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Pharah is a slut

Any speculations on when the next sale's gonna be?
Being poor is suffering

>defense matrix not going through teammates was a bug all along
>it will eat projectiles immediately after they exit the muzzle instead of letting them travel a minimum distance in the next patch


I thought this was the intended usage of her matrix but it never fucking worked. Finally D.Va will be able to cuck Roadhog in return.

This is your Huckleberry for tonight.

Yeah, D. Va's way too fucking squishy now. Rein and Zarya are now the only front-line tanks, the other three are for flanking and disrupting and hiding behind shield.

who here /exclusivelyplayingCTF/?

So, now that D.Va is no longer broken, can Winston take her place in the Tank Meta?


how do i counter the high noon man

that stun is retarded


My salt right now could poison the sea.


What did she mean by this?

why'd they change mei's face to be cute, mei isn't cute


i love meihem!

use anyone that can do damage from outside his roll range and aim better than he does

He better bend over

>Estimated Time: 0:13
>Elapsed Time: 2:02 and counting

Is the ded game meme real now?

Post pure characters.

you're lucky you weren't here on release for the HOL UP combo, fth's hammer used to be like triple its current or something of the sort


Why is D.VA so fun?

Meihem user is CUTE

The sun isn't the only thing that's at its highest point.


>Blizzard put a sniper in a team game
>sniper doesn't have to care about the team at all
>and can also fuck over the other team easily
truly they are masters of game design

I was until it became apparent that the team without Torbjorn/Symmetra was automatically going to lose unless they immediately steamroll the other team and camp their flag.

And even if they can't manage to fully camp them, the leading team will then just go full turtle and wait out the timer.

i hope for nepal they do a summer map where it's all green outside

>80% of this general are under plat


ffs can these shitters stop picking Junkrat when there's Pharah as the enemy


Ways to fix CTF

>reverse the flags i.e. you have to carry your flag into the enemy team
>remove the pickup timer
>have three flag spawns in each base which are randomly rotated through (to prevent camping a single spot)
>remove or shorten the general match timer

why is this general so dead

It's pretty late in burgerland.

Bruh it's always dead this time of night

Gentlemen: How do we further buff Sombra and make her better despite not necessarily needing one

This game is dying

>remove the pickup timer
>have three flag spawns in each base which are randomly rotated through (to prevent camping a single spot)

Those two would fix 90% of the "problems"/draws.

maybe if widow wasn't in the game in the first place blizzard wouldn't have had to remove the avoid player feature

Soldier should be able to use his pistol

Soldier should be able to use his pistol

>9.00 am Saturday in EU time (everybody else sleeping/working)
>1. am Saturday in murrica time (everybody is out/sleeping)

Only way I would accept the timer going away is if they made people drop the flag when they use mobility abilities. A Sombra in Central can drop her beacon, stealth to the point, and recall before it resets.

I would be okay with the flag moving, especially if they use the buildings. Garden has too much LOS if it was kept out in the open.

I would add making people take unhealable damage if they have the flag for more than a minute. Have the timer shorten the more it gets passed off. It's too easy to abuse.

They also need to balance the spawn points more. Garden is horribly unbalanced. The side where the ledge starts on the left is heavily favoured for defense.

Soldier alternate weapon is D.Va blaster. There, I fixed your character.

How does the SR system work? I just did my placement matches (won 3, draw 2, lost 5) 4 losses were entirely because we had 2-3 people drop out of each match the other was because they were genuinely better than us. So I ended up Silver, like 1974 or something and then won my first non-placement match which put me into Gold and I haven't had any other games today. How much on average do you get for a win/loss? I usually play support so do they get less as well?

I should clarify the first point. She can drop her beacon on her flag, grab the other, and recall before it resets.

Soldier alternate weapon is D.Va blaster. There, I fixed your character.

>reverse the flags i.e. you have to carry your flag into the enemy team

Literally perfect

Soldier alternate weapon is D.Va blaster. There, I fixed your character.

