/gsg/ - Grand Strategy General

We don't have an official steam or discord group. If anyone posts in the thread about any "official" or not steam or discord groups, promising MP or not, be sure it's a shitposter group known for organizing raids and shitposting in the thread. They are known for false-flagging.
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How fares your empire, /gsg/?
This day in history, January 28th:
661 – The Rashidun Caliphate was effectively ended with the assassination of Ali, the last caliph.
814 – Charlemagne dies of pleurisy in Aachen as the first Holy Roman Emperor. He is succeeded by his son Louis the Pious as king of the Frankish Empire.
1871 – Franco-Prussian War: The Siege of Paris ends in French defeat and an armistice.
1918 – Finnish Civil War: The Red Guard rebels seize control of the capital, Helsinki; members of the Senate of Finland go underground.

CK2 DD38 - My kingdom for an interface

EU4 - 24/01

>Random Country Picker

# Archive (mods only)

#Where to get these games

# Mods

>>[HoI4] - More Music Mod

>>[HoI4] - Après Moi, Le Déluge

>>[CK2] - user Music Mod

>>[CK2] - After The End

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod - 27/11/2016

>>[V2] - Napoleon's Legacy v0.3.1.7

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V10

>>[V2]Africa Mod

Old Thread

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Everything looks pretty regular desu

What's this?

Looks like he's trying to figure out the most OP countries in EU4
aka minmaxing

Absolutely based

uh oh

EU4 is pretty fucking boring, anyone has a suggestion of something interesting to do?

Fun/Good nation for eu4 mp?

Yes go take a hike in the natureand take in the impressions of national romanticism.

I don't know. Blobbing? Fucking around trade flow?

Depends what the other players will play.

Question, because I never played MP before: Do people usually just pick whatever nation they want, aka OP nations and great powers, or do they usually pick small nations? What's common?

also, try only keeping to a certain geographical region such as central Europe if you're German or a sort of greater France depending in whatever nations you're playing and instead of blobbing create vassals or marches to control other areas. It's sort of more realistic and potentially more fun, but after a certain point EU4's lack of depth really kills replayability so try playing a better game.

Trying to measure how good different eu4 nations are at combat.

Currently 0.5 Army Tradition has a value of "6.102232556 Discipline".

It all of course depends on a lot of situations, and the armies used for measuring aren't representative of all countries and eras.

You still have to use some common sense and apply to the listing, but I think it is neater than going over the national ideas of nations and on the spot looking over the fire damage, leader shock and shock damage recieved to get an idea how food the nation is.

If you'd get a 6 shock, 6 fire general anyway the extra AT doesn't help you in that respect, only in the extra morale you get.

idk really I've never played mp

uninstall.exe and play something good like Victoria 2

I like Punjab.

Good military ideas and economic ideas.

15% production efficiency is among the highest in the game, then it also has 10% goods produced which has synergy with production efficiency.
Goods produced also boosts gold and I like to get gold provinces up to 8-9 base production.

oh nevermind this: I guess they're not bad, but you'd start out as delhi, release and play as punjab, and then you'd be gambling on the timurids coming.
So I wouldn't say mp safe.

They usually pick GPs

>playing as subhumans
You have to go back.

Rate my europe.



You have to go back shitskin

What's the difference between this thread and apart from R+I at the start? Yet the other one was abandoned even though it was made first.

>le rome

t. german """aryan""" larper

t. poo in the street

I played that mod. So unbelivbly overpowered its not even funny I colonized North America by 1650 and had more modifiers then any nation could ever need. Kinda fun once though only wish the mid game was more then sweeping up indians and colonizing though.


>part from R+I at the start?
Hi newfag
The first post marks the proper thread.
Welcome to /gsg/ now fuck off.

Yeah I took north america (Stopped at the real life border to Mexico, Spartainia in this universe) and spend my time trying to bankroll small nations and see what I could fuck up with proxy wars.

I am actually sending 50 gold a month to Prussia in the hope that they blob, so far they are very peaceful.

t. 'streets are my loo' shitskin


I was able to migrate to jamaica, but I'm unable to migrate either forward or backwards? The heck is going on.

Was hoping to make Carib great in the Caribbean, but the islands are like 6 away from my colonial range, and now I'm stuck. reee

hm weird

couldn't migrate from aleut to alask for some reason as a native siberian clan council and couldn't figure it out.
Wasn't a real game I was just testing stuff though.


stop posting anytime

Should I join the league?

