Fighting Games General /fgg/
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/fgg/ I'm dying here
How do I control space as Ryu. It feels like nobody respects me and I can't catch anyone walking back unless it's with my risky sweep. Meanwhile I'm tagging and converting with with Urien and Cammy. What can I do to make up for this?
Also wtf do I do when Grapplers and Guile are intentionally whiffing normals. It always happens at the edge to my sweep range and and st.MK and st.HP are unreliable as I get random CCs or I get counterhit by normals. It's like they're flailing a bunch of normals in front me punching the air.
>inb4 fireball
That's never the answer (especially in Gold FT2 as they're bound to jump). Is my opponent looking for a fireball? Do I sit there and do nothing?
Raindrop, drop top
SFV still fucking sucks
What game
play kof
breast expansion fighting game when??
Is UMVC3 dead?
I have it for PS3 and a friend and I tried it, we both like it a lot.
Is it a bad idea to try and get into it?
Watch high level Ryus and emulate them.
Put Demitri in that friggin Infinite roster
gay and homosexual op
if it interests you, try it out. who even cares if it's dead or not.
Put Asura in that friggin roster and maybe I won't complain
Fuckin on Chun, she's a thot thot thot
Aside from Daigo, literally every Ryu has switch mains or was demoted
Asura is such a meme character
that outfit is non canon
How do locals work?
I live in NorCal (Sacramento) and I assume theres a FGC here for SFV that do weekly but I cannot find it.
Are local weekly common?
Have you tried facebook?
do ken players think
Go kikebook and type in "(your city) FGC"
Bougie hoodrat Chun is best chun alt
That summer slutsuit doesn't hold up at all.
Watch Daigo, Valle and XSK Samurai. They all still play Ryu.
>want to go to locals but can't think of a name to use
What do?
That really made me think
t. Ken plaer
This guy beats you in a First to 3 and then he smacks your ass
What do you do?
Nash isn't dead
>want to go to locals but hate kikebook
Forever NAH
Use your real name because you go to a college town and no one uses fun handles
But SF5 is.
>smacks your ass
accidentally break his neck in self-defense
But not Tekken
Rule 63 fighting game when?
Is there a shortcut to getting good at punishing shit that's only a little unsafe or do you just have to learn everything?
Thanks anons, I found one.
I thought there would be a lot more for some reason.
The ones I found are only monthly
I do. I've been stalking the BEAST all this week.
They're pretty much playing at their opponents pace while not creating opportunities. Daigo said he wants to play more aggressive but he's still only capitalizing on opponent's mistakes and not creating opportunities.
XSK was one of the players that got demoted and is still trying to figure it out. On twitter he said that "he's playing it slow and not using dashes as much. It looks like Ryu's only way in is through a dash, so nothing has changed
I haven't seen Valle play Ryu lately. I thought he picked up Rashid.
Would it be a double hate crime if you punched him in the face as a white male? Would it only be a single hate crime if you were a minority?
Do you always have to play defensively against Rashid?
I play my friends Rashid a lot and I feel like I'm always on D against him
I play as vega
Can any seasoned weebs tell me what Raven's saying in battle? All I know is that
>Motto motto!
means More! More!
Good drink.
Vega should be able to not get bullied by Rashid in neutral, you have better walkspeed and range how are you losing exactly
So I can win in neutral, I out space with claw a lot.
I feel like I can't anti air rashid which is a problem and when I'm cornered I get fucked
LOL what neutral are you talking about? Poke him a few times then it's UNGA mixups neutral?
Then work on your anti-air game but yeah in the corner you're gonna get frametrapped and tick thrown to death and your v-reversal sucks
user I'm new to SF
I can do every move with my characters but zero fucking idea what v-reversal is
Can you explain it
I don't understand what you mean but I can assure you the reason you lose is not your character but your own scrubiness
Type in "how to play SFV" in YouTube. After you learn the basics then come back and ask more specific questions.
