Best girl edition!
Best girl edition!
Xth for Katarina
best girl
vg vs vg in a nutshell
What do I do with a Volibear jungle? The champion just gets styled on by anyone with a dash and to make matters worse that dasher is usually accompanied by a karma or a lulu that can speed boost and make it impossible for him to do anything up until righteous glory, which they make sure to never buy at any stage of the game
ive got an acc with gray ww and medieval twitch i dont use mangs, i want 20 americans for it anyone interested add me, ill be online tomorrow all fucking day probs
Why isn't this game more diverse?
you'd think after so many games of me being forced adc and feeding, they'd learn
xth for comfy bfs
comfy cosplay
and comfy vg vs vg
I love monkeys. Are there any monkey characters in this game?
>Fiora kept raging in all chat
>kept telling me I'm not even good
>she's the one who kept trying to fight me when I was two levels above her
>her teammates ask us to report her
I love Mordekaiser
>12/3 full damage build
>2/11 on hit build
Warwick is a killing machine with the right items
means "sexually attracted to stones/rocks"
t. knows the meaning of lithobraking
lucian, ekko, wukong, karma, ryze, and illaois more of a gorilla but she counts
I want to cuddle Kog'maw and tug on his antennae!
xth for breast metal waifu
>browse Tumblr regularly
>this pic still gives me cancer
Lulu is my STAR!
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums bets.
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums is LIVE on NA
I made cele ragequit : ^( edition
Post what you play league with
Others guess who you main
I wanna cuddle Jinx
Never not cute also her new lore is an improvement imo. It's more of an expansion with some modification if anything.
My wife Xerath is very cute!
Wukong and Nunu.
Sick post bro xD never seen this one before!!
btw how do i upvote on this site??
>mana pots
Pic related.
You're so rude d e s u~.
I'm not sure who that is in your image, but Xerath is a male.
>the Blood Moon fan art is finally coming in
About time. I'm really starting to warm up to it. I think I'm actually beginning to prefer his demonic look over his classic/default look now.
>tfw swain main top
stick to midlane sir
*melts your heart*
lulu poster pls kill urself
I love Lulu!
>posting the low res version
Please get your ranged cancer out of my lane ty
>Ranged top laner
Don't be silly, user. Can't you recognize the greatest magus?
im getting really tired of seeing this shitty and edgy tryhard art posted in every thread
Wasn't it posted like twice
>hai is going to single-handedly carry ANOTHER team to playoffs
can the man be stopped?
I love Lissandra!
>tfw no Pentakill Sion skin (rhythm guitarist) based on Eddie Riggs from Brutal Legend
>being over the age of 14
>listening to metal
Pick one.
Yorick is already Eddie Riggs
>He wouldn't want to impreg a blueberry
You're such a good girl, Nidalee.
Flyquest is gonna get exposed when they actually have to face teams with not-shit laners and are so far behind all of the shotcalling in the world won't save them
Gonna need sauce friendo
I pick both
Yorick is based on Slash
Placem AND watchem!!!
time to turn that ranked lp frown UPSIDE DOWN
learn how to carry with style, grace, finesse, and unprecedented levels of foresight.
Just got home like 20 minutes ago and I'll start working on some
Here's one
>Wukong's winrate skyrockted in both Jungle and Top
Damn, even with the Jungle changes fucking his clear over. Lethality buffs were that strong on him
>hey user how is that losing streak going?
>did ya get any matches where something went right?
10 losses and still its never my fault
it is literally everyone else that causes these losses
it doesnt matter if im carrying
can you draw gangplank and sharpedo
what kind of autism you must have to want to play with vg
why was morde a katarina counter and did they win that game?
nah you just don't know how to carry
anyone wanna play a normal game on na add me maqe
>support doesn't build sightstone
>adc gets a 3/0 lead bot and STILL loses
>botlane ignores pings and stays at turret, dies to 3 dives
>lee sin appears to have never played lee before
>misses every 2nd Q and never pulled off an insec, including the time he flashed, didn't kick and just died using auto attacks
>I go 7/1 in lane but it doesn't matter because my team has downs
woohoo platinum
I-i-i I didnt mean to do anything wrong................
p-p-please don't k-kill me...............
riot is sexist. jhin an unmanly man is a psychopath. cleary riot saying feminine qualities is bad
Yes they did.
Morde can shrug off her poke easily with his W sustain and since Splyce has a fat ass tankline to let Morde do his thing they weren't able to chain CC and focus him down which is his weakness.
Then they just had outstanding Dragon control and won through sieging and v5ing with the ghost dragon
Veeky Forums vs Veeky Forums results.
>Lock in Tank
>Enemy ADC instalocks Ezrael
Thanks for the free win I guess???
What did he mean by this?
when you can't hit a skillshot worth shit at any point in the game ;-;
as olaf
>working my fucking ass off
>my hands literally hurt from this shit
>shitter team still feeding
>i am literally fighting my team from feeding
>single handedly destroyed all turrets inhibitors and all but 1 nexus turret
>team STILL cant get a fucking grip
>its an hour and a half long match
>STILL lose because they just start leaving because it got boring
user you dont fucking understand
How do you build frozen mallet hurricane teemo?
>somebody has mastery 7 on warring kingdoms vi
how the fuck
its been out for a week
Would Sona be a good maid?
*slams fists on table
GIVE ME A BOYFRIEND I being memed?
are you really this retarded?
>Hired by rich house
>Slowly seduces man of the house
>His wife gets cucked more and more
>Before long Sona is his wife and the old wife is now the maid
fine, post ur ign first!
>only getting 30 kills in a 90 minute match
>not pushing your advantage harder
>not shotcalling for your team
Still sounds like your fault faggot.
same user
Nice meme
Are you a cute girl?
fuck no
she'd be too busy getting my cock slammed into her to do any real cleaning
Are you a cute girl (male)?
here you go :3
Making runepage for fighting poppy and other champions that just stack armor and build tanky.
How much AS do you need in order to cs well under turrets, eg get two hits in, sometimes it feels like I'm just a split second too slow to get every cs when I could because my AS is just too slow.
what am i supposed to do when the enemy has 100 fucking kills and ours has 40, 30 being me
i did what i could to make us not lose yet shit like this still happens
Is this the GuroSmut user?
>lock in Thresh and call support
>someone picks Nami
>game starts
>she goes bot lane with me and ADC
why do people do this?
If you don't get you role don't ruin the game for everyone else.
>Implying Ez can't bust the fuck out of tanks when he gets his core.
You're also never going to catch the motherfucker.
are there enough anons to run another vg vs vg?