/vn/ - Naughty Kot Edition

Visual Novel General #1324

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Read the wiki below
4. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

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Previous thread:
This general is exclusively for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags, don't be a faggot.

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I want to suck on those milkbagd

reposting for interest

what's a vn that perfectly encapsulates your interests and/or fetish(es)?

A vn that seems to be tailor-made for you.


If Subahibi doesn't come out today I'm ending it


I am dissapoint in you Umi user.

mitcher a shit. shit!

>he actually made a VN
Jesus christ.

I am not the original Umi user.

That being said I took too long because I made the decision too late and forgot where my images were.

I will kermit sudoku immediately.

Why the fuck is there never a hand holding CG in moege.

God dammit its such a huge missed opportunity for something so sweet.

>hand holding
Jesus christ man that's too hardcore for folks here.


Posty girly protagonists

those are honestly too big

english translators already try to censor tits and loli. they won't even look at something with hand holding

Kakurenbo, futari dake no himitsu no jikan

Black hair Mitcher is the best Mitcher

No mitcher is best mitcher

I'm buzzed what Vn should I read?

Newfag to VNs but there are ecelebs for this?

Mostly just translators who get to big for their britches.


Yes and the faggots who started shitposting in regards to them used ruin while threads, thus the ban.

Is it wrong to want some used goods once in a while? I'm a bit of purityfag, but I also like having some used goods in my vns. Who's with me?

I just want to comfort a girl who's had her heart broken by some asshole

Uta so you can brace yourself for Itsuwari no kamen.

It really doesn't matter much to me, though I suppose I prefer if they're also slightly older to go along with it. Like 25, plus or minus five years.

I'm never really sure how serious people are being around here when they get really heated about the purity thing, though. I assume most of them are just fucking around and don't mind that much either, though probably more than I do.

What do you guys think of sayori?

Nekowork's big boss and artist of nekopara

She can't be happy, she has no cat. You can't be happy unless you have a cat.

I agree with you. I love it if the vn has older experienced women in them, especially of they're milfs.

Although for those self-insert pure love type of vns it probably would bother me more often than not if the heroine was a non-virgin.

>I want used goods
t. cuck

Used goods are only acceptable if they're your own mom or a rape victim.

>rape victim

Cats are assholes, now dogs on the other hand. Man's best friend.

>rape victim
that would be kind of cute.

Are there any moeges where you slowly repair a rape victim into completely trusting their sexual feelings with you?

Muv Luv Alternative

Currently reading Aoi's route in DC3. This isnt saying much but her route so far is the best .

WankoPara when

Just got a Vita. It's the best handheld I've ever had, hardware wise at least. I don't get why more games weren't made for it.

>in it you are female protag working at a dog pound

Isn't that basically Wanko to Kurasou?

The memory card prices were ridiculous. The hardware is great tho. I had one but sold it, now that a bunch on VNs are being released for it I kind of want one again lol.

Plenty of jap games on it though.
Too many coming out.

if this is actually her it is the first pic i've seen

jesus christ

The fuck? I've read MLA and this doesn't happen at all.

Yes it does, you repair S00mika's crippling twizzler addiction with your cock.

he's talking about sumika

about to start myth, any good?

Daily reminder that through determination, the dream became true.


Post your favorite soundtrack from based Zizz.



How about you stop?

How about you fuck off? That kind user is trying to raise EOP trash such as yourself to a higher plane, where are thousands of new waifus to discover. Even better, he wants you to know the tongue of your waifu so you can deepen your relationship with poise that Romeo cannot match.


>Learning Japanese
>When everything hyped up ALWAYS gets translated
>Once translated JOPs come up with MUH ORIGINAL LANGUAGE UNTRANSLATABLE memes to hide the flaws of their favorite series.

Very pathetic senpai, just admit it. You wasted your time for nothing.

>argueing against learning a language




Sorry, I just woke up.