I'm starting to get scared when I play ranked matches. I played season 1 and got to 70, then I didnt play season 2 at all outside of a little quick play. I'm playing again now and calibrated just under 3000, got up to 3200 before not playing for 2 weeks. In quick play games at the moment im getting matched with players who are 3300+, mostly around 3500 with a couple of 4000s here and there. I'm holding my own and doing well enough in each of those games and have a reasonable winrate. I notice on a few close ranked games I've played as well as in these close, fun unranked games, I get a weird feeling in my chest and am a little shaky similar to how you get when your blood sugar is low. The hero I've been spamming alot recently because I find her fun is Ana but I'm scared to take her in ranked because I'm worried I won't be able to hold my own. At the same time, I think I can play a number of tanks and supports to a viable level. I don't believe in maining really.
Anyone else get this? I never had this when I was playing dota and I dont really believe in 'ranked anxiety'

>tfw someone calls you a healslut and they're right

>every fucking hole in the team, i have to change to fill
>every time i have to change to fill, nothing is ever changed to compensate
>constantly getting collapsed on due to no teamwork and s76s standing still while they ult

fuck australian ow players

>try competitive
>on fire
>get swept 0-3

how often can i expect this to happen

Yeah. Try playing ranked especially during those times.
You'll get adrenaline pumping like no other and it'll either do you good or bad. Mostly good

What rank?

How does the SR system work? I just did my placement matches (won 3, draw 2, lost 5) 4 losses were entirely because we had 2-3 people drop out of each match the other was because they were genuinely better than us. So I ended up Silver, like 1974 or something and then won my first non-placement match which put me into Gold and I haven't had any other games today. How much on average do you get for a win/loss? I usually play support so do they get less as well?

>bought game to play with friends
>they only "play for fun"
>they end up quitting the game from getting their shit stomped so hard
>no one to play with

Yeah that sure was "fun". Where do people get the idea that you're not having fun if you're trying to win? I'm clearly having more fun if I'm still playing the game and you're not.

>I'm clearly having more fun if I'm still playing the game and you're not.
keep telling yourself that

>first time getting five golds
>card only mentions killstreak
oh well

Is this how Blizzard wants Sombra players to play?

Hack disables passives
EMP stops all ults mid ult (genji, soldier, junkrat wheel, bastion, dva, rein, winston, and zenyatta get their ults canceled)

I agree with you on everything but Zenyatta's.
His is supposed to be the "Ult-free zone", so it'd defeat the purpose of having another ult completely cancel it
Having fucking ana being able to cockblock it with just a fucking grenade is bad enough

I can concede on that one, all I really care about are genji, soldier, and bastion

Which girl is the best girl pls?


is the origins edition worth it

Only one of the skins is good, pass on it and upgrade when its $10 if you care

>paying extra for retarded cosmetics


What's the verdict on CTF?

I'm having a lot of fun, it's such an easygoing mode, good to practice different heroes on

Haven't played in 6 months.

Who is S tier right now?

The killfeed should be center aligned with the kill icon in the middle desu.

I dunno, I thought the strike commander looked kinda cool

>play lucio
>gain 20 SR if I win, lose 28 SR if I lose

>play pharah
>gain 30 SR if I win, lose 25 SR if I lose

why would anyone play a healer in solo queue

I'm still hung up on this thing where they gave me this game for free

Is that common? Am I just a spectacular person?

Discourages setting up a base, the current problem is that no one wants to bother going through enemy defenses to get the flag, but if it was in front of them it'd encourage Leroy Jenkinses. Not really in the CTF spirit but the game wasn't designed with it in mind.

everyone and their mom uses it

i don't think i'm alone in being annoyed at the sight of it

Their voices don't change. So Morrison still sounds like an old man and Reaper still sounds undead.

Agreed, that shit triggers my autism

They want to FUGG


the commando/night op skins are way better

>start off the night 1-4 and finish it 7-6
>all those matches to just finish with 15 MMR higher than I started

whose muff do I have to eat to just get GM before March

I thought the torb mains would stop once I reached a certain SR

>start the night not having this game
>end the night having this game for free

lads how can you even compete with such skill

heh, welcome to hell

>mfw I'm unironically shilling for blizzard in the overwatch chatroom because they gave me bad tf2 for free


>whoa look at me guys I got this bag of shit for free!

Soldier alternate weapon is D.Va blaster. There, I fixed your character.

That's the best 76 skin if you ask me

>doesn't use Jet or Smoke

get out of my face kid

Jet is GOAT

>80% of this general is talking about skins
nice dead game kiddos

Came across a guy named "Boypussy"

Guess his main

My computer can't even handle it

Later nerds I got your game for free and won't even play it

nice toaster

Soldier alternate weapon is D.Va blaster. There, I fixed your character.

Either Hanno or genji

only fags use it to show off their wealthy epeen

Just woke up and saw a dream where I was a pro McCree main and played on a new map that looked like a water processing plant. Whoa