Veeky Forums Humor

This board needs more cowbell!

epic funny xd





Sort of miny dump











If you're gonna trip at least remove it when reposting a screenshot of your shitty "humor"

heck i forgot sorry man


Let the bass cannon kick it


Dude your post isn't funny or original, stop reposting it everywhere.

It's embarrassing that you're trying to push your "joke" so hard.


god i'm so glad i don't see those epic pieces of shit anymore




Customer claimed she never really looked at how bad it was rusted and asked for a quote on how to fix this caravan

The yellow shit peeking out if the hokes on the left side of the pic. It's expanding construction foam



Legacy/Outback 2.5i Limited?

I know that born culture was different back then, but from current context it just seems like everyone on Veeky Forums was 12 years old back then with those replies.

Was 10 years ago homie they talked like that because they didn't care if they sounded 12 years old because everyone knew there weren't any 12 year olds.