab
>snowniggers ever being able to beat knights
>having any of the classes other than raider set to female
>implying anyone reads the OP
>female raider
MAKE the next OP
>entire frontier with the vikangz is duel mode
oh damn vikings, its the end I see
name is EdgeJob
>female raider
Trying to invite my friend to the beta, but for some fucking reason the 4th tab to invite friends does not show up. Any idea why?
only reason I chose samurai faction is cause the lowlands is the best styleset for areas
jungle > snow >>>>>>> drylands
as long as they nerf peacekeeper into the ground. cheapest class in the game by far
>not berserker
Raider is disgusting. Fem-Zerker is god tier.
>execute a female character
>get the weirdest boner
>Veeky Forums has such shit taste
>spend 6 hours trying to launch the game
>this is all that happens
Post how many troops you have donated to halp the knights
I like the tits
>dat haircut tho
Can any PCbro send me a spare invite?
Fucking weeb faggots taking so much territory
anyone got an extra ps4 code?
90k for vikings.
the fuck, ive got all my settings to the max but my game isnt nearly this pretty
That Orochi fucking sucks for even letting you hit him in the first place
how do i revive i click left ctrl and then lose sight of them
please help am retard
Is true that there are black ViKANGZ in this game?
you can beat her unless lucky or mastered the game. she needs a nerf
Extreme quality with super sampling off is what I've got it set to. I haven't tried SS but I might as well turn it on.
I kept parrying his ass into next week.
Gimme uplay
You're right most Orochis sit 3 miles away and wait until I get bored of staring at him and make a move.
what does this yield sign mean?
You can MAKE them black, but they're not stupidly classed like Niggerfield 1
>to be continued music playing in the background
Spare ps4 Code would be really appreciated. Trying to enjoy my friday night with a friend. Uplay is Kmondragon. Do I need to be level 15 to accept one?
means you're near capacity for gear and have to dismantle some to make room
Do YOU 2v1 in 2v2 Brawl, /fhg/?
Do you leave your buddy to fight his opponent and take them on if they lose?
Do you instantly gank the enemy the moment you win your fight?
Do you interrupt their fight with a guardbreak-throw into the drink and then spam
That's still pretty stupid
o shit thanks. At 51/60
If someone knows how to do video editing and they want to add that screen to the end of it I can send the raw video file.
it's always perfectly obvious from where the attack is gonna come
just parry it and move on
How the fuck did he guard break you from so far away? Can you shadow rush into a guard break or something? I always have to be rubbing against my enemy to guard break
victory over all, gank that shit
If my partner looks like they are going to win, I pretend to be honorable. When they start losing, I jump in.
uplay: gibit2me
what the fuck ive been hitting enter this whole time please kill me.
If the enemy team weren't cocksuckers about it (IE: rushing both of us for revenge, ganking, and just being a faggot in general), I don't 2v1.
mah nigga
same here
>Do you leave your buddy to fight his opponent and take them on if they lose?
me and my friend are pretty good at 1v1s though, so the best 2v2s go like
>win our respective 1v1s 2 rounds in a row or I end up killing both after he loses his v1v1
>3rd round they try to gank us
>rape them anyway
>Have an 89% winrate with no disconnects
>Decide to try out some new classes against players instead of bots
>Now only have a 72% winrate
Kill me now /fhg/
Reminder that if you play Samurai, you should be removed
>Even in death, I still spin.
>If the enemy team weren't cocksuckers about it
Really bothers me when people act like they're not going to intervene, then the moment it comes down to a nice even 2-2, they'll instantly try to gank one of us for a victory above all else.
Bonus points if they lose anyway and then send an angry message.
>Didnt receive an email saying I got into the beta, just saw that I did on the site.
So how do I give my friend a code? The fuck. Like it says here:
Im not seeing the tab to invite my friend to the beta like you can in this image.
what class were you playing?
winrate isn't a really good indicator of skill when there is a surplus of new players
why are people always too retarded to check the keyboard settings in the options screen?
>keeps trying to spam attacks while out of stamina and getting hit by lights
>accidentally parry one
i could hear the mashing from this no audio webm
Post oper8ors
eastern pigfuckers need not apply
check email
Winrate is for scorewhores to wank over. Learning all the classes will be part of being good in the final release.
So many people don't realise that basic-old-Warden has his natural top-light parry that does fuckloads of damage. Kenseis and Warlords in particular get utterly destroyed by that.
apart from one berserker and one sensei i have not played against any other class today except spamming Peacekeeper's Orochi's and Nobushi's
i don't want to play anymore.
>Every time my partner fights Orochi he gets fucking killed
>Every time he fights Peacekeeper he wins.
>We can only win rounds where I start off facing Orochi
>Every time I kill the Peacekeeper I get immediately attacked in the back by this shit tier Orochi.
Are weebs always so ridiculously low honor.
>Square shits playing as Wardens and running from 1v1s
>Kenseis and Warlords in particular get utterly destroyed by that.
nobushi's too
all her light attacks after a dodge as well as her running light attack are forced high
It somebody tells me how to beat warden as sensei I will stop playing Orochin and switch to sensei
>Fighting berserker
>Spamming guard break
>Teching it every time
>Get him 1 hit away
>Gets one lucky one and throws me off a ledge
Why is this allowed?
How does the Berserker's dodge deflect function against unblockable and uninteruptable attacks? Does it count as a block, or a dodge?
>"I main orochi!"
it counts as deflect, it's its own category
>spam attacks
>literally everyone was a parry attempt but button queue system made me keep attacking after they changed direction
Don't fight near cliffs
>Friend and I plan on playing this all night and getting drunk
>Cant find my fucking beta invites anywhere on the site
>Turns out I might not even have any even though I didnt use Scars to sign up
>No email from ubi saying I was in the beta
I fucking hate my gay life. Is this where I beg on reddit?
>tfw constantly panic and fuck up
>tfw guard block into attacks all the time
>tfw get guard blocked 100% of the time
>tfw accidentally switch block directions even though i intended another direction
fuck i am terrible
It is but that option is in every game.
Use side attacks, especially his dodging side attacks, to run circles around him and condition the Warden into thinking that you're not going to use top-attacks, then get your cheeky stun out and fuck him with top attacks.
Also if you do want to get tops out, remember that you do have more range than him with your ridiculous top-heavy at max range.
Have a Warden killing a Kensei and then not giving a fuck. This Kensei used a lot of side attacks but ultimately lost to a parry because he relied on them too much and didn't mix me up with the occassional top attack.
deflect dawg
oh shit, thanks man. this was actually my first time begging for a key like a peasant and I didn't actually expect anyone to give me one. wish there was some way to repay you
Is there anything damaging you can do off the back of a deflection or parry as nobushi?
Too bad there's a cliff within throwing range in 60% of areas on all maps.
nice try shitter
you kept spamming top heavies while he was throwing out side lights
he decided to start doing top lights, only reason you accidentally parried him
In a really shitty situation. Anyone able to help?
anyone happen to have a friend referral for pc left? didnt get into the beta in time it seems
Why is everyone here salty about orochis again? I haven't lost to a single one so I really don't see the problem.
oh nvm user my chat just wasn't working for some reason. was doing the same thing.
anyone want to send krazyal an inv to this on pc, i want to play for honour with a friend at least
>opponent selects peacekeeper
if it's the same as the test before the previous one then it's the unblockable? if it still is an unblockable