If I should become emperor then I will need protestant to win or a white peace in that war. But is becoming emperor necessary?

Also, France will ally me if I join their league, but I will lose Austria as ally.

Fuck my life, I hired an advisor to increase colonial range, then remembered that you can only colonize adjacent provinces as primitives

I'm literally stuck on this island, and I'll never be able to westernize either.

I am perpetually set up until big bubba portugal/spain comes to tear my anus and game over me. Game over man.

Is this a good mod?

Nah I'm a based t.urk
will bash you tho

I managed to meet the requirements for converting to a merchant republic pretty fast, but should I wait a while before enacting it? Max out all my tribal holdings perhaps, or wait for a very young ruler to maximize my years spent ruling so I can focus on economic growth and not sinking money into the election?

t. shitskin

>then remembered that you can only colonize adjacent provinces as primitives

Oh even if you get to dip 3?

Are Charlemagne and Old Gods worth the buy? Don´t want to wait for the next sale, whenever that is.

You know, I never considered that. That's probably how it would work.

If you form prussia maybe you can win that league war with 100 militarization.

Yep, it does work.

Succubus Rust Empire queen here. Feels kind of sad though, that it just sorta seemed the faith was becoming a vehicle for me.

Played her loving being pregnant and having children. I think the direct born children count was nearly 100 last I played it. I was kind of evil too, once I realized the succubus powers I had accidentally sort of spread far and wide. So I'd been spending a bunch of time "reclaiming the blood" - if I couldn't convince long lost family members who didn't know why they had powers and urges, I killed them. It was horrible. I'm still ashamed.

You don't know how hard it hurts to not only leave your children out there in the world, never knowing her loving touch, but to take their life. At least, as a succubus, I could make it painless.

Sorry Guru, I'm so sorry.

The reason why a lot of these Indians or their deities are so pale in artwork is because pale skin was considered holy in the Vedas. It's one of those devices the white settlers tried to use to keep themselves apart from the Dravidians.

It didn't work, and that's why no Indian today is that pale.

who the fuck cares about shitskins?


R8 my Yurope

I haven't managed to solve the crashing issue. I'll probably have somebody take a look at my save in hopes he could tell me what to do.

why did you make it neon green

is hitlermod ded?

No. Boats and over sea colonization is literally locked until you upgrade to monarchy.

What a waste of time and dip tech to test.

Posting again beacuse last thread reached limit.
MP session, playing as Russia, France is about to attack, I'm 1 tech behind them, and am low on ideas. Took humanist, admin and defensive.
They don't have allies, but neither do I.

Should I join with ottomans to take back Crimea? I will go to war with either haixi or ming next, where should I put my capitol and trade port in asia?

Maybe, but I'm a long way from forming Prussia I think. Not even sure if I'm gonna try at this point. TO is too strong, and at the moment I'm very weak, almost no income and I can barely keep a mid sized army.

If you can ally ottomans then you will have nothing to worry about France, I imagine.

Well, france has a total of 300k troops, the same number me and ottomans have combined. Ottomans also have 0 manpower.

How do you know they have 0 manpower?

He told me.

Do NOT trust the roach

Still, if it's true, we're not gonna have a good time.

How did he manage to swing 300k manpower in 1585? I didn't think lower England had this much value.

It's very easy because spain, portugal and scotland are new players. Arabia and ottomans are relatively new as welll.

I don't understand why that matters. Will france really have 300k manpower by owning england and the dutch lands+ a couple of hre provinces? I will need to check out france sometime, they have more potential than I thought.

>united france
>not the stronkest EU blob

R8 my OC slutfu. I wanted to Advance the Flag of Dixie but for some reason when I made an OC I instantly got the USA title when I used the Extra Titles addon.

What religion did you go for?

hm, annoying

Could've started a new game and console tested it.

Damn. I had an idea where I would play carib and convert to nahuatl, and then get to dip tech 3 to colonize an island next to euros, since carib have vision over that area.
I guess that won't work.

>Took humanist, admin and defensive.
show everyones idea groups

negative warscore is because I didn't realise armies had to be non-exiled to fight troops that walk in their province

Can someone explain something to me?
Is Kaiserreich for DH bugged?

I'm trying to do an amphibious assault in the Phillipines but the mission does not appear in the list. Right clicking at the desired province does not work.

It's strange, because I had no problems with this while playing regular DH, and the Japanese have started their own amphibious assaults against me multiple times.

