Shadowverse is a free-to-play, class-based collectible card game.
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Shadowverse is a free-to-play, class-based collectible card game.
Platforms: iOS, Android, Steam (
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Old thread
Don't be a hater like that asshole.
Post Forte
This blood player is literally killing himself
This is retarded
>1 defense
Eyfa is better.
no you shitter
that is how control blood works
>all these darias getting btfo
what happened runebros?
ok guys, everyone thought ramp dragon was a meme and it turned out to not be, so how do we fix control shadow
Sandbagging so she doesn't get nerfed
>matched against its worst matchup
>what the hell? Daria sucks!
This will be used as an excuse by dariafags.
that's why being vampire is suffering
even aggrobats literally kill themselves
vampy won though
>step 1: take the neps out
Resuming after a 30 minute break.
The meta is still changing and Daria's extremely unstable deck can't keep up
>le daria tier 1 meme
>loses every match in the tournament that isnt a mirror
So Amelia is just straight up better than floral?
>matched against its worst matchup
But /svg/ told me haven counters Daria.
I can't wait for daria to get buffed
Looking for a private surrender please, 58755
Beat roach
do you have a list i can see? i'm a shitter :^)
Daria rune lacks a method to burst Blood down from 11. Control Blood can easily capitalize on that with well-placed Diabolic Drain.
If Shadow is king of single target removal, Blood is king of aoe.
less smug
was better as a loli, would have better remained one
Deck bricks half the time
>Has 2 bad match-ups with one being impossible to win against
>Can still lose against other decks as well
>Somehow people still think the deck is OP
Are you guys retarded?
My Wife Dorothy will never get nerfed!
Thanks, that was so fast my post timer was still ticking
>If Shadow is king of single target removal, Blood is king of aoe
but that's haven
I'm a shitter as well as so no dicklist
This tournament shows us that Dragon is indeed viable and that people complaining about Daria are fucking stupid
I swear, Rob card pack seem to be bugged or something. For the past 10 packs I've brought it's always 2-3 silvers then the rest bronze. And yet opening a standard weekly pack netted me a Forte and dire bond.
So is her name Daria or Dorothy?
what are you guys watchin ?
>tournament=ladder meta
Every time
Situational for me.
Floral if I need more bodies to throw at my enemy.
Amelia if I need to delay shit.
you have spent all your luck for those forte and dire bond, you should wait till it regenerates
When are your sleeves getting released for anyone that isn't a japanese whale, you smug bitch?
>daria loses a few games in a tournament
>these few games are more meaningful than 10s of thousands of games on ladder
not sure about that one buddy
Why does it say Daria in the file name then?
daria tempovich
storm ramp has a good winrate on shadowlog
Daria isn't a big deal,
Japs are back complaining about Seraph and Themis again, after the initial shock of Daria wore off, since those cards are the real cancer.
Meanwhile the western fanbase would rather still complain about Daria every time they can, like everyone's still stuck on the 2nd week of RoB.
Now that daria isnt gonna be nerfed anytime soon we should all play havencraft. The only chemo in this cancer neta
>want more Memedragoon or Nepnep
>get Dorothy
I just want to meme shit, I don't have that old fart mage that cast 3 damage+ piercing rune shits.
Hopefully soon.
Because retarded localization bullshit.
I guess. I'm just used to getting at least some golds and leggos every other 2nd pack. Probably ran out of luck.
What can these guys even win at the JCG?
19% of all decks on ladder are Daria.
If usage keeps up, the nerfhammer is coming.
isnt it 30% last week?
Like 30 yen
31% is Rune as a whole, including Dirt and DShift.
She is Daria
She changed her name when she migrated to USA
She is American now
thats pretty bad
I need a concede please:
Then why isn't she 300 pounds
i think the classic daria sleeves will be released never again but we can get a new rune pre-made deck with an alt art daria and therefore alt-art sleeves... at least it is not impossible
daria as a leader is another possibility but i dunno what they will do about the sleeves then, they certainly will not give away those whale-only sleeves for 500 rupees
i also wonder about cerb, if we get cerb leader what we will get as her emblem then because there is a classic cerb emblem already among the default ones
undying fame!
trump building the wall when
She was fucked by translator team along with Vampy and Camellia.
cos she is not black
daria is a cute name though
Thank you
Vania is better name than Vampy anyway
>and Camellia.
>Use Facebat Bampy deck for fun
>Get matched up against Darianiggers
>Change to Seraph Haven
>Get matched up against Aggro sword
>Change to Daria deck
>Get matched up against Seraph Haven twice, even there's a singe match that my back to back Daria get Themised twice.
Today's a bad day, i'll hit just daily and go to sleep.
Vampy is a pretty stupid name, it would be like a human getting the name humy
kill yourself dub cuck
Stupid name for a stupid character. It makes it cute.
Goblin's feeling hungry!
it sounds offensive and hurts the feeelings of vampires
Nobody can stop me!
I don't know why they changed it, if they cared about "teehee" names like "Castle"Vania then they shoulda kept Dorothy for her being a witch, her dub lines even seem to give reference to Oz with sweeping you away a la tornadoes.
Don't forget that they changed Albel to Albert too
Why are EOPs so insecure they must resort to shitposting?
tfw dorothy will never spellboost you till you are swept away like by a tornado
You really don't know anyone named Manny?
>not running both forte and eyfa
Well, it looks like the Japs are stuck on DE meta if they really get unglued by Seraph at this point.
I'm going to spellboost a baby into her womb
> "Castle"Vania
That really insights my Oglers.
Someone is going to use this deck in the tournament? Cynthia, tia and windgod, that seems like an older roach deck.
somebody already succesfully used fairy beast + tia
Classic numale localizer humor. Everything has to be puny and ironically cheesy or it's tryhard and creepy!
I can see fairy beast, tia probably too. I don't know about cynthia and windgod
i think you just invent things
Their translations really stink to high heaven
I agree only with 1 Cynthia but even running it doesn't feel good. But every time I tried running her, she comes in clutch and saves my ass.
Tia is viable. She has never let me down in ladder.
Now Wind God? I don't agree with this at all.
I don't think the person who came up with the name "Vampy" tried very hard at all
More like Transyl"Vania" pun
ancient lion spirit is totally balanced!
i think that pun it's an invention of the dub haters
What the fuck it's a lethal why is it taking him so long.
had to use seraph, bitch
Get chemo'd
You don't want to fuck it up, you had enough mana to play another fairy as well but would fuck up your board
>drawing all 3 seraphs
>3 seraph
>ancient lion spirit
it actually is, at least it didnt gain stat after evolve unlike a certain 2 drop
>3 seraph 1 bahamut brick city haven