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>running away doesn't cost stamina
>speed classes do more damage than the heavy/medium classes
>their "disadvantage' basically doesn't exist unless you suck at the game
sick balancing


v gud emblem

Fifth for I'm bad at the game, but I still made this.

>jewbisoft bans swastikas
>this will go unpunished

is there any benefit to playing this with a controller over m/kb

i posted this last thread but whatever


need tips

what this guy said
As a peacekeeper many wardens expect that dash forward lunge attack so an easy counter is to dashforward high parry into free grab punish. Most classes in this game have some form of unblockable to bait shit but every class can do something like heavy attack up cancel into parry for a free punish.

I do find it funny that a lot of people who have never played fighting games bitch about every class instead of trying to learn counters

heh.... u thought you defeated me? kid.... *its a hologram*

so many fucking ragequitters

fuck this shit

every game is a join in progress

there needs to be way more severe leaving penalities

>Samurai man literally will not block

>every match has 2 peacekeepers per team

I've found that weebs are usually the worst at the game.

Reminder that the Conqueror takes less skill then the Orochi, Nobushi, and PK. The only thing they are good for is the female doing the balls loose emote.

Would any kind user do me a solid and hook me with a beta key, please?

Thanks for reading!



Are there multiple loadouts? Stats for dominion are way different than for 1vqs or 2v2s and its a pain to keep switching stuff

What did Ubisoft mean by this?

after getting to reputation one for the specific class, you unlock 2 loadout slots for a total of 3 different sets of gear

How do I get to reputation 1? Just level up?

Her moveset is pretty complex but it doesn't matter when you just dodge attack over and over


it means that she is hard to play when you fight oroichi

completing lv20

It sounds to me like you got out fucking skilled.

Probably nothing, Since Ubisoft is a publisher. The studio itself is called Ubisoft Montreal.

how do get that crown?

Can someone send me a code? I want to try it before regreating a buy...

[email protected]

>Need to know spacing
>Rather squishy character
>Need to be able to read the opponent moves
>Easily punishable when being rushed
>Need to learn how to use Hidden Stance

Geez Bill Nye I wonder!


I mean if not bait. Gear stats are turned off for 1v1 and 2v2.

If you baited me. Then enjoy the (You)




Why can Orochi kill in three hits?

its a moba mode

Don't be like this guy and learn to dodge.

It's easier than any other character besides peacekeeper, don't kid yourself.

I think i see why people think throws are bullshit in this game. The time it takes you to move your thumb from the right analog stick to Square/X button is honestly to slow most of the time since your finger needs to be on the right analog stick constantly. Playing this game on a keyboard is so much better than controller for that reason. It also makes attack canceling much faster and harder to react to. Doing right on analog stick > attack > move hand to cancel button > move hand back to left on analog stick > attack takes almost a second more than doing it with m+kb.

That or they are just bad and this is their first time playing non team based games and having to rely on their own skill

>Out skilled
>Presses one button in shield bash

Tell me Deus fag, do you even know any of the character's others moves? Or is that the only thing your brain can process?

no not dominion.

and then removed it?

Pic related, there's a lion with a crown symbol. I just blew it up and covered the lion.

>posted from my warden

i meant for emblem

"You're next line will be..."

I have no problems with teching/canceling or generally anything on pad.
Do you have fat fingers?

How to counter Warlord

>you and the enemy guard break at the same time
>they actually do it and throw you off a bridge

What all can a Warden do out of a shoulder bash? Other that double side light.

You can also cancel it into a Guard Break, right? How?

Anything else?


as a Nobushi I have never seen another Nobuchi so you must be wrong

>you and the enemy guard break at the same time
>theirs counts and yours doesn't

Every time. p2p was a mistake.

Take it you whore.

Well you can do a light+heavy but it takes so much stamina and doesn't do as much damage as double light. It really is the best option.

Canceling Bash into a GB is easy, double tap the guardbreak button when charging the bash

Light + Heavy isn't a true combo though and can be parried, right?

What about the canceling into a guard break? I've seen it in a few webms but I'm not sure how this works.

How the fuck are you getting rushed?

Literally just dodge backward and zone everything to death. Nobushi can't lose that way.

why the fuck can't I dodge backwards sometimes? am I locked into the enemy's swing or something?

I main conqueror and raider, try again.

How do you beat a conqueror who does nothing but swing->shield bash as a warden

Huh? i don't see it. All i have right now is usual 1v1, 2v2 and Dota2

Why does my light after a shoulder bash sometimes only hit once? (usually the second or third bash)
Why can the enemy sometimes block my attack after the second bash?

Are bashes after the first one somehow weaker?

It can yes, but it's so fast that if someone can parry it they deserve it.

In regards to cancel into guard break not sure, I'm not that good yet.

Light + heavy is a combo, it's in the move list.

+1 for sun meme

How does this work, exactly?

I'm an orochi and I'm having an awful time against warlords anyone have tips?

Cancel into guard break by pressing X again shortly after release.

Or you can feint it with the feint button.

>If I keep trying to beat her faster attacks maybe I'll hit her someday!

>I either spam bashes or throw people off cliffs
my bad, overestimated you

There's a difference between "Combo" and "True Combo". Light + Heavy is a combo. Side Light + Side Light is a true combo. A true combo is one that the enemy cannot avoid getting hit by if the first move connects.


>run into a buddy from siege
>hey, glhf etc in uplay chat
>3-0 his orochi with warden
>not even trying just spamming heavy because he keeps dodging in the same direction
>before the execute animation finisheschat explodes
>its impossible to counter guard breaks
>games so fucking broken
>wardens so op
>how can you play such a broken character
>don't you play ash too...
>says hes uninstalling the game before going offline
theirs something really special about being there to experience the salt you caused
>mfw I made a rep 2 zerker ragequit after bringing it back from 0-2

What program do you use for .webm conversion to get that quality and filesize?

Oh how'd you cover the lion? I can't get a grip with this shit at all

How 2 git gud?

>some dumb weaboo Orochi fag gets mad after I tackle him off map edges twice, says I can't win in a real fight
>on the next map, just constantly push him up against walls and ring his bell with my black quarterback viKANG Raider
>he quits immediately after round 3 is over

Show no love to homo thugs. If you're shit and have no awareness of your surroundings, I'm going to punish you for that every time.

Parry the swing, side step the bash.

If territories get cut off you have 1 turn to get back to them before they go to the enemy.

>nigger viking
i just leave any game at the start if i see this

And the weebs go tumbling down, tumbling doooooowwwn

>being this autistic

Cool. Figured you Deus fags were dumber than the smelly vikings.

But I guess since I'm learning PK I guess I am as well

My Warden is black too. Don't tell anyone.

Things to add to OP:
The list of media to get in the mood for each faction

>not making all of your heros niggers with swastikas to make people mad
why even live?


I don't blame him.

Where da lawbringer at?

not out to make anyone mad
but that doesnt mean i cant maturely eradicate that heresy from my quality gaming time by just leaving

I'm white as rice, I just like making beta bitches like you all angry.

I also don't play this game unless drinking, probably going to get myself banned with the banter.

anyone else keep getting kicked out on pc?

are you fucking kidding me

you can't change look unless you have another piece of armor with a unique look IN your inventory?

then why the fuck is the inventory capped? why the fuck do they encourage you to scrap armor? why don't you just unlock the appearance forever?

seriously, fuck this retarded shit

woah, can you cancel a dash into shoulder?