>1 diplomacy as an empress
>2.6 billion gold

>Culture Groups by development

France has: quantity (7), admin (7), offensive (7), exploration
Prussia: influence (7), admin (7), quality (7), offensive
Ottomans: quality (7), admin (7), quantity (7)

Rest are irrelevant.

Prussia won't attack me because we have truce for another 12 years.

You can spam the whoring events non-stop and you get a gorillion amount of money. Who knew it was that easy.

Also, France has 5 vassals, most of northern Italy, that's Venice, Montferat, Florence, and Northumberland in england.

I refuse to believe that there's even close to 2.6 billion pieces of gold circulating in post-apocalyptic America. You've whored so much 500% of the world's GDP has passed through your rancid crotch.

Oh yeah I also borrowed money from the kikes, not sure if that's from After the End or Dark World.

>Prussia won't attack me because we have truce for another 12 years.
So he'll have to pay ~300 paper mana to attack you

I think you're gonna get slaughtered desu, but at least the prussian player will be able to murder france later on so maybe that could give you some satisfaction.

have you started on your 3rd idea group?
which was it? humanist?

hm, another 4 sets of leader pools and a minimum of 40k manpower.

What's your manpower at? 280k?

My admin is 3, defensive is 2 and humanist 4.

He doesn't have a cb either, since he took all the cores back from Lithuania.

What is a total conversion CK2 mod where I can conquer all of the map without crossing the vassal/demense limit?

Probably the Mount&Blade one? Or Geheimnisnacht if you play a Chaos Nomad. Just disable the vassal/demense limit if you find it so troublesome.

>My admin is 3, defensive is 2 and humanist 4.
ah okay, too late to convince you to abandon humanist then

It's not bad, but if you were at 7 admin and defensive 2 maybe another idea group could've been a better option.
Also I think religious has better synergy with russia.

>He doesn't have a cb either, since he took all the cores back from Lithuania.
Doesn't matter really if he'd plan to truce break

Maximum is 137k, which is basically nothing.

What I'm asking is a mod where the map is small enough for me to rule it as an ordinary feudal empire without having to cheat.

I like small-scale /gsg/ but there's little of it.


I don't think any mods like that exist, but you can do a world conquest and rule as a regular feudal ruler without having to cheat in vanilla ck2. There shouldn't be enough king titles for you to break your vassal limit, but if you do just merge the smaller ones.

Bought Charlemagne and Old Gods. Still have 8 euro to purchase another dlc. Any recommendations?

Very nice. A real qt. I can't tell what ethnicity you're supposed to be. Cajun?

You do know you don't need the Seduction focus though as a succubus, right?

Also, who raped you?

>exclusive whore

First of all, is Baguio a beach province? An amphib assault coast has to be a beach province (you can tell in the terrain portrait).

Second, what are you assaulting with? The amount of units you can AA with is limited by techs. That early on, you can only AA with 1 or 3 divisions at the most I think. Marines are the only unit who don't have to obey the limiter.

My computer wouldn't be able to handle the size of that theoretical empire and I'd have much more fun ruling over an immense empire in a fictional world because that doesn't beggar as much disbelief desu.

I'll just disable the limit as you said on a mod of my choice then.

damn that's way lower than I expected.
made the mistake of adding your amibition to the mix, but I still would've guessed 187500 without it.

Difference could be attributed to autonomy I guess.
If you can try to wait until after you've made a province into a territorial core and then stated the province before you raise autonomy, if you do raise autonomy.

I think that means you'll have the province at ~50+25 autonomy instead of 75+25

How are you on money and forts?
I don't think attrition alone will deter him, but it's something at least, it can be painful if the other player is spooked about splitting up his armies too much.

I don't but it gives me extra children. And yeah for the looks, but converted to Dixie culture immediately after. Is there some Evangelical heresy that accepts women?

>exclusive whore
what, you didn't pimp yourself out too?
>2 gorillion

How am I for time, focusing more so on the Empire than Hungary in this run as I'm trying to master the early game for when I do MP with my friends as the princes

wut mod's this?

I have roughly 6k saved up, I'm making a + and that's with 44 forts fully maintained, pic related, most of them here are level 4.

Ignore the picture for the other parts, I loaded the savegame and cheated to see how much I can push my numbers up.

There are various performance mods out there, I highly recommend the one that disables India. You could probably also disable Mali, Mongolia and Abyssinia without noticing any difference in gameplay. Flatten the map (even looks better) and delete the songs.