I want to stick my big dick in her mouth while she wears cat ears, makes disgusting gurgling noises and in between noises tells me who she thinks best cat is.

Finished DC3. Last 2 routes were surprisingly good compared to all the other routes. Still a letdown after years of waiting. DC2 were more enjoyable in general.

sayori a best

I feel cheated. I just finished Momoyo route in Majikoi, and there is no H scenes with her. First I thought I just got a weird ending, but I checked a guide and turns out I did everything correct.

I know there is more of her in Majikoi S, but I can not get that game to work at all no matter what I try. So all I get of Momoyo is the one scene in Azumi's route.

This is not okay!

The sex is all in the after story.

Thanks. I didn't think there would be any unlocks in the extras, I thought that was just for the unlocked CG's. And Miyako route was filled to the bring with sex scenes.

I am not normally a Visual Novel type of guy, but I am not adverse to the genre.
Lucy -The Eternity She Wished For- and fault - milestone one/two are on sale on steam. Are they worth buying as a first time "player"/reader?
I mean, I have watched the Steins;Gate anime but not played the game (yet). What is the best way to get into this genre?

So overall:
DC 2>DC 3>DC 1 ?

>VN tries to make you sad
>it succeeds

Haven't read either of them.
>What is the best way to get into this genre?
Depends, what kind of genre are you looking for?

Here's a very old rec. chart.

Honestly I'd recommend Katawa Shoujo as your first VN. It's a meme but it's still legendary as it almost single-handedly popularized VNs in the west. It will show you whether or not VNs are your thing or not, and if you don't like it, no big deal because it's free. It was my first and although I've read better ones since that, in retrospect it was perfect for that role.

>buying VNs

>pirating VNs

Thanks for image.
>Depends, what kind of genre are you looking for?
I'm really not too fussed. I really like /m/echa related stuff but I freely enjoy most if not all genres. I think a good story is more important.
Okay, I will look into it. Thanks.
I currently have 768 games on steam. I won't spend $40 on a visual novel, but $5? sure.

>buying vidya

Steam also censures the VN's

I'm more interested in entertaining stories than I am sexual content. I'm fine with having any games I purchase censoring that stuff. I'd assume there are fan-made patches to re add that stuff anyway, if I felt so inclined.
The hunnie-pop devs did that iirc.

Katawa Shoujo, Steins;Gate, F/SN, G-senjou no Maou & Grisaia no Kajitsu are the best starters.

fuck off faggot


Thanks. I guess I should just go and play Steins;Gate.
I don't understand why you are upset.

It's because of fags like you that we get censored versions of things like fucking grisaia.

Get out. Now.

Yeah...DC1 is mediocre all around but for some reason it still got its own charm.

Every Bishop Game following 2009

Is this good at all? I like what I'm seeing.

>underlining reddit as if where the translation of a description came from matters
Anyway, it's unique, that's for sure.

butthurt pervs

god damn I can't wait to finally be able to jack off to an English-translated Bishop game, it's going to be fucking glorious

hurry up Quof plz


I posted about this elsewhere but I actually think a lot of western Bishop fans are going to be really thrown off by how dense a read it is. Tons of lengthy lines like:
I hope that kind of text density doesn't disappoint people.

It's okay.

We don't want your kind over here.

If you like mecha, the Muv-Luv trilogy is great. I'd suggest waiting until Alternative gets released in a few months though. Reading order is Extra > Unlimited > Alternative. You absolutely can't skip Extra.

Scat is patrician fetish

>I'm more interested in entertaining stories than I am sexual content
Problem is that they take it further than simply removing the sex scenes, half of the time.

>We don't want your kind over here.

Yes we do, don't listen to the loudmouth elitists

> I really like /m/echa related stuff
You should read the Muv-Luv series at some point.

I finally finished KnS 2, after playing the First episode two years ago. Second episode was even more beautiful then the first one for me. No other series gave me this much sadness and depression.
And also I belive no other character suffered as much as Toko ;_;