V-reversal burns some of your v gauge to help you escape pressure from the opponent. You press forward with either three punches or three kicks depending on the character. You can be thrown out of it though.
I play dommy mommy.
And you?
Wasn't DBFC Ignition supposed to come out in US? What happened?
Meant for
Ibuki is into daddies
thank fucking christ, marvel is over
I wanna be mikas but licking slave
god fucking dammit, marvel is over
thanks anons
i feel like i should watch more videos
ill give that a try tonight
cat dad
You fine gents wouldn't happen to have a Xbox code for Injustice 2 would you? I am willing to trade for a Xbox invite for For Honor.
dommy mommy and the cock-hungry ninja
Also don't feel like you have to commit to a character, sfv has easy execution so you can try multiple characters if you get tired of playing Vega
where is the lore behind this
i wish mummy cu spank me when i be a naughty boy
rip jebailey
MILF fighting game when??
toppest fighting moms
play pantyhose in season 2
Aren't you tired of doing this every single day flea, gg
What FG should I
the first match is laura mirror
Why public hair is so fucking lewd.
Thanks user
currently watching Sajams breakdown videos on each character
found out what the fuck crush counter is too
this is nice
Why does BB never go on sale
Lads, I had to buy an arcade stick because I have 2 broken fingers on my left hand. I can't quite get the execution down since I've been using pads since the late 90s.
I've been practicing about 4 hours a day for 3 days, still only get my links 30% of the time, and sometimes accidentally jump during z motions.
Is it something I'll get used to, I'm getting disheartened cuz I just can't get a feel for this at all
It's called real life, here's a sick combo to try out.
It's a little awkward at first but you'll get if you keep at it.
Turn on input display
Another T7 PS4 build test happening in 'straya
My only gripe is that the pause menu freezes the win animations, I actually like those.
What went wrong
>NRS and Namco are scam artists offering season passes and pre-order characters
Hoping so, nothing as frustrating as dropping basic bnbs
I always have input display on
>KekZ crying in his sleep
>we want the luvcheez audience
remember our bet, SFhills?
ill be nice
capcom pretends to be your friend and say, ohh we are gonna fix your game, but you know that wont happen. its lip service. look at the fucking servers right now. are they good? even after that maintenance?
capcom MUST announce these things
>dlc plans
>cpt events
>balance patch fixing ALL broken shit
by next week or you have to kill yourselves
they were cute and said theyd fix the netcode later so i wont put it on the list
but that should be simple enough huh
>miss x
unfortunately, I can't say shit to people who get all that dlc when I spent much more than that on league of legends back in 2010-2012
Guilty Gear's fucking terrible
>two full priced releases
>2nd re-release still has dlc out the ass
>releasing a third version that likely won't even add the DLC from the previous version
sfv is the worst
>cant buy all the costumes with fight money
>takes forever to get fight money
>buying things with real money is ridiculous (6 dollars for a character that adds up more than gg because there are more dlc characters)
>"premium costumes" which are shit
>season pass doesnt include antying but colors and dlc characters
fucking rip off
Isn't DoA's DLC 100% cosmetic? Why does anyone care?
>comparing GG to $1300 in DLC
I'm not, I'm bringing up how not a single fighting game this gen has good consumer friendly practices outside of fucking KI (ironically a microsoft game)
They're all incomplete money sinks.
welcome to the genre?
>our boy grungrah on stream
le condenscending faggot post man
I'd prefer Capcoms last gen shit, a final version of the game retailing at $40 is better than $100+ worth of DLC.
SF had tons of DLC on top of required paid revisions too
luvcheez whats the best game to play in the casino
no one cares about shitty halloween skins faggot. The problem is paying so much for characters in a supposedly competitive game.
how popular could KI have been if not for the fact it was stuck on the absolute worst console for FG's ,that being the xbone?
It's on PC too, but it's Windows 10 exclusive.
Luvcheez is an autistic savant at Black Jack
>buy the complete ki bundle thing
>a couple months later the same bundle comes out with a new name and an exclusive skin
literally worse than hitler